what kitchen utensil are YOU?
1.Outside a conference room in a hotel, participants are enjoying sandwiches, coffee, and pastries. You could use some refreshment. Do you help yourself?
sure! why not!
2.It's a sweltering night and you don't have air conditioning. Your new neighbors are away and their swimming pool looks inviting. Do you cool off in it?
heck yeah!! as long as they're away for like a weekend or something
3.Your teenager nervously confesses that s/he is sexually attracted to his/her own sex. Do you react in a supportive way?
DUH!!! i don't even feel the need to answer this one as it's not a scruples question. but i will. OF COURSE I'M SUPPORTIVE!! what kind of jerk in this day and age wuldn't be?? do you realize how much it took to tell your parent in the first place?? I'm 30 and still haven't actually told my mom that i had a relationship with a woman before. What the HELL kinda question is this anyway!?!
I know i spend far too much time in front of this computer. but it makes me happy. i learn new things all the time. My time here isn't wasted. And it's hella more constructive than sitting in front of the TV all day watching infomercials. I'm almost always here in front of the computer. talking to the people i know in cyberland and playing with my pets in neopia and laughing at the funny emails i get (most of them from my mom who should be working at her desk).
I LOVE my computer. not as much as i love my life and i love Kevin ... but it's right up there, ya know? it keeps me in touch. it helps me to cope sometimes. when i don't have anyone that i feel i can talk to, i can always come here. I can be me or i can be anonymous. I can say all the stuff i want to say without someone worrying or making judgements about me. and if they do ... SO WHAT!?! I'm just another faceless screenname a billion lightyears away. I can't see the scorn of their face and they can't see the ridicule on mine. It's a perfect set-up.
1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life?
let's see ... with mom, mama & papa, harley, greg, gloria, rose & johnny, carmen, yale, keith holthuss, by myself, & now with kevin. 11 total.
2. Which was your favorite and why?
I think it has to be our current one. Cuz it's a great place with a great location and i'm living with the man i love. the only way it will get better iswhen we have our own house (or buy this one)
3. Do you find moving house more exciting or stressful? Why?
Exciting at first, then stressful as it goes along. I don't mind the moving part, it's the packing part that gets to me. I'm a packrat and consequently i have like a TON of stuff to pack and move *ugh* not looking forward to next year.
4. What's more important, location or price?
Currently we have lucked out and got a great location at a decent price. $650 / month ... which may sound steep, but we're right off the water in downtown Wyandotte. I don't think either is more important. it's a combination of the 2. altho i would be moer willing to live someplace in a semi-perfect location for less than i would be willing to pay more for the perfect location.
5. What features does your dream house have (pool, spa bath, big yard, etc.)?
well, it has a huge front porch, big back yard, preferably with a pool. Open spacial design. I don't like all kinds of walls. central air. ummm ... i'd LOVe to have an atrium with a hot tub and a fully furnished basement complete with bar area. perhaps a pool table. i can't think of anything else at this moment. OH! and it would be right next door to Tim Curry so i could go over there and borrow a cup of sugar every once in awhile ;)
but . . . sometimes i use this kind of "shorthand" too. :p~