So lemme tell you what happened. I'm so upset. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm PMSing 2day like a son of a bitch.....
We were supposed to have my mom's/sister's/brother's party here this weekend...2moro to be exact...It was gonna be great we were gonna have the pool up and running, the deck redone ...It was gonna be our present to my mom to do the party so she wouldn't have to worry about it. For months it's going to be here....Since we got the house in May we said we were going to have it here. Then for some unknown fcked up reason she decides the last minute to have it at her house. Not here where there's A/C and a pool and a big backyard and lots of parking...NOOOO...At her house where you frigging sweat to death cuz she still has no a/c and a yard the size of a peanut and neighbors who watch her like a frigging hawk and gossip every chance they get.
So last week she asks me if we're going to get the keg for her party. Fine I say. Never mind that we were going to get everything for her in the first place and she broke my heart by telling us our house basically wasn't good enough for her party. But I don't have a frigging car to go give her the money and we can't buy one out here cuz we don't have a frigging truck to transport it in. No matter, she says, cuz BOB can pick it up. Well fine, but you still need MY $$...Which she doesn't even care to worry about until tonight about 2 hours ago. WTF. I can't get to her. I don't' have a car. And Kevin is working 2moro so we aren't going to be there early unless she or someone else comes and picks me up. And I frankly right now don't give a flying fig if I go.
So I get on the phone with her and she's all "oh are you going to buy the keg" well sorry mom but kevin's working tomorrow I thought bob was gonna pick it up "oh kevin's working> I thought he got the day off?" YEA! When it was gonna be here. Now it's not so he's working. You hurt our feelings when you told us the party would be at your house "well everyone lives out here" BULL-FCKING-SHIT! (I thought that ...Didn't say it...I just told her goodbye and started crying and hung up the phone...She still hasn't called back) NO ONE lives out there. My cousin Angie lives closer to me, My brother's friend's live all over the frigging place, Velisia's friend's live near her but they have cars HELLO! All her co-workers live near INKSTER ...Which is closer to me...My other cousin's live in DETROIT...Again closer to me via the freeway....So WTF!!!!
Anyway, 'm crying and she hasn't called back and I don't' give a fck if I go over to her house 2moro for her party. I'd just a soon stay here and work on my pool.