Jolene Blalock's Star Trek Enterprise T'Pol costume
I couldn't watch tonight's debate since I was at rehearsal. I did see the very end online and I've gone back and reviewed a few of the clips that are up.
Now I'm not political in the least. I avoid news stations during election season because they just make my head hurt. Unfortunately, I have to avoid my dad as well since he takes eerie and uncomfortable pleasure in calling anyone not of his chosen party a "moron". I also knew who I was voting for before he clinched his party's nomination.
But I figured as an adult I'd better have some knowledge of what happened at tonight's "Town Hall Meeting".
What I learned was that both candidates are good public speakers. I also learned that, while a very nice man, and someone I wouldn't mind having over for Sunday brunch, John McCain just isn't a president. He's that guy at the office who's been with the company for decades and he knows how the business works. He's at his desk early every day and always brings donuts on payday. You can depend on him to get the job done and get it done right and he even has ideas on how to make it easier. He's the nicest guy in the office - the one no one minds chipping in to buy birthday presents for. But he'll never be promoted to management. He's just not the type. Bolder personalities will always overshadow him. He'll never get run over - he's too good at his job and people have too much respect for him to ever do that to him, but he'll just never be the boss.
Watch him again. Really watch him. The way he carries himself, his facial expressions, his tone of voice. He's a good man. He'll watch your house and water your plants while you're on vacation. He'll pick up your kids from school and take them for ice cream when you're stuck at work. But he's not the man I want representing me to the world. And it has absolutely nothing to do with his politics.
I think her interpretation is absolutely spot on and brilliant. And I wanted to share it with others. I seriously couldn't have said it better myself.
P.S. no matter who you decide to vote for ... please go and vote on Nov. 4th!