Today is my cousin Frankie's birthday. He would have been 34 today if I'm not mistaken. I wish I had a car to go out to Woodmere and visit him. I'm sure we probably wouldn't be as close as we were years ago, I mean I went to Michael's wedding and he didn't even know who I was. But I still miss him. He was like my big brother. The one I never had. *sigh* This day always makes me kinda sad.
My cousin Frankie passed away in 1986 from Leukemia. He was 15. He passed July 12, 1986 (another sad day) He's the reason I'm a star trek fan. We would go visit him at children's hospital every sunday and he would always be watching Star Trek. When he passed away I became fanatic about watching it. It was kind of a way to keep him with me. Little did I know what a freak I would become about it lol.
I have a picture somewhere of him. I'll have to find it. I need it to show to Maria and Joe anyway, his brother and sister. I need to get Maria's address anyway from my mom.
Well I have to go do Kevin's taxes. I'll post more I'm sure. *hugs*