It's starting to fade but I wanted to get it out of my head before it completely disappeared.
I was working with some friends in a school or hospital. I think it was downtown Detroit, but now that I'm remembering it, the hospital kinda looked like Wyandotte. Anyway, we were near the hospital but I don't know if we were part of it cuz there was a building next to it that kinda looked like any pavilion you'd find in a park and next to that was a fenced off school that kinda looked like the Bacon Library.
We were hanging out near the doors watching cars come and go. The aisle-way between them was extremely narrow so we were mostly watching to make sure my friend's car didn't get hit (i remembered her name in the dream but can't now...she was someone I went to high school with tho I think)
All of the sudden a truck came racing thru and tore up the sides of all the cars in the process. It was an unmarked ambulance and the guys came tearing out of it and ran inside. We stood around to see what was happening (we also knew some people inside) and one of them came running back out and said "there's a bomb! run!"
So we ran to behind the building that was near the hospital. We had kids in tow so I'm assuming I was some kind of teacher. And I should state that the area we were in wasn't like Wyandotte at was more like a rundown downtown Detroit inner city area.
I decided the building wasn't far enough if there was an explosion so I tried getting into the fenced off school but that wasn't happening. All of the sudden people were being hit by what looked like lightning at first glance but it wasn't lightning, it was more like a light blue laser. The sky got really really dark and there was a short of window high up that was cloud free and the people that got hit but weren't going up in flames were suddenly praying.
It was the rapture. At least that's what someone said. And God was weeding out the unworthy. Those that had a disbelief of 5.5 or higher (on what scale I have no idea) were immediately catching fire. Those that had a disbelief lower than 5.5, when they were zapped, turned all transparent in the same colour as the bolt of lightning and floated up to the sky where that window was.
A friend and I stayed together and she began praying and I think I did too. Alot of people that hadn't gotten struck yet were. Someone said that God had finally gotten rid of all the non-believers, which appeared true cuz no one was going up in flames anymore. I remember just praying that my friend would be part of the rapture cuz she was christian and I wasn't.
Suddenly we both got struck at the same time. We grabbed hands and began floating up to the window together. (which was hard cuz we weren't solid, but we kinda were. Very weird sensation) We kept reassuring each other that no matter what we would still be friends in the next world.
Suddently ( i know i keep using this word sorry but that's what it was) we were on the ground...very solid a place that looked almost identical to the rundown area we had just left. We appeared to be in a deserted part of town tho, so we got up, brushed ourselves off, and went for a peek around the corner. We were absolutely dumbfounded that this could be "heaven"
That's when we saw all the white people being rounded up like cattle to be shipped off to somewhere. All the minorities were crowding around them and spitting on them and laughing at them and saying things in their native languages. The friend I was with was white. And since I'm not exactly "not white" looking, a sense of self preservation kicked in and I let go of her hand and ran up to a group of people speaking spanish and screamed "yo soy mexicana" (i am mexican)! My friend looked dazed and confused but the group welcomed me into their fold without any questions.
Once my place was secure, I tried to help my friend sneak out of the city. Somehow we knew that there were white friendly places in the "country". As I was sneaking her around I saw a caravan of white people in cages in the middle of main street (think Eureka, but a dirt road) and in the last one was Judy from the Rouge Park Lounge. I screamed her name and reached for her but all she did was turn and look at me blankly and say "do I know you?" before they dragged her off.
Somehow I think my friend got away. And I was hanging out with some of "my people" as we were trying to figure out how to get a job or something. Apparently all latinas became dancers in clubs (not quite topless dancers, more like go-go dancers in the cages and stuff) and one girl was frantic cuz she couldn't dance. She was sure they would kick her out with all the white people. So me and a couple other girls tried to help her find her rhythm.
Suddenly I was standing on the sidewalk alone in my "work costume" (which was basically a leotard and a long flowing wrap around skirt). There was a japanese fellow about my age in front of me in a doorway that looked to be a restaurant. "sushi?" I said to him. He looked a little startled but nodded yes and led me inside. (apparently in this new world, which was obviously NOT heaven, ethnicities didn't stray from their own groups). We snuck past his parents who were in front of an altar to their ancestor and went down to the basement which turned out not to be a part of the restaurant but his own apartment. He had a little kitten and a puppy and we talked to each other in english, which was apparently forbidden in the world we lived in. You could only speak in your native tongue. Which is why he was shocked when I said sushi to him cuz it wasn't a spanish word (whether or not that is true i have no idea, but it was true in the dream)
Cut to about 5 years later and we were still meeting in his basement. And that's when I woke up.
I still don't understand it tho
just finished watching "The Rose"
I've never seen it before. This month, as I said before, is dedicated to movies. Mostly movies that everyone else in the known universe seems to have seen but me ... along with a few that caught my eye along the way.
So ... The Rose.
I must say Bette Midler was genius in the role. But it pissed me off.
Maybe cuz I don't understand the whole drug thing. Or the whole Janis Joplin thing. I mean, I like her, and it was a tragedy, but it was entirely preventable.
Maybe I'm just in a bad space to watch a movie like this. Heaven knows it's happened before.
My favorite part was definitely the scene with the drag queens. That was pure Bette gold right there. And I could even see a little bit of me (and people I know) in that scene.
Least favorite scene was in the phone booth at the high school football field.
I'm really glad I've seen it and I have a frame of reference now when people bring it up. Altho seeing it makes me kinda sad that Bette went from that to "Big Business", but what can you do?
Right now I have no tolerance for stupid people and stupid actions I guess.
I have been there. I've done my share of drugs and alcohol abuse. Hell I've even contemplated suicide a few times. (Came scarily close a couple times) But for some reason this movie just pissed me off.
Maybe I'll watch it when it comes on TV again (Sept 2nd on Fox Movie Channel fyi) and I'll come away with a different point of view.
All in all, if you haven't seen it, take the time to do so. And if you have, what did you think about it?
So ... The Rose.
I must say Bette Midler was genius in the role. But it pissed me off.
Maybe cuz I don't understand the whole drug thing. Or the whole Janis Joplin thing. I mean, I like her, and it was a tragedy, but it was entirely preventable.
Maybe I'm just in a bad space to watch a movie like this. Heaven knows it's happened before.
My favorite part was definitely the scene with the drag queens. That was pure Bette gold right there. And I could even see a little bit of me (and people I know) in that scene.
Least favorite scene was in the phone booth at the high school football field.
I'm really glad I've seen it and I have a frame of reference now when people bring it up. Altho seeing it makes me kinda sad that Bette went from that to "Big Business", but what can you do?
Right now I have no tolerance for stupid people and stupid actions I guess.
I have been there. I've done my share of drugs and alcohol abuse. Hell I've even contemplated suicide a few times. (Came scarily close a couple times) But for some reason this movie just pissed me off.
Maybe I'll watch it when it comes on TV again (Sept 2nd on Fox Movie Channel fyi) and I'll come away with a different point of view.
All in all, if you haven't seen it, take the time to do so. And if you have, what did you think about it?
okay this is pissing me off
apparently all the pictar blog posts from my phone aren't coming thru into blogger. This upsets me. So far it's missed a kitty pic, an earring pic and i think that's it. I'm not entirely sure cuz sometimes I delete the pics before I check if they've shown up.
I really miss mojungle alot. Damn them!!! Plus they have alot of pics I didn't save to my puter as well as posting them there.
Right now I'm watching "The Rose" with Bette Midler and trying to attach the last bit of fringe to the afghan I was commissioned like a month ago. I got out of the swing of crochet cuz I was doing bottlecappy things and it's so hard to get back in the groove.
btw...this movie is pissing me off.
Okay ... breaktime is over. time to get back to work.
I really miss mojungle alot. Damn them!!! Plus they have alot of pics I didn't save to my puter as well as posting them there.
Right now I'm watching "The Rose" with Bette Midler and trying to attach the last bit of fringe to the afghan I was commissioned like a month ago. I got out of the swing of crochet cuz I was doing bottlecappy things and it's so hard to get back in the groove.
btw...this movie is pissing me off.
Okay ... breaktime is over. time to get back to work.
Living in a Horror Movie (and other stuffs)
I feel like all i've been doing is snapping quick pictars and sending them to blogger to be able to still qualify for blog365 cuz I've been so darn busy! And I don't even have a damn job!!!
Saturday I spent most of my day making Miller bottle cap jewelries. I made a few pendants, some earrings, bracelets and anklets. I plan on putting them on the etsy site in the next day or 2. (i really have to finish up my afghan that was supposed to be done a couple weeks ago...but my customer is cool and said as long as she has it before August 30th we're cool)
Here's a crappy cell phone pictar of a MGD earring

Sunday was the mytrivialive fund raiser for the Rainbow Connection (which is like the Make a Wish foundation but for Michigan kids only
(Rainbow Connection website)
They let me put up a table (last minute notice) to sell Miller inspired jewelries (*points to crappy earring pictar above*) and a portion of the proceeds went to the Rainbow Connection. I also brought a few resin bottle caps (made sure to weed out the non-miller ones) which actually sold very keychains!!! So I'm gonna make sure I have a supply of ball chain and connectors for the next show we do (which should be the Dally in the Alley in Sept.)
My mom came up to hang with me and once trivia started we left and went to her house to watch the Lions v. Bengals football game. My sister and her hubby were in town for a few days for her 10 year reunion and visiting. That was fun! I miss her. I wish she lived closer. And I wish I could have spent more than just a few hours with her on her trip. She always packs so much in to do. It was cool tho. We chatted, Lions won, had some adult beverages. all was cool.
(While I was doing the fundraiser, hubby went to visit his parents. Apparently his dad isn't doing too well. He has Alzheimer's (which he's been diagnosed for 18 years! They just told hubby and his brothers a couple years ago. Which explains why he was deteriorating "so fast") and he's not eating or taking meds. And with hubby's mom being sick as she is it's taking a big toll on everyone)
OH! got the Rosary that banshee made for my mom for her bday! I can't wait to get the pictar of it from my sister (forgot my camera on Sunday) cuz it was spectacular! And my mother LOVED that it had a Padre Pio shield on it. (Padre Pio is her favorite) Altho she found it amusing and ironic that I got her a rosary for her bday. ^_^
When we left my mom's Sunday night we stopped at the Box for a quick adult beverage before heading home. While we were there, the power went out. Thankfully they have the emergency lighting, but when they went outside to check if they had power across the street the entire city was black. Standing on 6 mile as far as you could see both ways it was pitch black! Someone said before we left that it was a 10 mile square outage. The entire city of Redford was black as was a decent portion of Detroit.
Which wouldn't have been so bad but my mind started freaking out. Too many horror movies. I was just waiting for the zombies to start pounding on the doors.
We made it home, called DTE to report the outage and less than 2 hours later the power was back on (WHEW!) Funny thing: we had so many candles lit oin our house that people driving by were slowing down cuz they thought we had power lol.
I did get to finish "the Subtle Knife" while waiting for power to come back on. Loved it. Can't wait to get the 3rd book!
Monday was supposed to be trivia but it ended up cancelled when we got there. It turned out decent tho cuz I got to take pictars of da banshee's awesome jewelry and visited with one ill before she leaves for the east coast.
I did get to finish my bud light anklets for the order (which I needed to deliver Monday evening anyway) and I also made an adorable Corona bracelet

Which i also listed on etsy (has 5 views so far yay!)
Corona Bottle Cap Bracelet - upcycled
A friend and I are headed to hubby's new restaurant for dinner tonight. I'm excited! My mom and I went last week for her bday and the dinner was extraordinary!
(p.s. sorry I didn't get in touch with anyone to go to lunch yet ... anyone still interested? he works saturdays too)
So the rest of my week is boring: finishing the afghan tomorrow (was supposed to do it today but I got distracted), prepping bottle caps for resining, making coffee cup holders and tawashi, and watching movies as I do it all ^_^ And somewhere in there I have to clean the house and do laundry.
So yea ... that's me in a nutshell. And I feel so much better that it's not just a pictar on the blogger.
Saturday I spent most of my day making Miller bottle cap jewelries. I made a few pendants, some earrings, bracelets and anklets. I plan on putting them on the etsy site in the next day or 2. (i really have to finish up my afghan that was supposed to be done a couple weeks ago...but my customer is cool and said as long as she has it before August 30th we're cool)
Here's a crappy cell phone pictar of a MGD earring

Sunday was the mytrivialive fund raiser for the Rainbow Connection (which is like the Make a Wish foundation but for Michigan kids only
(Rainbow Connection website)
They let me put up a table (last minute notice) to sell Miller inspired jewelries (*points to crappy earring pictar above*) and a portion of the proceeds went to the Rainbow Connection. I also brought a few resin bottle caps (made sure to weed out the non-miller ones) which actually sold very keychains!!! So I'm gonna make sure I have a supply of ball chain and connectors for the next show we do (which should be the Dally in the Alley in Sept.)
My mom came up to hang with me and once trivia started we left and went to her house to watch the Lions v. Bengals football game. My sister and her hubby were in town for a few days for her 10 year reunion and visiting. That was fun! I miss her. I wish she lived closer. And I wish I could have spent more than just a few hours with her on her trip. She always packs so much in to do. It was cool tho. We chatted, Lions won, had some adult beverages. all was cool.
(While I was doing the fundraiser, hubby went to visit his parents. Apparently his dad isn't doing too well. He has Alzheimer's (which he's been diagnosed for 18 years! They just told hubby and his brothers a couple years ago. Which explains why he was deteriorating "so fast") and he's not eating or taking meds. And with hubby's mom being sick as she is it's taking a big toll on everyone)
OH! got the Rosary that banshee made for my mom for her bday! I can't wait to get the pictar of it from my sister (forgot my camera on Sunday) cuz it was spectacular! And my mother LOVED that it had a Padre Pio shield on it. (Padre Pio is her favorite) Altho she found it amusing and ironic that I got her a rosary for her bday. ^_^
When we left my mom's Sunday night we stopped at the Box for a quick adult beverage before heading home. While we were there, the power went out. Thankfully they have the emergency lighting, but when they went outside to check if they had power across the street the entire city was black. Standing on 6 mile as far as you could see both ways it was pitch black! Someone said before we left that it was a 10 mile square outage. The entire city of Redford was black as was a decent portion of Detroit.
Which wouldn't have been so bad but my mind started freaking out. Too many horror movies. I was just waiting for the zombies to start pounding on the doors.
We made it home, called DTE to report the outage and less than 2 hours later the power was back on (WHEW!) Funny thing: we had so many candles lit oin our house that people driving by were slowing down cuz they thought we had power lol.
I did get to finish "the Subtle Knife" while waiting for power to come back on. Loved it. Can't wait to get the 3rd book!
Monday was supposed to be trivia but it ended up cancelled when we got there. It turned out decent tho cuz I got to take pictars of da banshee's awesome jewelry and visited with one ill before she leaves for the east coast.
I did get to finish my bud light anklets for the order (which I needed to deliver Monday evening anyway) and I also made an adorable Corona bracelet

Which i also listed on etsy (has 5 views so far yay!)
Corona Bottle Cap Bracelet - upcycled
A friend and I are headed to hubby's new restaurant for dinner tonight. I'm excited! My mom and I went last week for her bday and the dinner was extraordinary!
(p.s. sorry I didn't get in touch with anyone to go to lunch yet ... anyone still interested? he works saturdays too)
So the rest of my week is boring: finishing the afghan tomorrow (was supposed to do it today but I got distracted), prepping bottle caps for resining, making coffee cup holders and tawashi, and watching movies as I do it all ^_^ And somewhere in there I have to clean the house and do laundry.
So yea ... that's me in a nutshell. And I feel so much better that it's not just a pictar on the blogger.
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