I haven't been online much. What with the new kitty and my newest obsession crochet, i've been spending alot of time on the couch having kitty time while working on my first crochet project. It's a scarf for my mom...It was going to be a scarf for Kevin but he didn't go get the yarn he wanted me to make it out of, so I used what I had purchased when i got the book @ Michael's ... a really pretty multi-colured worsted yarn that's shades of purkle & blue. I'll post a pic once I'm done with it...which at the rate I'm going should be later on today lol. I can't seem to get to sleep for wanting to crochet this damn thing. I'm gonna dream of sc I just know it.
I remember when my Mama tried to teach me how to crochet many years ago. I simply could not get it. I tried and tried and couldn't hook the yarn and pull it thru with just the hook. It frustrated me to no end and so i gave up. Who would have thought 20 years down the road I would turn into my Mama...sitting in front of the tv watching soaps and crocheting a scarf. I like to think she helped me this time when i picked it up. I learned my first stitch in less than an hour and 2 stitches a day after that. It will take time to get to where I wanna be.... you know...crazy crochet lady that gives everyone placemats and doilies and such for the holidays... but I'll be happy right now as long as my scarf turns out halfway decent. I know my mom will love it no matter what.
Other than my obsession with crochet and loving my new kitty so much it hurts (her name is Kaguya Hime btw...Princess Kaguya...I'm too lazy to put up the link, but there's a story behind her name. Just go to wikipedia and type in Kaguya Hime...she a princess of the moon people) I'm missing my Kikyo so much. I cry a little each day. I try not to, but i compart the 2 cats all the time. The other day one of Kikyo's old toys appeared I swear out of nowhere. It's a little plastic ball with a jingle bell inside. Kaguya-san loved it. I think it was Kikyo's way of welcoming the kitty. I know i sound crazy, i don't care. I tell you honestly I thought all those toys had been lost or smashed by my big feet stepping on them when they were accidentally under my feet (they aren't the sturdiest of toys...dollar store lol) I'm making a special effort not to step on this one. In honor of my Kikyo whom I miss dearly. *wipes away tears*
This Friday we go to a party in Wyandotte which is taking place at the hall where we plan to have our reception. So Kevin will have to endure my wedding talk all night as well as my incessant picture taking of the place. I'll have a better idea of what we have to work with for May...and in 2 weeks I'm going to a bridal show here in Livonia...so expect much wedding talk in the near future.
That reminds me! If you read this blog and want an xmas card from me with a wedding reminder, please email me @ magikjaz@gmail.com
wow I had more to say and I can't even remember anything. Guess that's what I get for blogging on a tired mind.I watched something today that gave me all kinds of philosophical thoughts and I couldn't wait to write them down and make my blog worthy of reading and now I can't even remember what it was I watched. I am getting old.
OH! my bday is in a week (roughly) we're having a party the sunday after cuz i work that night. Nothing major, just food, drinks and friends. I'm hoping people will come since it is a Sunday and chances are most of them are going out Saturday night and gonna be hung over :-( I should make it a costume party, but I'm kinda lazy myself. I still don't know what I'm wearing to work the Halloween party the 28th.
OH! another OH! I ran into the mom of an old high school friend @ my last karaoke gig. She gave me his number. I still haven't called. Kinda worried about what I'm gonna say to be honest. Haven't talked to him in about 15 years.
Okay, time to get back to my crochet and work towards getting to sleep. I was gonna go out and get doughnuts for me and Kevin but he has no $$ in his wallet ... just cc ... just my luck...I'm craving a glazed doughnut (not that i need it lol)
Peace out. Sweet Dreams! check me on myspace if you get a chance. I'm magikjaz (again ... too lazy to post the url) *hugs*