

Yahoo DSL

Okay, so I'm currently a yahoo dsl customer. Been one for 2 years now. When I signed up it was $19.99/mo for a year service. Well, when we moved, they automatically renewed my contract under the promotion they had at the time which was $14.95/mo for a year contract. Silly me, I assumed that when my contract would be up again for renewal they would just sign me up for the current promotion of $12.99. So when I got my July bill today I noticed it was still the old price. It's less than $2...but hey! $2 is $2! So I called to see what was going on and she said that the $12.99 promotion was online only and only for new customers. But that I could sign up for their other promotion which I qualified for which was $14.99/mo. I'm feeling a little perplexed here. I mean why would I change my contract to pay 4 cents more a month for this service? granted it's 4 cents. but the logic behind me changing my contract eluded me. Who renews and pays more? So I ask her why she's telling me to renew for this promotion and she says the way it would appear on my bill would be different. That I would be getting the service for $29.99 with a $15 credit every month for 12 months.

Okay...but I'm currently getting a bill for $49.95 every month with a $35 credit...this still mathematically adds up to less than what she wants me to sign up for. I tell her this. She says "yes, but the service will be a $29.99 charge instead of the $49.95"

At this point I'm totally confuzzled. So I ask what will happen if I don't Re-up. She finally tells me that if I don't sign the new promotion that the $35 credit will go away and I'll be stuck with the full charge of the service. AHA!!! Now I understand! So I renew my contract and all is happy in the land of internet connections for me once again.

Now why couldn't she have told me that I'd be paying full charge next month if I didn't renew instead of giving me crazy non sensical mathematics?


Fly Lady

I just recently started this new thing. I was telling a friend of mine online (used to go to school with her years ago...Monica) how I was trying to motivate myself to get housework done. See, our dishwasher broke a couple weeks ago and dishes are the thing I hate most!!! So I had a huge pile of them (all rinsed fairly well so they weren't stinky or mouldy or anything...just there and not completely clean) and I couldn't get the motivation to start on them. And that became a snowball effect to the rest of our kitchen and eventually the house. I just lacked motivation. Whenever I would look at it and start cleaning, it just felt like there was too much to do and I'd never get it done and I would end up just putting it off another day.

So Monica told me about which is the philosophy she uses. So I decided to check it out. The first thing they tell you to do is shine your sink. Yea I know. I thought it sounded silly too. But i was reading thru the testimonials ( was one more thing to keep me procrastinating for awhile) and going thru the basics and it kinda made sense to me. One of the big things that Mon had told me was that flylady doesn't believe in cleaning for more tha 15 minutes at a time. !!!!! I liked that idea! So I checked it out, signed up, and cleaned my sink.

This is where I made my mistake in the beginning. I didn't *SHINE* it. You're supposed to clean it thoroughly so it's the one spot that's clean and take pride in it and work from there. I did clean it and dried it out to keep away spots. But i still had a ton of dishes to do. I did a sinkful and cleaned the sink out and left it at that.

So the next day I got the reminders...they say to dress to the shoes cuz having shoes on will motivate you (or something) so I did...and it did!!! I was liking this! I did my morning facial regime and brushed my teeth and did some more dishes and cleaned the sink again (again....not shine...just clean...but it was still more than I had done a couple days before) I even put some makeup on and did my hair...I was feeling good about myself.

Well, I have to confess...the past few days I didn't follow the flylady and I suffered for it. I didn't dress to the shoes which made it easier to lollygag around on the couch and then take a nap in the middle of the day (which I'm sure I didn't need) and when I woke up I still had more dishes to do. I did get the laundry done and put away (which in our house consists of taking it out of the dryer and hanging it up immediately...we don't do drawers around here) It was okay but I wasn't following the 15 minutes rule so things started to get a bit overwhelming again.

I was noticing I wasn't as motivated and I was reverting back to old ways. So today when Kevin and I went out on our usual Monday outing (dining out, running errands, going shopping) I made a point to get some stuff to clean around the house. And I just spent the last couple hours cleaning up parts of the kitchen...15 minutes at a time...I even set the timer on the stove lol...and I feel great about it!!!! I got most of the dishes done (they just keep piling up lol) and tomorrow I'm going to shine my sink and start dressing to the shoes and feeling good about myself again!!! It may take me awhile to get completely in the swing of things....but I have a good feeling about this.

FYI ... the "fly" in flylady is for "Finally Loving Yourself"


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