I haven't blogged in a long time. Not that it matters. No one reads this crap anyway lol.
Things are okay. I need to jump in the shower and do some housework. Kevin's at work. We had a great Thanksgiving except for the fact that Kevin got too drunk. That's forgivable tho because he had been working so hard and we were home and not going anywhere.
We had everyone here for the holiday and my mom did pretty good. She kept trying to push my dad's buttons, but she was okay with Denise. It probably helped that she was trashed herself. She drank a bottle and a half of champagne. We had a great amount of food. Denise brought cheesy potatoes, my mom brought tamales and sweet potato pie, I made jalapeno cheese cornbread and mashed sweet potatoes topped with bananas, and kevin made everything else. 2 turkeys, spiral sliced ham, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing and pumpkin cheesecake. YUM! We still have a few leftovers (which will hopefully be gone by tonight) I'm finishing up the pumpkin cheesecake right now and later gonna work on the mashed sweet potatoes. Kevin made turkey soup last night which we served kinda gumbo style over rice. YUM!!!!
The babies came over later on in the day. I played with them (Tyler, Zach and Keifer) It was so much fun! Keifer and i coloured together. KarrieAnn told me to ask him for the red crayon cuz he never gives it up since it's his favorite colour. So i did and he said "okay" and gave it to me. Her jaw dropped! It was awesome! We have his artwork up on the fridge right now lol. Kevin insisted.
OH! last week i almost got fired. Well I did get fired, but i got my job back. They said I closed early without telling anyone i was leaving. It was bullshit. I closed cuz Karen told me to cuz there were fights in the bar. So I promised the owner I would stay open until 2am from now on. When i walked in the bar Friday I told the night bartender the deal and found out it was her that said it!!!! She was the one that told me to shut down. So i said okay, well we have to stay open until 2am from now on and she said no, it was her call. I said not anymore I have to stay open until 2. BITCH! Oh i was pissed! I'm not working this Friday, Robbie is, But it should get interesting.
Crap! just looked at the calendar and the 31st is on Friday. I'm gonna have to tell Jim i can't work it.
Okay, I gotta go take a shower and make myself motivated. I'm sure I have more to say at a later date...maybe even later on today. *hugs*