

Zammis get four five?

Today Joel came over and we went to the new exhibit at the Henry Ford. 

I wasn't feeling all that well when I woke up originally (I honestly think I ate something that didn't agree with me) but I sucked it up and went anyway and I must say I'm so glad I did!

Thank goodness it was a nice day here, cuz when we got there we had to park a bazillion miles away from the entrance. 

Once inside we made our way to the exhibit, following the signs. The entrance to the enhibit itself was pretty cool. Spiderman was way up high spinning a web. And when you walked in the first thing that you saw was the hat worn by Margaret Hamilton as the Wicked Withc of the West in the Wizard of Oz

The first thing I noticed was one of the suits from Tron - which was cool even if it wasn't glowing

But before I could even move on from there to the Ghostbusters car, Ecto 1, or the other awesome costumes, I was distracted by an artifact from one of my favorite movies of all time. It was the mask Louis Gossett Jr. wore in Enemy Mine.

I seriously love that movie! It's totally cheesy and totally off the wall but it's so near and dear to my heart.

There were some other cool things there. The shirt Shatner wore during the Original Series "Mirror Mirror"


Indiana jones leather jacket, whip, and the Holy grail from "The Last Crusade"

Some things I wasn't able to find pictars for:

Luke Skywalker's jumpsuit
Jolene Blalock's Star Trek Enterprise T'Pol costume
Darth Vader's complete outfit
Stormtrooper helmet and blaster
Luke's lightsaber and hand
Robin's cheesy sotumer (from the TV series ... it was seriously a green tshirt with extras)
and my favorite
Obi Wan's robe worn by Sir Alec Guiness (*le sigh*)

the website says that there were 43 different items there ... I didn't think it was that much ... it seemed pretty small. But in retrospect it was so frigging cool!!!!

And now I want to take a trip to the Sci fi museum in Seattle.

P.S. about 90% of the things were there courtesy of Paul Allen lol


Insight into the candidates

I have a friend that posted a blog regarding last night's debates. Her take on it was brilliant imho and insightful.

I couldn't watch tonight's debate since I was at rehearsal. I did see the very end online and I've gone back and reviewed a few of the clips that are up.

Now I'm not political in the least. I avoid news stations during election season because they just make my head hurt. Unfortunately, I have to avoid my dad as well since he takes eerie and uncomfortable pleasure in calling anyone not of his chosen party a "moron". I also knew who I was voting for before he clinched his party's nomination.

But I figured as an adult I'd better have some knowledge of what happened at tonight's "Town Hall Meeting".

What I learned was that both candidates are good public speakers. I also learned that, while a very nice man, and someone I wouldn't mind having over for Sunday brunch, John McCain just isn't a president. He's that guy at the office who's been with the company for decades and he knows how the business works. He's at his desk early every day and always brings donuts on payday. You can depend on him to get the job done and get it done right and he even has ideas on how to make it easier. He's the nicest guy in the office - the one no one minds chipping in to buy birthday presents for. But he'll never be promoted to management. He's just not the type. Bolder personalities will always overshadow him. He'll never get run over - he's too good at his job and people have too much respect for him to ever do that to him, but he'll just never be the boss.

Watch him again. Really watch him. The way he carries himself, his facial expressions, his tone of voice. He's a good man. He'll watch your house and water your plants while you're on vacation. He'll pick up your kids from school and take them for ice cream when you're stuck at work. But he's not the man I want representing me to the world. And it has absolutely nothing to do with his politics.

I think her interpretation is absolutely spot on and brilliant. And I wanted to share it with others. I seriously couldn't have said it better myself.

P.S. no matter who you decide to vote for ... please go and vote on Nov. 4th!


How I spent my Sunday (or why do I even care anymore)

Late Saturday nght I received a phone call from my mom asking us what we were up to on Sunday. I told her that hubby had to work early, but that he would be home prolly in time for the game. That's when she told me she had tickets for the Lions vs. the Bears game on Sunday. And they were ours!!! SQUEE!!!!

I woke up bright and early Sunday and got dressed in my Hanson jersey. Mom dropped the tickets off around noon (with some timbits and a hazelnut iced cappuccino) before she went to work and hubby got home around 12:45pm and we raced to get downtown.

I was so excited! This was the first game in the post-Millen era, which kinda meant that Marinelli and the gang had something to prove. That they weren't part of the problem. Plus it was against the Chicago Bears. As much as I love the city, I hate their sports teams (except the Cubbies)

We parked at Greektown and walked to Ford Field. Made it to our seats just after the 2nd quarter began. That's when the trouble began.

I looked around us and there seemed to be more Chicago jerseys around us than Detroit. There were even people with signs rooting for Chicago and they weren't being taunted!

I'm not talking about being mean or anything, just booing someone when they hold up a sign. Or booing a good Chicago play. Or even cheering a decent Lions play!

It was like we were IN CHICAGO! People around me seemed afraid to cheer for the Lions. I actually had to start a cheer for the defense. And when I did, people looked at me like I was crazy!

I should let you know that I know that we suck. I'm not blind. We were 0-3 going into this game. And we had miracle last minute sell outs (courtesy of Gardner White Furniture) in order to not be blacked-out. But they are still my team and I still want to cheer them on as best I can. AND WE'RE AT HOME!!! I shouldn't be ashamed or scared to cheer for my team in their house!!

When halftime hit, hubby and I went outside for a smoke break and were immediately surrounded by Chicago jerseys. We forgot a lighter. We had to search for a Lions fan to ask for one (cuz hubby refused to ask a Chicago fan)

Many people around us didn't come back to their seats after halftime. Which meant that more Chicago fans moved closer to the field and thusly surrounded us.

The game itself sucked. If there was a mistake that could be made on the field, we made it. Players weren't even running the correct routes. Players were jumping off sides, causing massive penalties. And of course John Kitna being....well....John Kitna. And can I mention Roy "what the hell is he doing" Williams? I mean seriously! Own your fucking mistakes! Run the fucking routes. Play like you're part of a team and shut the hell up. You are no Randy Moss or T.O. or even Chad Johnson. You are an embarrassment that we need to lose just as quickly as we need to lose Kitna.

Finally in the 3rd quarter Devon Hester fumbled on a punt return! Which allowed hubby to chant loudly "CHICAGO SUCKS! CHICAGO SUCKS!" Which caused alot of people to turn and stare at us but I didn't care.

I should also mention the chick and her bf a few rows ahead of us wearing Hester jerseys that were obnoxiously dancing everytime Chicago made a first down or a sack or whatever. The whole game I wanted to chuck peanuts at their head. When hubby started chanting they turned around like "what the fuck"

UMMMM ... HELLO!!!! You're not in CHICAGO!!! This is DETROIT!!!!

So anyway, we lost. pathetically. Even putting Orlovsky in didn't help us at all. But hubby and I stayed until the end. Mostly cuz of all the orange and blue around us. We wanted to at least represent.

After the shuttle back to Greektown and some waiting in the parking structure, we made it onto the highway to head back home. Big traffic jam. Suddenly police cars came flying up from behind us with their lights flashing and sirens blaring. They stopped slightly ahead of us blocking traffic and I think "Great....accident."

Nope. Not an accident.

The cops were stopping traffic so that the CHICAGO BUSSES could come thru without having to wait for traffic like us normal DETROIT people!

Talk about insult to injury.



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