So update in life...Tuesday the 23rd of Jan I went to see "What the Bleep ... Down the Rabbit Hole" with my mom. It was a free prescreening for people on the what the bleep mailing list ( at ) It's a sequel/supplement to the original movie "what the bleep do we know" that came out last year. This one is scheduled to be released sometime in February. I highly recommend that everyone see it. It will change your life. Or at least the way you perceive your life.
If you haven't seen the movie "What The Bleep dDo We Know" ... first of all I suggest you rent it. It's an amazing movie. But basically what it's about is quantum physics and how it is bridging the gap between faith and science. It's a phenomenal movie that honestly will change the way you look at things. And the movie we saw Tuesday was just as good. (i thought) It explained a little deeper and gave you more to ponder. Ultimately it's all about the power of positive thinking (to simplify) and how we create the world around us.
(as I'm reading this I realize I need to stop stressing and apply this to my life right now)
Blogger was giving me problems the last week or so, not sure why, so this is gonna be short and sweet. If you wanna check out what's going on with the wedding check out my wedding blog ... pretty much around herre we're getting ready for a small party on Sunday for teh Superbowl. We have a freezer full of meats from a few weeks ago. A food show was in Kevin's hotel and they left everything they had extra so everyone scavanged and Kevin brought home like $500 worth of food (no lie) including bratwursts and ribs and clams casino and a ton of deli meat, so we're gonna use that for Sunday. It's BYOB....ummm...the cat has pretty much adopted us...or rather me. He still doesn't have a name, but I'msure it's a boy. It's still limited to being in the back room cuz we don't have the $$ to take it to the vet right now...hopefully soon...And I must confess (sorry Connie) that I let it out each day. It comes back within an hour ...usually less...and hangs out with me in the computer room. I feel bad it has to stay in here, but I can't run the risk of infecting Kaguya...or what if they don't get along and fight? I should take it to the humane society but I'm so worried they'll just put it to sleep. So it's stuck here. It's adorable's taken to jumping on my lap when I'm typing on the puter and loves treats. Altho i must also confess it has the stinkiest cat poo in the WORLD! Thank the gods for air freshener.
what else? Kevin is going to become a Mason. He was asked last week by a member. We worked a catering job on Sunday for a Masonic brother of Kevin's boss Paul. He was impressed. Kevin then worked a catering job at the Masonic Temple on Wednesday last week and blew everyone away (cuz he's awesome!) So a couple members came up to him before the night was over and asked if he was interested in becoming a Mason.
Let me share some history...Kevin's wanted to be a Mason since he was young. His grandfather was a Mason. And with the whole mytique of the FreeMasons being tied to the Knights Temlar and possibly holding the secret of the holy grail, among other things, this has pretty much been something he's been striving for his whole life. But you have to be asked to be a member. You can't just apply. So, last week, on his 39th birthday, he was asked. YAY! I'm so happy for him. Of course this means he will be privvy to information he can never share with me, but I don't care. As long as it answers his questions. me... I am content in the belief that all questions I have in this life will be answered when I'm moving onto the next one. Death will hold the key to all knowledge. So whatever Kevin can't share with me in this life, I will eventually know anyway when I pass from this plain or existence. I'm not worried in the slightest.
What else? Well, I can feel myself falling into a depression. I haven't taken a shower in a couple days (i know ewwwwwwww) and all I want to do is lay in bed and sleep. I'm not sure what has brought it on, but I can't seem to shake it entirely. I'm currently watching a sad movie in the hopes it makes me cry so much I work it out of me. You know the Greeks used to do that. They would have like theatrical festivals where one day was all dramas and one day was all comedies. It was to flush out the system so to speak. I think I learned that in drama class way back in high school. It stuck with me tho. So whenever I'm down I try some cinematherapy.
Apparently this isn't as short as I anticipated originally lol.
Something that's been on my mind. Why do I blog? Originally I started for something to do as I was stuck in my house with a tether. I wanted it to be a journal like i kept thru highschool and college years. But I also remember someone saying "don't put anything in writing you don't want the whole world to know" or something like that. Which then leads me to censor things. Then I thought I wanted the blog to be so I could share funny jokes and piccies that come my way everyday in email. That slowly died. I often think of such fantastic things to say on my blog when I'm away from the puter, but when I get here it seems my brilliance is gone. So my dream of sharing intelligent observations flies out the window. So why do i blog? Pretty much to get things off my chest every once in awhile. Maybe keep my friends and family (of which i have very few that actually read this thing) abreast with what is going on with my life. I honestly don't know why I blog, but i do, and I enjoy it. Why do you blog?
My new Parttime Cat
I posted this on my wedding blog by accident ... ooops. So here it is where it should be.

So for a couple months now we've had this cat coming around to our house. It was right when weather started getting cold. I didn't feed first. It looked so clean I figured it had a family. Plus it was so chunky. It came by the next night...I'm figuring to visit Kaguya...and wasn't back for a couple weeks. It came by a couple nights in a row so I set some food out for it. It ate it all up. That was it tho. I couldn't let it in cuz what if it was contagious. I couldn't live with myself if I exposed Kaguya to FelV. But I couldn't just let the cat stay out in the cold (this is december in Michinga...cold cold cold!) so I called Animal control but they don't do cats. The polica said no reports of a missing cat were there. So I called the humane society but they were closed on the weekends (the cat only seemed to come by on friday afternoons) so I made an executive decision. If it came by again I would set up and appt w/ a vet to get it tested for FelV and until we could be sure Kaguya wasn't in any danger I would keep it in the back room. So when it came back by (i knew it would) I closed off the back room of the house (where the puter is) and let the cat in thru the sliding glass door in that room. I set up a litter box and food and water for it. It came in, ate practically the whole bowl and stayed the whole night... didn't use the litter box tho...and left no accidents. I came down when I woke up and opened the door to see if it wanted to leave, and it did, so off it went. I was worried, but by this time it had been coming around for about a month and was still relatively healthy looking and clean..inspite of all the mud on the road (most of our roads around here aren't paved) It didn't come back for a couple weeks, but when it did I let it in the house again for a night, then it wanted to leave. A couple days ago it came back and was sleeping in our flower boxes in front of the windows. Well this hurt my heart. I had always assumed it had another family and it was escaping and coming to visit us, but wouldnt' a cat go back home to sleep...someplace where it's safe? I assumed it was sleeping in the flower box cuz they're off the ground. So i set up the back room and lured thecat back there. It stayed until it woke up then left...and came back last night. Last night it was freezing outside so in it came. When i woke up i came down to check on it and noticed it was limping. I can't imagine how it hurt itself and I can't see any wound (as close as it would let me get...I'm not pushing it) You can see in the pic it's favoring the paw. So i did the usual open the door to see if it wanted to leave, and it did, but came right back about 5 minutes later. That's when i took the pic. Right now it's laying by the door to the rest of the house pawing and meowing occasionally cuz Kaguya is on the other side of the door doing the same thing. I wish I could let them together and play but I can't risk her...not after Kikyo. So I satisfy my conscience by taking care of the cat seperately. And even if i do take it in to get tested, i can never let it leave again. otherwise we'd have to test it each time it came back. So I now have a parttime cat who is sleeping in the sun. I'm such a sucker

So for a couple months now we've had this cat coming around to our house. It was right when weather started getting cold. I didn't feed first. It looked so clean I figured it had a family. Plus it was so chunky. It came by the next night...I'm figuring to visit Kaguya...and wasn't back for a couple weeks. It came by a couple nights in a row so I set some food out for it. It ate it all up. That was it tho. I couldn't let it in cuz what if it was contagious. I couldn't live with myself if I exposed Kaguya to FelV. But I couldn't just let the cat stay out in the cold (this is december in Michinga...cold cold cold!) so I called Animal control but they don't do cats. The polica said no reports of a missing cat were there. So I called the humane society but they were closed on the weekends (the cat only seemed to come by on friday afternoons) so I made an executive decision. If it came by again I would set up and appt w/ a vet to get it tested for FelV and until we could be sure Kaguya wasn't in any danger I would keep it in the back room. So when it came back by (i knew it would) I closed off the back room of the house (where the puter is) and let the cat in thru the sliding glass door in that room. I set up a litter box and food and water for it. It came in, ate practically the whole bowl and stayed the whole night... didn't use the litter box tho...and left no accidents. I came down when I woke up and opened the door to see if it wanted to leave, and it did, so off it went. I was worried, but by this time it had been coming around for about a month and was still relatively healthy looking and clean..inspite of all the mud on the road (most of our roads around here aren't paved) It didn't come back for a couple weeks, but when it did I let it in the house again for a night, then it wanted to leave. A couple days ago it came back and was sleeping in our flower boxes in front of the windows. Well this hurt my heart. I had always assumed it had another family and it was escaping and coming to visit us, but wouldnt' a cat go back home to sleep...someplace where it's safe? I assumed it was sleeping in the flower box cuz they're off the ground. So i set up the back room and lured thecat back there. It stayed until it woke up then left...and came back last night. Last night it was freezing outside so in it came. When i woke up i came down to check on it and noticed it was limping. I can't imagine how it hurt itself and I can't see any wound (as close as it would let me get...I'm not pushing it) You can see in the pic it's favoring the paw. So i did the usual open the door to see if it wanted to leave, and it did, but came right back about 5 minutes later. That's when i took the pic. Right now it's laying by the door to the rest of the house pawing and meowing occasionally cuz Kaguya is on the other side of the door doing the same thing. I wish I could let them together and play but I can't risk her...not after Kikyo. So I satisfy my conscience by taking care of the cat seperately. And even if i do take it in to get tested, i can never let it leave again. otherwise we'd have to test it each time it came back. So I now have a parttime cat who is sleeping in the sun. I'm such a sucker

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