So Kevin and I went to the Fallstitch jamboree on Saturday night. Unfortunately we didn't get to see all the cool important stuff... Kevin ended up having to work Saturday (which he wasn't supposed to) and then he ended up getting out later than he planned, so we got there around 9:30-ish. Mon and Mark were outside chatting, so I saw them right away! It was great! they looked fabulous! And it wasn't awkward at all. Felt like we hadn't had that long gap of years between when we've seen each other (me and mon that is).
Unfortunately my hubby is kinda anti-social when he first gets out of work. He needs unwind time. So after chatting a bit with the Beadles we went inside and saw the gorgeous bride. She had just changed out of her dress and into a HAWT leopard print skirt. She looked fabulous! We chatted for a moment, signed the autograph picture and put the card on the table (I didn't know the cherry hat box was the card box...I'm so dense).

Julia told us to drink drink we did! We made our way over to the bar and got some beer. I saw Karen and Laura Roncevich and said hi. Then i noticed their mom over on the other side of the room. On my way there I saw Chris Carmody so we chatted for a few. He had grown up so great! He always was, but man he really seems together. Marriage and fatherhood is good on him.
After that I went over to Mrs. Roncevich to say hi. After all, she was my mom in South Pacific (Bloody Mary is the girl I love....) so I say hi and she looks at me kinda strange and I introduce myself and she says "i thought you were Melanie for a minute! I was wondering why she changed her dress" This doesn't surprise me. You won't be able to tell from the pics to follow, but she and I look alot alike according to people we know. The story goes that when Melfish walked into fall auditions at RHS in 1990 as a frosh people thought she was me. Chicken wrote me about her immediately. So when I came home for fall break I met her and we've been friends ever since.
So I chatted with the fish mom for a few and then went searching for fish. I still hadn't seen her at this point. At some point during all this i got to run into Zach and thank him for inviting us. He was sloshed. I wish I had been at our wedding *sigh*
So I finally found fish out front of the PRCU and we sat and chatted. And chatted. And chatted. then I got my hubby and we all went out for a smoke and chatted some more. She had some major issues that were going on with her that night. I'm just glad I was there to be her friend and listen to her. I think it's ultimately the reason we were so late. If i had been there on time I would prolly have been just as sloshed and then what good would I have been.
After awhile she came back in and we took a couple pics. I look horrible in them, but I'll share them anyway. Kevin really needs to learn to take a pic on the level instead of sitting makes me look fatter.

And my favorite pic of the night .... her with Kevin:

Those are all the pics I got....I kept forgetting to take more. I can't wait to see Julia and Zach's final pics of all the stuff I missed.
By the end of the night fish was all better and we finished our beer and helped Zach and Julia cart a few things out to the car. We said our goodbyes and off we went into the night. (actually to our local watering hole where our favorite bartender proceeded to get us hammered with free pitchers...she was in a generous mood...musta been cuz Kevin looked hot lol)
All in all it was a good night...even if I didn't get to interact with as many people as long as I wanted to. OH! And they played a RUSH song near the end of the night! YAY! a bonus for actually reading my blog.....cute kitty in the box picture. (yes there's another 30 pack behind the one she's was football friday for crying out loud!!!)

By the end of the night fish was all better and we finished our beer and helped Zach and Julia cart a few things out to the car. We said our goodbyes and off we went into the night. (actually to our local watering hole where our favorite bartender proceeded to get us hammered with free pitchers...she was in a generous mood...musta been cuz Kevin looked hot lol)
All in all it was a good night...even if I didn't get to interact with as many people as long as I wanted to. OH! And they played a RUSH song near the end of the night! YAY! a bonus for actually reading my blog.....cute kitty in the box picture. (yes there's another 30 pack behind the one she's was football friday for crying out loud!!!)

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