I feel like I have nothing to write about. I know i do. My brain works a million miles a minutes everyday while I'm awake. Even more during that time I'm trying to fall asleep.
Gina wrote in her blog "The magic moment between Wake And Sleep is when it is easiest to see." (taken from L.H. Anderson's blog) And that is oh-so true with me. There are times right in that magic moments when things seem to clear. When I have these epiphanies of what I want to write about, who I am, where my life was, is and is headed ... a myriad of thoughts and ideas pouring into my head which make perfect sense. But alas, I don't have a notebook (or a laptop) next to my bed for quick writing, and even if I did, just in the act of writing down those magic ideas would make sleep even further off and these days it's hard enough to fall asleep.
The other night, for instance, Kevin and I watched "White Noise 2" (which incidentally had almost NOTHING in common with the movie "White Noise" which was in it's favor because that movie didn't live up to it's hype imho) This movie was about NDEs, or Near Death Experiences, and one of it's DVD extras was a feature about people who had experienced NDEs and full of little stats and facts about them. It was really interesting and made me want to rewatch "What the Bleep do we Know" based on some of what the people were saying.
While we were watching this, Kevin and I had a nice conversation regarding death and life after and all that kinda good stuff which I'll elaborate on sometime. It was reminiscent of the night we first met and the deep philosophical discussion we had (in a bar). One of those moments where I am reminded just how much I love this man and how perfect we are together.
But I digress. As a result of this conversation I had a while "essay" written up in my head that night as I was trying to fall asleep...and I'll be damned if I can remember any of it. Needless to say it was absolutely brilliant (as are all things we forget to write down ... think "tribute by Tenacious D)
So on Monday I'm going to invest in a notebook and pens to keep at my bedside. I'm figuring that if I'm going to blog for the rest of the year maybe I can forgo a few hours of sleep in order to get to things that are swirling around in my head. I know I just said sleep in precious to me, but I have a pretty flexible sleep schedule thanks to being a housewife and NOT a mother (unless you count our 2 kitties). And it may just help me find my voice.
uploaded pictars
after going thru all those pictars I recently scanned I decided to motivate and uploaded a bunch to myspace albums. This is exciting for me cuz I actually added pictars here. Now I just need to add them to facebook and I'll be golden.
And I found a whole other bag of pictars that I need to start scanning. Possibly tomorrow...maybe wait until monday. I have no idea what they're of, but some of them are still in "Arbor Drug" photo pockets. should make for a nice treat down memory lane.
I think I"m getting sick again...or maybe just never was completely well cuz I've been extremely lethargic the past couple days. I'm gonna try and medicate myself early tonight and hope that will do the trick. Hopefully it's just the tail end of what I had before.
And just for the record ... I love these things:

That is all
And I found a whole other bag of pictars that I need to start scanning. Possibly tomorrow...maybe wait until monday. I have no idea what they're of, but some of them are still in "Arbor Drug" photo pockets. should make for a nice treat down memory lane.
I think I"m getting sick again...or maybe just never was completely well cuz I've been extremely lethargic the past couple days. I'm gonna try and medicate myself early tonight and hope that will do the trick. Hopefully it's just the tail end of what I had before.
And just for the record ... I love these things:

That is all
Some of you may know about this already, but today was the first I had heard of it and simply HAD to add it to my blog.
It's kinda like something I used before called "audioblogger" which shut down in 2006 (and I lost all my awesome(and awesomely bad) posts thru them).
I originally had it set to autopost to twitter and blogger, but I changed my mind. It currently only will autopost to my tumblr as well as the utterz app I installed on my blogger, myspace and facebook.
I also added the tumblr feed to my blogger. Hopefully this will help me to remember to add to it as I surf the web. Altho to be honest I wish there was a way to only have it feed 1 or 2 posts instead of the about 10 it appears to be showing right now. I'm sure there's a way to tweak it, I just have no brain at this moment.
I know it's like information on Jazmyn overload, but I'm a sucker for new things. Plus all this junk will help make it easier for me to blog in 2008.
and now that I've completely bored everyone but myself, I'm going to do some walking on my treadmill.
Some of you may know about this already, but today was the first I had heard of it and simply HAD to add it to my blog.
It's kinda like something I used before called "audioblogger" which shut down in 2006 (and I lost all my awesome(and awesomely bad) posts thru them).
I originally had it set to autopost to twitter and blogger, but I changed my mind. It currently only will autopost to my tumblr as well as the utterz app I installed on my blogger, myspace and facebook.
I also added the tumblr feed to my blogger. Hopefully this will help me to remember to add to it as I surf the web. Altho to be honest I wish there was a way to only have it feed 1 or 2 posts instead of the about 10 it appears to be showing right now. I'm sure there's a way to tweak it, I just have no brain at this moment.
I know it's like information on Jazmyn overload, but I'm a sucker for new things. Plus all this junk will help make it easier for me to blog in 2008.
and now that I've completely bored everyone but myself, I'm going to do some walking on my treadmill.
I am completely aware that some of these have already been shared and there might indeed be doubles in here...I'm just starting to sort thru all the pictars I have scanned so far (still over 800 in the "gotta sort these" folder on picasa plus 46 scans I still haven't separated) but I wanted to get something in today before I got sucked into TV watching for the night.
I totally need one of these
a remote control beer cooler ... and it's introduced just in time for the Superbowl!
of course I'll have to get one custom made to be a little bit bigger...this one looke like all it can hold is about a 6pack. Obviously made with wimpy lazy beer drinkers in mind.
of course I'll have to get one custom made to be a little bit bigger...this one looke like all it can hold is about a 6pack. Obviously made with wimpy lazy beer drinkers in mind.
Brain Dead
I drank a little too much last night in celebration of pulling out a trivia win. We were in 4th place with 47 points and the final question was about Television.
We weren't entirely sure, but since we were in 4th place we figured no guts no glory. If we didn't bet anything we wouldn't win anything since chances were all the other teams prolly weren't going to bet. (You have to wager on the last question from 0 - however many points you have) And wouldn't you know, we pulled out the win with 94 points ... 35 points ahead of the 2nd place team (who was in 1st going into the final question) so we won a $30 gift certificate for the bar! woo-hoo!!!
(for the answer highlight below)
1. Frasier
2. Everybody Loves Raymond
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Party of Five
I spent the biggest portion of today scanning and separating pics and listening to pandora.com. I forgot how much I enjoy their player and it introduced me to a new artist today (the song on my profile) I really like him and plan on getting his CD relatively soon.
This is my old school scanner for reference. It takes about 4 minutes for it to scan a full page (which is about 3 - 6 pics depending on how big they are)

While going thru my scanned pics I found an old one of me (from 9th grade I think) that I absolutely loved back then and love even today. It was in the girls locker room at RHS and the girl I'm with, I think her name was Tammy Lockheart. yes I have a mullet but it doesn't look that bed imho.

Also managed to find some of our pics from our honeymoon at the Myrtles. Still gotta separated most of them, but here's a cool pic of their haunted mirror in the downstairs hallway.

Put these shows in order of how long they were originally on from longest to shortest:
Gilmore Girls
Everybody Loves Raymond
Party of Five
Gilmore Girls
Everybody Loves Raymond
Party of Five
We weren't entirely sure, but since we were in 4th place we figured no guts no glory. If we didn't bet anything we wouldn't win anything since chances were all the other teams prolly weren't going to bet. (You have to wager on the last question from 0 - however many points you have) And wouldn't you know, we pulled out the win with 94 points ... 35 points ahead of the 2nd place team (who was in 1st going into the final question) so we won a $30 gift certificate for the bar! woo-hoo!!!
(for the answer highlight below)
1. Frasier
2. Everybody Loves Raymond
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Party of Five
I spent the biggest portion of today scanning and separating pics and listening to pandora.com. I forgot how much I enjoy their player and it introduced me to a new artist today (the song on my profile) I really like him and plan on getting his CD relatively soon.
This is my old school scanner for reference. It takes about 4 minutes for it to scan a full page (which is about 3 - 6 pics depending on how big they are)

While going thru my scanned pics I found an old one of me (from 9th grade I think) that I absolutely loved back then and love even today. It was in the girls locker room at RHS and the girl I'm with, I think her name was Tammy Lockheart. yes I have a mullet but it doesn't look that bed imho.

Also managed to find some of our pics from our honeymoon at the Myrtles. Still gotta separated most of them, but here's a cool pic of their haunted mirror in the downstairs hallway.

If you look about halfway up on the right side you can see what appears to be a face. At least it looks like one to me. Could be the lighting or the angle. who knows. It wasn't a great camera (disposable since my digital broke as soon as we got there)
Also watched the American Idol premiere tonight. Some crazy peoples on there. Seriously think some of them just act all fired up and weird for the possibility of getting screentime. I KNOW the guy in the Princess Leia getup did it for that reason alone.
Kevin just got home, so it's time to pop some corn and watch "i now pronounce you Chuck and Larry" Good times!
Also watched the American Idol premiere tonight. Some crazy peoples on there. Seriously think some of them just act all fired up and weird for the possibility of getting screentime. I KNOW the guy in the Princess Leia getup did it for that reason alone.
Kevin just got home, so it's time to pop some corn and watch "i now pronounce you Chuck and Larry" Good times!
Scanning more pictures!
Holy crap I seriously have alot of pics to scan! And since I didn't organize them to begin with I have a huge pile I don't know if I scanned or not....this is gonna be fun!
But since Kevin got me that picture box yesterday I've started moving the ones I've scanned (that will fit) into the box. Tomorrow will prolly be dedicated to scanning the rest of the pics I have in house and separating them (I scan them 4-6 at a time. Supposedly Adobe Photoshop Elements will separate them for me, but I've tried it and I keep getting picture pieces so I've opted instead to do it by hand in Picasa)
I have alot of pics that I know what they are but to look at them they're pretty crappy. I obviously sucked at picture taking when I was younger (not that I'm any great Ansel Adams now) One I thought was pretty funny. It took me about 10 minutes of looking at it to figure out what it was. (it was an accidental pic I took while walking on my crutches at college)

We did get almost everything done today that we had planned. The only thing we didn't get done was returning the DVD recorder. That has to wait until next Monday cuz we have to take it to Southgate Best Buy (thought we might be able to take it to the Best Buy closer to us but no such luck) I'll be so happy when that thing is fixed tho cuz I have about 60 hours of crap on the DVR that needs to be gone (like the Star Wars Robot Chicken and some specials on Bukowski and Hunter S. Thompson.)
I also went to the Sec. of State to check on getting my drivers license back and I was eligible in Dec. of 2004. I just have to set up a date with the Driver's License Appeals something or other (they gave me the number) and go from there. I'm not actually gonna do this until we get thru Kevin's sentencing (set for Feb 8th) so we can see what kind of $$ has to be spent there. I'm excited about finally being able to drive myself tho. I generally don't mind, but with the kids in the family growing up so fast and me with so much extra time, it would be nice to be able to drive down to see them during the day while Kevin is at work. We're only 30-40 minutes away from them but I'm lucky to see them once a month.
Well, it's time to get going for trivia tonight. Wish us luck. We came in 3rd last week (which won us a $10 gift certificate) but we're hoping to get back on top tonight! As long as there aren't any stupid Seinfeld questions we should be golden!
But since Kevin got me that picture box yesterday I've started moving the ones I've scanned (that will fit) into the box. Tomorrow will prolly be dedicated to scanning the rest of the pics I have in house and separating them (I scan them 4-6 at a time. Supposedly Adobe Photoshop Elements will separate them for me, but I've tried it and I keep getting picture pieces so I've opted instead to do it by hand in Picasa)
I have alot of pics that I know what they are but to look at them they're pretty crappy. I obviously sucked at picture taking when I was younger (not that I'm any great Ansel Adams now) One I thought was pretty funny. It took me about 10 minutes of looking at it to figure out what it was. (it was an accidental pic I took while walking on my crutches at college)

We did get almost everything done today that we had planned. The only thing we didn't get done was returning the DVD recorder. That has to wait until next Monday cuz we have to take it to Southgate Best Buy (thought we might be able to take it to the Best Buy closer to us but no such luck) I'll be so happy when that thing is fixed tho cuz I have about 60 hours of crap on the DVR that needs to be gone (like the Star Wars Robot Chicken and some specials on Bukowski and Hunter S. Thompson.)
I also went to the Sec. of State to check on getting my drivers license back and I was eligible in Dec. of 2004. I just have to set up a date with the Driver's License Appeals something or other (they gave me the number) and go from there. I'm not actually gonna do this until we get thru Kevin's sentencing (set for Feb 8th) so we can see what kind of $$ has to be spent there. I'm excited about finally being able to drive myself tho. I generally don't mind, but with the kids in the family growing up so fast and me with so much extra time, it would be nice to be able to drive down to see them during the day while Kevin is at work. We're only 30-40 minutes away from them but I'm lucky to see them once a month.
Well, it's time to get going for trivia tonight. Wish us luck. We came in 3rd last week (which won us a $10 gift certificate) but we're hoping to get back on top tonight! As long as there aren't any stupid Seinfeld questions we should be golden!
Sunday w/ magikjaz
Such a boring life i lead
I started this morning waking up after some really strange dreams. I had gone to a Kingdom Hall with Pat Hartman ... the Jehovah's Witness woman I studied with for years (from 8 - 16). The elder in charge was some blind guy who flirted with me. Of course most of my dreams lately have been past-based. Last week I had one where I went to Interlochen ... but we didn't take busses, we took supersonic planes. And to get into the camp you had to go thru a maze of bars (think along the lines of those bars set up in Cedar Pointe to get onto rides but much more intricate). I was too fat to fit thru the bar maze so they directed me to the "alternate" entrance which was a maze of stones atop a pool of water.
I awoke and came downstairs and did some cleaning since we were originally gonna have dinner guests over (nothing spectacular ... broccoli cheese soup and sandwiches). The kitchen is really starting to get up to par. I still have a ton of organizing and going thru the cabinets to do, but on the surface it could prolly pass a mom test.
After the dishes were loaded and the counters cleaned, it was time to turn on the football game (which I had set the DVR to record just in case I didn't wake up in time) and get on the treadmill. I put on my tennies, set the treadmill for 2mph w/ no incline begane walking. The initial plan was to walk 10 minutes everyday (cuz i only did every other day last week) but I got to 15 minutes today with no problem. I wanted to go longer but I figured I wouldn't wear myself out this week. Plus I'm sure it was easier cuz I was wrapped up in the Colts/Chargers game. It distracted me.
A quick straightening up of the living room and then I sat down to finish up some crochet projects (that were supposed to be done before xmas) and wait for Kevin to come home from work. On his way home he stopped off at Michael's to get some yarn I needed to finish my project, but they didn't have it, so he just ended up with a photobox instead (to put all my pictures in once I finish scanning them so they don't end up back in plastic bags) and stopped off at Home Depot to grab an air filter for our furnace (which we've sorely needed for months now)
By this time the Giants/Cowboys game was on. I was torn for this one. I really wanted the Giants to win, but I knew that the Cowboys are the only real hope to beat Favre and the Packers. The Giants ended up winning and while I'm really happy for Eli and the G-men, I'm not looking forward to a Favre/Brady Superbowl where the announcers try and one up each other as to who loves which QB more.
our company didn't pan out for dinner tonight so Kevin instead got ingredients so i could make an enchilada casserole. It's loosely based on the one I had at da banshee's Pampered Chef party.
1lb ground beef
1/2 onion
1tbsp minced garlic
cumin, chili ancho, salt and pepper to taste.
Brown up the beef with the onion, garlic and other spices. Once done add enchilada sauce packet and water (according to envelope) and simmer about 5 minutes. Then add a can of refried beans and simmer another 5 minutes.
Then take a package of corn tortillas and cut into quarters and line a baking pan with a layer (kinda like making a lasagna) then spoon the meat/bean sauce on top and sprinkle some colby jack cheese. repeat. (i made 3 layers) sprinkle lots of cheese on top and then put into a 350 oven for about 15 minutes (until cheese is bubbly and melty). take out of oven and let it sit for about 5 - 10 minutes to set up. Cut and enjoy.
It turned out really yummy. We both added jalepeno slices on top when we ate it (nacho style) to spice it up a bit, but it was fine without them as well. Next time I would add more corn tortillas tho. I only had a package of 12 to work with tonight. Next time I would have at least 20 to add a little more of the corn flavour.
Watched Terminator:The Sarah Connor chronicles as we ate. It wasn't that bad. Gonna DVR tomorrow's episode (since we'll be at trivia when it's on) and give it a little bit of a chance. I love the Terminator movies. I just hope this doesn't disappoint.
Got a busy day planned tomorrow. Going to the Sec of State for car stuff so we can get insurance to finally pay off the PT Cruiser, lunch at the chinese buffet (mostly for the sushi), Kevin has some court stuff to deal with and we have to go to the hospital and get his eye examined (he poked his eye last Sunday and it's been bothering him since then. He's been a pirate for the past 4 days). Hopefully we'll also get downriver to return our DVD recorder/player that isn't recording or playing DVDs lately and maybe stop by to see our nephews before we have to be in Dearborn Heights for trivia @ 8pm. oh yea! and I have to fit in 15 minutes on the treadmill early.
And now it's time to go spend some more time with the hubby and watch a movie before he falls asleep ... if he hasn't already while I've been blogging. He works way too hard.
I started this morning waking up after some really strange dreams. I had gone to a Kingdom Hall with Pat Hartman ... the Jehovah's Witness woman I studied with for years (from 8 - 16). The elder in charge was some blind guy who flirted with me. Of course most of my dreams lately have been past-based. Last week I had one where I went to Interlochen ... but we didn't take busses, we took supersonic planes. And to get into the camp you had to go thru a maze of bars (think along the lines of those bars set up in Cedar Pointe to get onto rides but much more intricate). I was too fat to fit thru the bar maze so they directed me to the "alternate" entrance which was a maze of stones atop a pool of water.
I awoke and came downstairs and did some cleaning since we were originally gonna have dinner guests over (nothing spectacular ... broccoli cheese soup and sandwiches). The kitchen is really starting to get up to par. I still have a ton of organizing and going thru the cabinets to do, but on the surface it could prolly pass a mom test.
After the dishes were loaded and the counters cleaned, it was time to turn on the football game (which I had set the DVR to record just in case I didn't wake up in time) and get on the treadmill. I put on my tennies, set the treadmill for 2mph w/ no incline begane walking. The initial plan was to walk 10 minutes everyday (cuz i only did every other day last week) but I got to 15 minutes today with no problem. I wanted to go longer but I figured I wouldn't wear myself out this week. Plus I'm sure it was easier cuz I was wrapped up in the Colts/Chargers game. It distracted me.
A quick straightening up of the living room and then I sat down to finish up some crochet projects (that were supposed to be done before xmas) and wait for Kevin to come home from work. On his way home he stopped off at Michael's to get some yarn I needed to finish my project, but they didn't have it, so he just ended up with a photobox instead (to put all my pictures in once I finish scanning them so they don't end up back in plastic bags) and stopped off at Home Depot to grab an air filter for our furnace (which we've sorely needed for months now)
By this time the Giants/Cowboys game was on. I was torn for this one. I really wanted the Giants to win, but I knew that the Cowboys are the only real hope to beat Favre and the Packers. The Giants ended up winning and while I'm really happy for Eli and the G-men, I'm not looking forward to a Favre/Brady Superbowl where the announcers try and one up each other as to who loves which QB more.
our company didn't pan out for dinner tonight so Kevin instead got ingredients so i could make an enchilada casserole. It's loosely based on the one I had at da banshee's Pampered Chef party.
1lb ground beef
1/2 onion
1tbsp minced garlic
cumin, chili ancho, salt and pepper to taste.
Brown up the beef with the onion, garlic and other spices. Once done add enchilada sauce packet and water (according to envelope) and simmer about 5 minutes. Then add a can of refried beans and simmer another 5 minutes.
Then take a package of corn tortillas and cut into quarters and line a baking pan with a layer (kinda like making a lasagna) then spoon the meat/bean sauce on top and sprinkle some colby jack cheese. repeat. (i made 3 layers) sprinkle lots of cheese on top and then put into a 350 oven for about 15 minutes (until cheese is bubbly and melty). take out of oven and let it sit for about 5 - 10 minutes to set up. Cut and enjoy.
It turned out really yummy. We both added jalepeno slices on top when we ate it (nacho style) to spice it up a bit, but it was fine without them as well. Next time I would add more corn tortillas tho. I only had a package of 12 to work with tonight. Next time I would have at least 20 to add a little more of the corn flavour.
Watched Terminator:The Sarah Connor chronicles as we ate. It wasn't that bad. Gonna DVR tomorrow's episode (since we'll be at trivia when it's on) and give it a little bit of a chance. I love the Terminator movies. I just hope this doesn't disappoint.
Got a busy day planned tomorrow. Going to the Sec of State for car stuff so we can get insurance to finally pay off the PT Cruiser, lunch at the chinese buffet (mostly for the sushi), Kevin has some court stuff to deal with and we have to go to the hospital and get his eye examined (he poked his eye last Sunday and it's been bothering him since then. He's been a pirate for the past 4 days). Hopefully we'll also get downriver to return our DVD recorder/player that isn't recording or playing DVDs lately and maybe stop by to see our nephews before we have to be in Dearborn Heights for trivia @ 8pm. oh yea! and I have to fit in 15 minutes on the treadmill early.
And now it's time to go spend some more time with the hubby and watch a movie before he falls asleep ... if he hasn't already while I've been blogging. He works way too hard.
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