Why is it that I'm exercising and drinking only water and cutting down my salt intake and STILL my pants feel about 2 sizes too small? I haven't even been overeating in the past couple weeks...that's impossible there's hardly anything to eat in our house. I was going to go up to Somewhere to watch the game and meet up with Jeremy and I feel like such a big fat kau i totally don't wanna do anything :(
Today i was only able to do 5 minutes on my cardio glide. My legs are so weak they actually start to shake and I can't do anymore. I can't wait to get a treadmill to compliment this. And once I lose enough I'm going to start running again I think. I loved doing it when I was younger and our new neighborhood is a nice place to run as far as I can tell...It's near a park and has gravel roads.
was reading my old blog entries today. FUNNY! Need to start blogging more, even if it's only one line a day.
Pistons are winning so far. 3rd quarter. up by about 15. YAY! I told mike...he didn't want to hear it. Funny I haven't seen him online the past few days lol
Audioblog Test
edit: this is blogger's audioblog, the otherone I used was audblog. You can hear a sample of that in December 2003 lol
Exercise day whatever...
I didn't get a chance to work out Fri, Sat or yesterday, so I did today. Man oh man! The good news is I really felt it. I turned off the A/C and I'm sweating now (yuck) but I feel good. I did 10 minutes straight. I could have probably done more, but my legs started to shake and I didn't wanna push too much.
i really need to go someplace and get weighed so I can kinda keep an eye on my progress. i'm gonna try and take small things out of my diet each week or month or something that's not completely healthy. We'll see how it goes. This week I'm gonna try pop. I don't drink that much anyway, but when I do I'll go thru like a 2 liter in a couple days. That is so not good for me. course Kevin drinks a ton more than me...but he doesn't have to worry about fitting into a strapless wedding dress 3 months from now. (when I go shopping) MEN!
fawN just gave me a good tip. It's important to have sugar in your system when you exercise or else you'll create too much lactic acid and wind up with sore muscles. You can feel it cuz then your muscles will burn (which actually happened to me in NOLA...from walking so much my calves burned like crazy the last day)
So, in other news, I booked a job today for Paul. IHR, where Kevin works, is having a company picnic Sunday, June 26th, and they wanted karaoke/DJ (last minute lol) so my name came up. I talked to Paul and we went a little cheeper than he would have normally, but if we work this job they'll be able to see how we are and it could open doors for future private gigs as well as a potential weekly job at the restaurant. I have to work on the puter and see if i can burn cuz they want clean versions of some new songs on the radio ... mostly hip hop and maybe some newer country. He said equivelent to 96.3 but I don't listen to them lol. Guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow.
And one of the ladies at the Elks club Saturday asked for my card so she can book a Halloween party for the Fawns (ladies portion of the Elks) cuz they like me. I was happy. It's kinda nice to be appreciated. I mean I know I'm good. I've been doing it for 8 years. I learned sound from Mike Carey. I may not be uber flashy, but I know my job. I keep people happy, I'm personable and people (for the most part) like me. I also keep my rotation (for the most part...there's a couple times I got kinda drunk in the past and goofed up)
So hopefully Paul will appreciate me getting him a couple jobs. I'd do it for Jim but A) chances are any jobs I get in the future will be in the Redford/Livonia/Farmington area since that's where we're moving and B) Paul has a better selection and system. We'll see.
edit: Today was day 14!!! YAY!!!
i really need to go someplace and get weighed so I can kinda keep an eye on my progress. i'm gonna try and take small things out of my diet each week or month or something that's not completely healthy. We'll see how it goes. This week I'm gonna try pop. I don't drink that much anyway, but when I do I'll go thru like a 2 liter in a couple days. That is so not good for me. course Kevin drinks a ton more than me...but he doesn't have to worry about fitting into a strapless wedding dress 3 months from now. (when I go shopping) MEN!
fawN just gave me a good tip. It's important to have sugar in your system when you exercise or else you'll create too much lactic acid and wind up with sore muscles. You can feel it cuz then your muscles will burn (which actually happened to me in NOLA...from walking so much my calves burned like crazy the last day)
So, in other news, I booked a job today for Paul. IHR, where Kevin works, is having a company picnic Sunday, June 26th, and they wanted karaoke/DJ (last minute lol) so my name came up. I talked to Paul and we went a little cheeper than he would have normally, but if we work this job they'll be able to see how we are and it could open doors for future private gigs as well as a potential weekly job at the restaurant. I have to work on the puter and see if i can burn cuz they want clean versions of some new songs on the radio ... mostly hip hop and maybe some newer country. He said equivelent to 96.3 but I don't listen to them lol. Guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow.
And one of the ladies at the Elks club Saturday asked for my card so she can book a Halloween party for the Fawns (ladies portion of the Elks) cuz they like me. I was happy. It's kinda nice to be appreciated. I mean I know I'm good. I've been doing it for 8 years. I learned sound from Mike Carey. I may not be uber flashy, but I know my job. I keep people happy, I'm personable and people (for the most part) like me. I also keep my rotation (for the most part...there's a couple times I got kinda drunk in the past and goofed up)
So hopefully Paul will appreciate me getting him a couple jobs. I'd do it for Jim but A) chances are any jobs I get in the future will be in the Redford/Livonia/Farmington area since that's where we're moving and B) Paul has a better selection and system. We'll see.
edit: Today was day 14!!! YAY!!!
Thanks TJenn lol
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Movies in NOLA
While we were in New Orleans there was some filming going on around Bourbon Street on night and on the Rue Royal another afternoon...I would put money on the fact that it was the horror movie mentioned in here "Stay Alive", but who knows! It coulda been "Big Momma's House II" lol ... Even tho we didn't end up in the backgrounds, it's still kinda exciting.
Article about the Movies
N'Awlywood back in business
After a silent spring, the movie trucks have returned
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Chris Rose
If you wondered what that strange stillness was this spring -- a period in which you could park almost anywhere and there were no famous faces in front of you in the men's room line at Le Bons Temps Roule -- here's what happened:
The movies stopped filming. For a brief period, there were no major motion pictures in production here.
Following that epochal golden era this winter that brought the harmonic convergence of Jude Law, Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Simpson to town for three different films, there was a brief, dark period in which all we had to talk about was . . . our own lives.
It was horrible.
But that's over. Because, they're baaaack. The Big Easy is N'Awlywood once more. Just follow the big white trucks.
Currently filming are a teen horror flick and a comedy sequel. Down the road we've got Big Budget films with Big Stars, a veritable cavalcade of people richer and more beautiful than you and me.
But are they happy? We'll leave that for another column.
First up, "Stay Alive." This one is about a group of New Orleans teens who come together at the funeral of a friend who died while playing a video game called . . . Stay Alive. Turns out the game is or is not inhabited by a spirit that may or may not have murderous intentions.
I don't want to give too much away.
But I do need to share with you the first lines from a screenplay I obtained by illicit means: "Through dark, ominous clouds we descend upon a sprawling Southern estate -- a plantation with a tragic history . . . The wind moans. Trees rustle. Children's laughter dances on sinister whispers through the air."
Cue creepy music. Or Morgus.
Notwithstanding that I'll probably get sued for copyright infringement, I just wanted you to know that this is not Just Another Horror Movie. No indeed, this one has a scary mansion. And moaning wind. And rustling trees.
And Frankie Muniz.
You probably know him from his many years on "Malcolm in the Middle" or maybe as Agent Cody Banks or, more importantly, as Grand Marshal of Endymion in 2001. Muniz plays a computer nerd named Swink Sylvania.
He is joined by co-stars Jon Foster, who plays Hutch, a studly video gamer, and Samaire Armstrong who, at 24, is playing her second teenage role in New Orleans this year.
This winter, Armstrong was the supporting actress and sidekick -- on the set and after hours -- to the formerly-buxom-redhead-now-one-step-away-from-rehab-kind-of-anorexic-thin-bottle blonde Lindsay Lohan on a still-untitled movie shot here.
Which means that Muniz and Foster will be in experienced hands when it's Miller Time after a tough day on the set and the cast goes crawling for Jell-O shots at some of our classier nightspots.
But I don't want to get all catty here. Let's move on.
"Stay Alive" also co-stars Sophia Bush, the "One Tree Hill" actress who married "House of Wax" star and former "Hill" co-star Chad Michael Murray last month and who was also the Queen of the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, Calif., in 2000. That's no Endymion, but it counts for something.
Also currently filming on our streets is the universally anticipated "Big Momma's House II," in which Martin Lawrence reprises his role as a detective who goes undercover in drag as a corpulent Southern granny named Hattie Mae -- though such a banal description hardly hints at the magnitude of the art involved.
Co-star Nia Long -- a perennial member of any list that begins with "America's Hottest . . ." -- reprises her original role of Sherry Pierce, a vixen/nemesis who may or may not be a criminal and it's not that I don't want to give away too much here it's just that, well . . . I never saw the original, so I'm not really sure.
One face you won't be seeing around town is that of Paul Giamatti, who played Martin Lawrence's partner in the original movie but who now has been vaulted onto the Hollywood A-list by virtue of his star turn in "Sideways" last year; the kind of status that releases you from the tyranny of having to make movies with talking animals, stand-up comics in corpulent drag and anything starring David Duchovny.
"Stay Alive" and "Big Momma's House" are both filming as we speak. On the near horizon is "Failure to Launch," starring the hot properties named Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew McConaughey.
"Failure to Launch" is about a layabout 30-something slacker (McConaughey) who content- edly lives with his parents. You know this person as your older brother.
One day, he falls for the Girl of His Dreams (Parker), but the slacker gets a hunch that she has actually been hired by his parents to get him out of the house.
Thus, the plot thickens.
"Failure" is being produced by megawatt hitmaker Scott Rudin, the former 20th Century Fox president who has been behind, basically, every movie you've ever seen in the past 15 years and some you haven't.
It also stars Justin Bartha and Zooey Deschanel, who was also in town this past winter in the starring role of an indie comedy called "Flakes," about an uncivil war between restaurants that serve only cereal -- a concept that would probably go over pretty well in New Orleans if they also served beer.
Also starring Christopher Lloyd and Aaron Stanford, "Flakes" was co-written by New Orleanian Chris Poche.
Also down the road, there is talk of a Kevin Costner-Ashton Kutcher film this fall, an Ashley Judd vehicle on the near horizon and an incredibly expensive period piece starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett.
That one, an adaptation of the F. Scott Fitzgerald short story, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons," is said to be in the $100 million range and you can bet it's on hold while our Legislature currently bandies about new bills and amendments relative to the state's lucrative tax break for motion picture companies -- the tax breaks that have lured the movie industry here and made us Hollywood on the Bayou.
At stake for Paramount in this movie in the current climate is a $30 million swing, one way or the other. That's certainly enough to attract attention.
When the current legislative session concludes, that could be left alone, cut by degree or terminated completely.
Hard to say which way it will go. But the cavalcade of stars on our magnificent boulevards, in our boutiques and bellied up to our bars is dependent upon it.
Without the tax break and the movies, there's just . . . us.
Article about the Movies
N'Awlywood back in business
After a silent spring, the movie trucks have returned
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Chris Rose
If you wondered what that strange stillness was this spring -- a period in which you could park almost anywhere and there were no famous faces in front of you in the men's room line at Le Bons Temps Roule -- here's what happened:
The movies stopped filming. For a brief period, there were no major motion pictures in production here.
Following that epochal golden era this winter that brought the harmonic convergence of Jude Law, Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Simpson to town for three different films, there was a brief, dark period in which all we had to talk about was . . . our own lives.
It was horrible.
But that's over. Because, they're baaaack. The Big Easy is N'Awlywood once more. Just follow the big white trucks.
Currently filming are a teen horror flick and a comedy sequel. Down the road we've got Big Budget films with Big Stars, a veritable cavalcade of people richer and more beautiful than you and me.
But are they happy? We'll leave that for another column.
First up, "Stay Alive." This one is about a group of New Orleans teens who come together at the funeral of a friend who died while playing a video game called . . . Stay Alive. Turns out the game is or is not inhabited by a spirit that may or may not have murderous intentions.
I don't want to give too much away.
But I do need to share with you the first lines from a screenplay I obtained by illicit means: "Through dark, ominous clouds we descend upon a sprawling Southern estate -- a plantation with a tragic history . . . The wind moans. Trees rustle. Children's laughter dances on sinister whispers through the air."
Cue creepy music. Or Morgus.
Notwithstanding that I'll probably get sued for copyright infringement, I just wanted you to know that this is not Just Another Horror Movie. No indeed, this one has a scary mansion. And moaning wind. And rustling trees.
And Frankie Muniz.
You probably know him from his many years on "Malcolm in the Middle" or maybe as Agent Cody Banks or, more importantly, as Grand Marshal of Endymion in 2001. Muniz plays a computer nerd named Swink Sylvania.
He is joined by co-stars Jon Foster, who plays Hutch, a studly video gamer, and Samaire Armstrong who, at 24, is playing her second teenage role in New Orleans this year.
This winter, Armstrong was the supporting actress and sidekick -- on the set and after hours -- to the formerly-buxom-redhead-now-one-step-away-from-rehab-kind-of-anorexic-thin-bottle blonde Lindsay Lohan on a still-untitled movie shot here.
Which means that Muniz and Foster will be in experienced hands when it's Miller Time after a tough day on the set and the cast goes crawling for Jell-O shots at some of our classier nightspots.
But I don't want to get all catty here. Let's move on.
"Stay Alive" also co-stars Sophia Bush, the "One Tree Hill" actress who married "House of Wax" star and former "Hill" co-star Chad Michael Murray last month and who was also the Queen of the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, Calif., in 2000. That's no Endymion, but it counts for something.
Also currently filming on our streets is the universally anticipated "Big Momma's House II," in which Martin Lawrence reprises his role as a detective who goes undercover in drag as a corpulent Southern granny named Hattie Mae -- though such a banal description hardly hints at the magnitude of the art involved.
Co-star Nia Long -- a perennial member of any list that begins with "America's Hottest . . ." -- reprises her original role of Sherry Pierce, a vixen/nemesis who may or may not be a criminal and it's not that I don't want to give away too much here it's just that, well . . . I never saw the original, so I'm not really sure.
One face you won't be seeing around town is that of Paul Giamatti, who played Martin Lawrence's partner in the original movie but who now has been vaulted onto the Hollywood A-list by virtue of his star turn in "Sideways" last year; the kind of status that releases you from the tyranny of having to make movies with talking animals, stand-up comics in corpulent drag and anything starring David Duchovny.
"Stay Alive" and "Big Momma's House" are both filming as we speak. On the near horizon is "Failure to Launch," starring the hot properties named Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew McConaughey.
"Failure to Launch" is about a layabout 30-something slacker (McConaughey) who content- edly lives with his parents. You know this person as your older brother.
One day, he falls for the Girl of His Dreams (Parker), but the slacker gets a hunch that she has actually been hired by his parents to get him out of the house.
Thus, the plot thickens.
"Failure" is being produced by megawatt hitmaker Scott Rudin, the former 20th Century Fox president who has been behind, basically, every movie you've ever seen in the past 15 years and some you haven't.
It also stars Justin Bartha and Zooey Deschanel, who was also in town this past winter in the starring role of an indie comedy called "Flakes," about an uncivil war between restaurants that serve only cereal -- a concept that would probably go over pretty well in New Orleans if they also served beer.
Also starring Christopher Lloyd and Aaron Stanford, "Flakes" was co-written by New Orleanian Chris Poche.
Also down the road, there is talk of a Kevin Costner-Ashton Kutcher film this fall, an Ashley Judd vehicle on the near horizon and an incredibly expensive period piece starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett.
That one, an adaptation of the F. Scott Fitzgerald short story, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons," is said to be in the $100 million range and you can bet it's on hold while our Legislature currently bandies about new bills and amendments relative to the state's lucrative tax break for motion picture companies -- the tax breaks that have lured the movie industry here and made us Hollywood on the Bayou.
At stake for Paramount in this movie in the current climate is a $30 million swing, one way or the other. That's certainly enough to attract attention.
When the current legislative session concludes, that could be left alone, cut by degree or terminated completely.
Hard to say which way it will go. But the cavalcade of stars on our magnificent boulevards, in our boutiques and bellied up to our bars is dependent upon it.
Without the tax break and the movies, there's just . . . us.
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