

My Mother is An Amazing Woman!

Yesterday my mom and I went out to dinner at Nanna's Kitchen. I was completely oblivious to everything around us, but my mom wasn't. I got up and paid our bill and was putting my coat on when my mom walked over to the cash register and was talking to the waitress.

Turned out there was an older gentleman sitting in the booth behind me who was finishing his food and counting out change on the table in what we assumed was an attempt to count out enough money to pay his bill.

My mom, no questions asked, without knowing this man or his circumstances, quietly asked the waitress what his total was and paid his bill. And then we walked out of the restaurant before anyone could say anything to him.

She is my hero. I love her.


Merry Xmas!!!!!

Had a great couple holi-days with my family! At mom's right now with hubby, bro, sis-in-law and niece. Yesterday was dad's with the same minus mom plus cousins, dad and step-mom. Had a great dinner at both places and quality conversation. That's really what the holiday is for me. Gifts and such are awesome but completely unnecessary imho. give me a good meal, good wine (or whiskey or even some egg nog) and good company and I'm more than happy.

That being said, I am  very happy with what Santa brought us this year.

Merry Christmas, Happy Yule and Bright Blessings for an amazing holiday season for everyone.



I love my life

Altho money is quite tight lately, i managed to have coffee and lunch with a friend yesterday late morning & tonight I'm meeting up for a last minute dinner at Angelina's and then karaoke with some old friends in Trenton to celebrate a 60th B-Day. I'll just nurse my beer at the bar and order small at the restaurant. So excited!!!

The best part is, I was totally stressing about how i was gonna look when i saw old friends, but the last minute dinner put me in a rush so how i look is how i look. Surprisingly my hair cooperated with me so at least i have that going for me lol.

!!!! They're almost here! Gotta go have some nom noms


Slowly but Surely . . .

I wish I would have taken before pictures cuz our place is almost completely finished and I am loving it so much!!!! Hopefully, if things go well, tomorrow the spare/craft room is getting finished and on Wednesday we should have our furnace installed!!! SO HAPPY!!!!! then all we'll really need to get finished are the porches (one of which is enclosed off the kitchen so I'm pretty sure we're gonna make it a pantry of sorts) and it will be done!!! Maybe then we can have people over (besides my mom lol)


Friday in the Dotte plus Harry Potter

First of all - Harry Potter - midnight show - AWESOME!!!!!!!



In just 90 minutes I'll be sitting in the theatre watching part 1 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows!!!!


I'm really scared and I hope it's as awesome as I imagine it to be. And I hope Kevin likes it too.

Other than that, nothing exciting today. Went to The Grind and got some Snickerdoodle coffee (flavor of the day) and spent a full hour sitting in our massage chair. I actually fell asleep briefly in it. So comfy. I may do the same thing tomorrow if i can. Altho i prolly wont' have the time cuz i have to wait at mom's apt. for a cable box exchange from noon - 4pm and then it's 3rd friday downtown so I'm sure I'll have to walk around a bit. They usually have free stuff and I *think* they're lighting the xmas tree downtown too. They already have the lights on the trees on the street. So pretty. I really love downtown Wyandotte in the winter.

But ... I have to put my shoes on and finish getting ready to head out to the movie theatre. Hubby will be here any minute.



I dont' know what's up with me lately but I'm so damn tired. I managed a good night's sleep last night. Fell asleep around 4AM and woke up around 11AM when someone knocked on our door. Made sure I looked halfway decent and checked, but they were gone by time i got there (about 3 minutes) so I went back to sleep for another couple hours.

putzed around the house and caught up on some soaps today. Was gonna head over to Wendy's for a RHS drumline thing but it was cold, so around 6pm i decided to lay down cuz I was so tired. Figured I'd sleep for about an hour or so, ended up in bed until 9:30PM!!!!!!! And I seriously could have stayed in bed and continued to sleep until the morning. But hubby was on his way home and he loves hanging out and watching TV on Wednesdays since it's "Ghost Hunters" night.

Also got our tix for the midnight Harry Potter premiere at MJR Southgate!!!! YAY!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!


Lucky Mom

spent most of the day hanging at my mom's today waiting for her new TV - just in time for Thanksgiving. 47 inch LG LED -LCD HD 1080p!!!! I was drooling!!! It's so big she could flip it around facing her windows and you could watch it from the park across the street - and she's on the 3rd floor!!!! Will take a pic of her oversized tv next time I'm over there.

Also got to see my brother and sis-in-law and cute niece cuz they came over so bro could hook up the TV for mom (which i could have done, but it gave her an excuse to see him) SIL told me it looked like i was losing weight, which made me happy. Who knows. I need to get a scale eventually. Last time I was on a scale tho I was depressed for weeks.


Fun Day with Hubby!!!!

Woke up, had coffee, went to work with hubby for a couple hours, stopped by old house to pick up some stuffs, returned mail order shoes (that were too big) to Kohl's (for correct size), stopped at Hobby Lobby and drooled all over the crafty stuffs,  went to T-Mobile store and was attacked by a high pressure salesman (but we didn't succumb), dinner at Dragon buffet (SUSHI!!!), stopped by to see nephews, went to Blockbuster and rented "Date Night", home in time to watch Michael Vick kick McNabb's azz on Monday Night Football.

life is good.



Another Sunday - another Lions loss. this is getting ridiculous! Especially since we lost this week to the ONLY WINLESS NFL TEAM LEFT!!!!!! @!@$%^$%@$%#$#$%^&^*$%%^!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet I am still a Lions fan!!!


Harry Potter Harry Potter!!!!

ABC Family had a HP movie marathon today. Movies 1 - 4 today and movie 5 tomorrow. It's kinda cool to see how much they've grown up since the first movie.

aren't they just adorable!?!?!?!?! I just wanna pinch their cute little cheeks


Friday in the 'dotte

i know i say this a bunch, but i really love living back down in Wyandotte.

Tonight i met up with my friend da banshee and we had dinner together and then went over to one of the 50 million churches in town for a free classical concert in which banshee's daughter was playing stand up bass (one song). I <3 hanging with da banshee cuz we totally turn 16 when we're together.

Afterwards I walked home (a whole 3 blocks) and it felt really really good. I almost stopped for a coffee at the Grind (or a chai) but I had already had 2 pepsis and 2 coffees in 2 hours and didn't think that would be wise if i wanted to sleep tonight lol.

And now, as I'm snug in our awesome downtown dotte apt, the fog is rolling in and it looks like a horror movie out there. SPOOKY!!!! I love nights like this!


La La La

did absolutely nothing today. Guy came over this morning to fix our door at the top of the stairs so it would close (YAY!!!) and painted the steps so how they're a pretty brown instead of a paint chipped green. After he left i went back to sleep for a couple hours. Played on the puter and lounged around most of the day, did a load of laundry, took another nap (lol) and ended the day with a movie with the hubby. "SUCK" w/ Alice Cooper, Malcolm McDowell, Iggy Pop, Henry Rollins & Alex Lifeson (and some other people i didn't know). It's an awesome movie. It's was like if author Christopher Moore made a vampire movie (not based on one of his books). Highly recommended.


CMAs 2010

I wanted to do more detailed observances on the CMAs tonight but hubby came home and interrupted. 

Quick thoughts:

  •  I LOVE Brad Paisley!!! I'm so happy he won Entertainer of the year!!! 
  • Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood should host the CMAs EVERY YEAR!!! LOVE IT!!!
  • Taylor Swift IS NOT country! The end.
  • Neither is Kid Rock. Or Sheryl Crow. OR GWYNETH PALTROW!!!! WTF!!!
  • Still hate that stupid Lady Antebellum song "I'm drunk and want a booty call"
  • Alan Jackson is starting to resemble my dad. Which bothers me cuz at some point years ago I thought he was hot stuff. EW!!!!!
  • Loretta Lynn still looks good. And her and Sissy Spacek next to each other? PRICELESS!!!!
  • Loved all of Carrie Underwood's dress changes. She is HAWT!!!!

And now it's time to watch some "Ghost Hunters". I <3 Wednesdays!!!!



After months of waiting (we got the tix sometime in August) Sunday, Nov 7th finally came!!! Lions v Jets!!! Winner gets top of the xmas tree!!! Jets are playing fabulously - seriously on their way to the playoffs - and Lions are the best 2 - 5 team in the league!!!


And we are still married . . .

even tho the Jets pulled out a victory yesterday against my beloved Lions 23-20



Lions v. Jets!!!!!

In just a few minutes hubby and I are heading out to Detroit to the Lions game. Hubby's a Jets fan so this may get ugly lol

GO LIONS!!!!!!!


Life is good

 Had a great time last night with friends. Went with C to karaoke at the Stray cat and wowed people with my voice (lol and then up to Gizzmo's with hubby for a couple martinis (SO GOOD!!!!)


Yet more reasons I'm glad I moved

Just got a text from a friend asking to go out for karaoke tonight. We haven't see each other since Sept at the dally and haven't hung out together in i can't tell you HOW long!!! Gonna be fun!!!!


Artfire and stuff

Today I was supposed to continue my laundry extravaganza (10 loads in 2 days) but instead i opted to spend today spoiling myself.


Damn you Oprah!!!

I was sucked in a 2nd day in a row with the Ricky Martin interview. First interview since he came out as gay in March. Plus I've loved him since his Menudo days (altho my fave always has been and always will be Robi Rosa)


Yes, I admit, i watched Oprah yesterday

Portia DeGeneres (a.k.a. Portia De Rossi) was on Oprah yesterday talking about her book "Unbearable Lightness" which is her personal story of battling with self image issues including being lesbian, body image issues and her battles with anorexia and bulemia among other things.


NaBloPoMo 2010

once again it's that time - time to prove that i can't blog for 30 days straight lol.


WE MOVED!!!!!!

there's still alot that needs to be done to the apt to finish it, but we have moved!!! I'm so happy! I love Wyandotte!!! pics will be forthcoming.



it's been a long time

In a nutshell I've been without reliable interwebz for awhile. I'm "borrowing" from the neighbor but for some reason, even tho the puter doesn't move, the connection fades in and out. i'll be lucky if I'm online long enough to finish this post really.


some thoughts on my mind before the Wyandotte Street Fair

  • completely stressed out. an absolutely essential order of rings didn't get delivered when they were supposed to and now i have nothing to make "TO ORDER"  bracelets/earrings/necklaces etc. I'm liable to have a heart attack any minute now

  • on roughly the same note I'm so completely not ready for this show. Things have been nothing but crazy with the rescheduling of our moving dates and the recent outpouring of money to utility companies, car repairs and other stuffs and i haven't been able to invest the money i wanted into my displays and a new awesome sign for us

  • totally gonna die in the heat the next 4 days. gotta make sure we have enough water and ice.

  • got to meet my new niece Keira Sofia a couple weeks ago when they all visited from Texas - she's beautiful and perfect! Just like my other niece. I miss her so much i can't wait to see her again.

  • too muthafuckin hot

  • hoping to go to the movies with our nephew Z on Sunday for his bday :-) hubby's trying to talk him into seeing "Despicable Me"

  • looking forward to seeing old friends at the street fair and hoping to make at least as much as i made last year - if all goes well

  • hubby's bro and his wife are separating and looks like they are getting a divorce. i'm just so sad for my nephews.

  • time to get back to work - got about 4 hours before i leave home for 4 days - luckily if i forget anything hubby can drop it off with my mom during the day so i can get it at night


small update

so, car got towed to a different location so it can be verified that it is indeed the timing chain that is wrong. if it is, they are going to let us have a "flex pay" situation where we'll put some money towards the car when it's done and be able to get the car with that, and then the rest when hubby gets paid next week.

and we might have the other car until friday if things go well, which should be about when our car is gonna be fixed cuz they're putting a priority on it.

bad news is we just got hit with another overdraft fee from the bank today for no good reason and it could potentially ruin us.

seriously i can't take anymore. I'm going back to bed. maybe forever.


Yes I'm still alive

Sorry for the month long hiatus. Things have been a little crazy. And today is the icing on the cake.


Way Back Machine

I was reading my way back machine last night again. Altho I can see what a total dork and a total selfish person i was back then, focusing on me and how i felt rather than how anyone around me felt, some of the entries do give me warm fuzzies and refresh memories that were long filed away.

Like my first kiss. For some reason I always thought my first real kiss took place at college when i was visiting as a pre-frosh (my HS senior year) and went to a party where they served alcohol. Yes i got drunk and I ended up making out with a sophomore in the foyer of the dorm entryway i was staying.

But that wasn't the case. I completely forgot about the month long "tryst" i had during the spring musical with a fellow cast member over a year earlier.


So much to say!!!

I always want to blog and i always forget. Plus with trying to motivate to pack and stuff time just slips away from me. But i wanted to let anyone who reads this silly thing know I'm still alive and well. just kinda busy.


New blog look

I went to a friend's blog and hers was so pretty i decided I should update my look. I'm not sure I'm sticking with this one, it's just the quickest purkle one i could find. And I like the cleanness of if.



i was supposed to post a part 2 - and i have a shitton to say and blog about - but everytime lately i sit down to blog things get all jumbled in my head and they all turn into mush and nothing comes out.

SO I guess I'll just try to get some of the jumbled things outta my head. And maybe tomorrow I"ll post part 2


What a Day!!!

Today was actually St. Patrick's Day (which i don't really celebrate - I just like the corned beef and cabbage dinners) but Sunday was the Rouge Park Lounge bus trip to the Detroit St. Patty's parade.


Young Frankenstein

last night i got to see Young Frankenstein at the Detroit Opera House FREE!!!! And it was AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC!!!!

Roger Bart was the lead as he was FABULOUS!!!!


That was the first time I've seen a famous actor in a role in a show in Detroit. I was star struck!!! I am so madly in love with him now!!!!

I wish I could have taken pics, but we weren't allowed. I tried to take a couple with my cell but they were sucktastic even tho we were only FIVE ROWS FROM THE STAGE!!!!!!

and now excuse me while i get ready for darts and jello shot making tonight.



life has been busy

I don't know why i even try to blog365 or whatever - things never work out - especially since now i can't send photos from my phone to blogger - grrrrrrrr. can't wait to be able to afford interwebz on the cell again.

Festival app season fast approaches. Tomorrow I'm going to dedicate most of the day to checking out apps online and such. I didn't get a book this year which kinda sucks, but hopefully I'll find shows anyway. Plus the ones we already know about.

Getting ready to head out and have a couple drinks with hubby. Meeting a friend at the local local. Should be fun.

Alumni weekend was a frigging blast!!! i totally forgot to take pictars but had such an amazing time! i forgot how much i love those people!!!! and how much frigging fun they are!! really awesome! no wonder they were my friends lol.

And I think I have finally decided to go to the 20 year reunion in August. It interferes with Allen Park festival, but  Banshee said it's cool and hopefully I'll have fun. Hubby promises to be social and if he pissed me off at least Jake will be there ;) and Sara and Paula and Rebecca and Jeni and TONS OF PEOPLE I MISS!!!!!

Crap! almost 11pm! gotta get some clothes on instead of my PJs so we can head out.



Only 1 point at darts tonight :(


Looking forward to this weekend

So, I finalized plans with an old friend to meet up after the alumni concert. can't wait! Haven't seen this friend in YEARS!!! Should be good times. Combined with the other friends I'll catch up with, the alumni concert AND the band dinner on Saturday (which another old friend might come to) it's gonna be a great weekend!!!!!!


Monday Monday

After such an awesome day yesterday, we woke up today to hubby not feeling too well. We think maybe one of the new nigiri we tried yesterday just didn't sit well with him. Plus he didn't get his normal 50  hours of Sunday sleep lol. He did eventually get up and go to work and he's feeling better now.


Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

So today was the first V Day that my hubby and I got to spend together in the almost 10 years we've been together!

Usually, since he's a chef, he always works on this day so other couples can go out and celebrate their love together eating his yummy food. It's okay tho. I'm totally used to it. And I always get choccies, a stuffed animal and a card signed by him and the kittehs. He sets them all where i can see them before he leaves for work and I wake up later to an awesome surprise.


Lazy Saturday

Last night's show went surprisingly well! People even asked if I was gonna be there again and a few took my cards for future reference. (of course just cuz they took it doesn't mean they'll use it. I know that all too well)

So I'm gonna chat with K about maybe doing another show or 2 before festival season really kicks in. I honestly had no idea what it would be like, but I'm really glad I did it.



It's FRIDAY!!!!!!

Time to Shop at the Toy Box!!!

Really hoping i make some money tonight. Even just enough to pay for the night and the many jello shots lol.



Crochet Olympics

I originally wanted to participate and do the Cathedral Rose Window Afghan but time got away from me. I could prolly still try it, I just wouldn't be able to get started on it until Saturday since tomorrow is booked. But instead I'm going to work on finishing my dad's Harley Davidson afghan (that was supposed to be an xmas gift) and work on making a gazillion shamrock scarves for st. Patty's day. Hopefully I'll make at least 10 and sell them all on the Bus Trip. *crosses fingers and toes*

Gotta jet tho. Only got a couple hours before K stops by to pick me up for jello shot extravaganzaa lol



Time to make the Jello (shots)

Tomorrow I'm going to the Box early so that K and I can make some jello shots for the show I"m doing on Friday. We're also doing some pudding shots. Butterscotch with hot damn (oatmeal cookies) and chocolate with strawberry vodka (choc covered strawberries) - both also with some Bailey's added. I'm hoping they turn out decent. Of course we're taste testing them as well lol.


Well it's Tuesday ...

And there's a snowstorm outside. And I just KNOW hubby's gonna want to go to the local for a pitcher tonight. He basically already told me so. I kinda need to anyway to finalize things for Thursday and Friday this week. I'm all comfy cozy in the house so I know I'm gonna freeze to death walking outside lol.

Nothing else much to report except that I'm finally getting motivated to make bottlecappy things. I have ideas running around in my head and can't wait to get them out and made. Hopefully this is gonna be a good year for us.



w00t!!!! My phone is finally registered (again) for blogger!



I'm so excited!!!! Whichever team wins I'll be happy, but I'll be happier if the Saints win.


Gearing up for another show

next week Friday I'm doing a small show at the Toy Box (our local pub). It's just me and a table and some karaoke - hopefully things will go well tho. So I'm frantically making bottlecaps and stuff. Cuz you know all that talk about weekly crafting - yea - it didn't happen. I guess I need a deadline to do stuff lol


Darts tonight

Another Thursday, another night of darts. Let's hope the power stays on for us tonight.


Percy Jackson & The Olympians

So, a couple summers ago a friend of mine suggested these books to me and I had every intention of reading them but somehow never managed to do it. This was solved Monday night however when hubby came home with the first book "Percy Jackson & the Olympians - The Lightning Thief" and gave it to me. The 1st 4 books are on sale there - prolly in anticipation of the movie opening next weekend.


Lazy day

So today i was supposed to go to Wyandotte and meet up with old friends but last night my shoulders were super sore from crocheting all day (piano scarf #2 done - piano scarf #3 started) so I took a muscle relaxer my mom had given us when we were over at Xmas. Bad idea.

As expected, half an hour after I took it i became uber sleepy. I don't do pills well. Hell, even ibuprofen makes me want to take a nap! So i went to bed around 3AM (after also cranking up our "new" heated mattress pad to max). Next thing I know, it's frigging 3:30PM!!! I didn't even hear hubby's alarm go off!! And hubby gets busy at work around 4PM so he had no time to take me downriver :( very very sad.


seriously WTF?!?!

first of all welcome to blog334 (blog365 minus january lol)

So today I was watching Oprah. Normally I don't cuz she annoys the fuck out of me, but today was about "Undercover Boss" - the new show coming on CBS after the Superbowl next week and I really wanna see it so I did the Oprah thing.

They showcased 2 of the big dogs who worked for a week in their own companies - the C.O.O. from Waste management and the President (or something) for 7-11. Good choices and doubly so for me since i used to work for 7-11 and of course Waste management does our garbage.


Quick update

So starting Feb 1st I plan on blogging everyday for the year 2010. Should be fun. I'm also contemplating a blog for "magikjaz creations" - but we'll see how that goes.

Been doing alot of reading of my old journals we rescued from my mom's house. there's lots in there I don't remember and lots I do. I was such a silly girl. I'll have to get brave and share some things someday. (I say that alot i know) Today was fun tho cuz i read something I had completely forgotten and it shocked the hell out of not only me but a really good friend when i told her (i had to tell someone!!!) good times lol

Finishing up my piano scarf for the artfire order then working on 2 more. Tonight I'm also working on bottlecaps so I can get the resin poured by Sunday night hopefully and have new stuff for this weekend at the Rouge.

Connected with a couple more old friends on Facebook - including a guy i was madly crazy about way back when (but then i was crazy about them all lol) and I've been doing my best to reach out and connect with more people this year. After all we aren't in high school anymore. Old insecurities shouldn't come into play (but they sometimes do). I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Okay - time to go throw in some laundry and take a nap. I'll catch you later.



taking a trip in the way back machine

 The past few days I've been reading some old journals from my past. 1986 - 199 roughly. And a couple of 1991 entries. It's enlightening, embarrassing and ...well mostly embarrassing lol. I was such a child and I had no real social skills to speak of.


Jersey Boys

So we went with my mom and saw Jersey Boys tonight and it was fantastic. Excellent music. Interesting story. Phenomenal singing.

Beforehand we went to a new restaurant (for us) O Sushi in Dearborn on Michigan Ave.We had our usual - some red snapper, salmon and white tuna nigiri, spicy tuna maki and unagi maki. We also had 2 of their special rolls - Chicago roll which was spicy tuna and salmon with scallion and the Devil Kiss roll which was shrimp tempura with tuna, salmon, cucumber and spicy sauce. Oh! and Miso soup. All the rolls were fantastic and the soup was delicious. And while we were there they gave us a free mussel appetizer that was frigging AWESOME! I would definitely order it next time. And there will be a next time cuz we got a voucher for a free roll for the next time we dine in. yay!


I don't know if I'm sick or depressed ....

But I spent 17 hours sleeping last night/today. I fell asleep on the couch for about an hour at around 2AM. Woke up and putzed around before heading upstairs to bed and fell asleep around 3:30AM. Woke up briefly during the day for 15 minute increments but never left the bed until just after 8PM!!!! I know yesterday I was feeling crappy (it's that time of the month - plus i had a sore throat and my allergies were kicking in high gear) but I also know that when i'm depressed - and the whole saying goodbye to our childhood house HAS left me kinda depressed - I don't want to do much of anything but sleep. Combine that with all the money stress we're feeling lately and I just don't know.

But tomorrow night is Jersey Boys w/ my mom!!!! Dinner and a show - it doesn't get much better than that!! AND we know someone who is doing makeup so we might get a backstage tour tomorrow after the show!!! SO EXCITED!!!!! Merry Xmas to us!!!


So much for blog365

I guess I'll try blog334 lol (since I've missed most of January)

Things got a little crazy here for a quick minute. See, hubby and I are having major financial issues right now. In trying to juggle xmas gift giving and bill payments I ended up pissing off DTE by being about 10 days late in our payment and they sent us a shutoff notice around Dec 20th that we were going to be shut off by the 30th unless we paid our ENTIRE back due of almost $800!!! So we tried calling many numbers but they were all closed for the holidays or couldn't get us in before the end of the year. We thought we were screwed but hubby finally got someone at DTE Case management and they worked out a plan for us as long as we paid by Jan 4th. We thought we were in the clear. Turns out we were wrong.


Happy New Year!!!!

Happy 2010!!! Here's hoping this year is far better than the last.

I plan on taking inventory of the past year and what's in store for the future year, but right now my brain is mush from staying out far too late last night and all i wanna do is curl up on the couch and watch some Doctor Who today lol

(side note I'm gonna try blog365 again this year - wish me luck)


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