Far Too Early
I know most of my peeps irl wake up at this time everyday, but it's far too early for me. I'm so frigging tired. I even went to sleep early last night so as to be somewhat coherent and less bitchy this morning. I don't think it worked.
So I'm outta here in 40 minutes for a long ass day and I hope I can make it thru.
Thank the Gods and Goddesses for coffee.
Nothing much to say
Got a busy day tomorrow. Gotta be up and out the door by around 9am cuz Kevin and I are catering a lunch for his Masonic Temple in Ann Arbor. Should be interesting and I'll get to see the inside of the Temple for the first time, which is cool.
After that it's back to Rouge Park Lounge for some Euchre @ 2pm, along with free sloppy joes during the big game and then a steak roast at 6PM followed up with me hosting karaoke from 8pm until who knows...prolly around 12 or 1AM. No set time, just when everyone leaves. I'm not getting paid a whole lot since I'm filling in for a friend of Judy's who doesn't charge her that much, but it should be fun anyway. It was pretty dead last week so I sang alot, and I'm sure I'll sing alot again this week. Heaven knows I love to sing ^_^
BTW if anyone wants to come join me I'll be there all day. The address is:
Rouge Park Lounge
16515 W. Outer Drive
Dearborn Heights
It's right on the corner of Outer Drive and Warren. Really easy to find.
Thankfully Sunday will be a day of rest. Watching football all day and hoping against hope that the Lions pull out a win and don't look like the complete losers we looked last Sunday. Boy was that humiliating!
OH! and Monday's the last trivia night before the tournament. I think we've qualified to go to the tournament (YAY!!!) so Saturday Dec 1st be rooting for us to win it all!!!
And now it's back to watch some TV and continue working on some crochet gifts for the holidays. Only a little over a month so I gotta get cracking!!!
the best song ever
and now I"m going to get me some chocolate.
Random Picture Blog
Either way ENJOY!!

Quite possibly the worst movie ever made.
This makes Private Benjamin look oscar worthy (a movie i love btw in spite of it's awfulness)
Sad News
Man Charged With Dismembering Woman
Franklin Benson, 47, goes before a Newton County Magistrate judge Monday morning to face charges that he murdered his girlfriend and then dismembered her body. He was arrested late Sunday after GBI agents and crime lab technicians cracked the strange case.
It began October 30 when some dogs found a human foot in some woods behind a vacant house off Georgia Highway 212 and Island Shoals Road in Newton County. Searchers soon discovered another foot, some legs and a hand.
It turns out Leslyan Williams, 49, of Decatur was reported missing about the same time by some out-of-state relatives. With that missing report and the remains, investigators soon came up with boyfriend Franklin Benson's name. They learned Benson runs a car care business near the crime scene.
"Investigators were able to make a connection with the location where the body was found and two individuals," GBI spokesman John Bankhead told 11Alive News Sunday night. He said crime lab technicians were then able to link up the severed hand and the victim.
"They obtained fingerprints from the remains and compared them to the victim's fingerprints and made a match," Bankhead explained. Investigators will continue to search for Williams' head and torso, hoping an autopsy will determine the exact cause of death.
Suspect Franklin Benson is now being held in the Newton County Jail awaiting his Monday first court appearance. Meanwhile, investigators are asking anyone with information on either Williams or Benson to call the GBI Tip Line at 1-800-597-TIPS (8477).
My mom works with the sister of the woman mentioned in this story. You hear about these thing happening but you never expect them to happen to people you actually know. According to what I was told on Saturday, the sister was reported missing 10 days previous but the local police refused to investigate, saying that she was an adult and had the right to "disappear" and not be in contact with anyone. Even after the family insisted this was totaly out of character for her, it took the involvement of the Inkster police (my mom and the victim's sister work for the city of Inskter) to get the authorities involved down there.
The family was travelling down to GA from MI to see what was going on first hand. They were in Kentucky when they got the call that she was dead. At that point all that was found were her hands and feet.
I can't even imagine the horror this family is going through. Hopefully justice will be swift and exact. I know that if it were my sister that man wouldn't even make it to his arraignment alive.
Kitna does it again.
But I'm not here to talk about football. Yes my Lions lost today and I am terribly sad and numbing my pain with some frosty beverages made in St. Louis, MO.
I'm here cuz I'm PISSED about what I saw at the end of the broadcast of the Lions game today.
In case you can't tell (cuz it's a crappy video i know...i made it really quick with my cell phone cuz I couldn't find my camera) It's our quarterback, John Kitna, and the quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals, Kurt Warner, kneeling down and holding hands with each other and leading a circle of players in a POST GAME PRAYER!!!
Now I was raised Catholic and was Christian in some form or another for almost half my life. Religion isn't really the issue here. Feel free to pray to your god after the game.
Just had to get that off my chest.