warning this could be techincal and boring
I am so close to giving up but I've already spent 2 days trying to get this router thing to work. altho I finally had a breakthrough today by finally getting the laptop to recognize the wireless card. Seems the puter just didn't want to recognize the drivers so I had to shove them in it's face.
I worked on getting the router to work today for awhile and finally caved in and called tech support and they had me do the usual ... unplug the modem and router and turn off the puter and then replug and reboot. It was something I had already done .... in the same order they told me to .... and it only worked for a little bit before I would have to do it again.
So it worked, and with the notebook card finally recognized I was able to freely surf without wires. SO EXCITING!!!! i was able to sit out side on the deck in the sun and relax as I totally wasted time.
This lasted a little more than an hour when suddenly everywhere I tried to surf led me to a stupid dsl help page.
and now I can't connect again to the internet with the modem connected to the router. I've googled and done what they suggested and still nothing. I'm at my wit's end.
bonus tho i have discovered that somewhere around me there in fact is someone with a wireless router that I am currently connecting to on my laptop.so even tho my router isn't working I am still roaming around free of wires ^_^
which then leads me to this (just kinda thinking aloud) since I found a connection that's nearby do i just try and sell the router and mooch? and hope whoever is the source doesn't block me (if they can do that) and just hardwire the connection from puter to modem? I also wanted to add the puter we have downstairs in the basement. i have a usb wireless adaptor that came with the router that (once i figure out why the CD drive isn't working) i can install on that puter and wirelessly connect from there. I know it sounds like overkill having 3 puters to sure the interwebz ... but it would be nice. and I don't really want to network them .... just have them all interwebz ready.
I'm kinda pissed at myself for not being able to get the wireless card recognized until today and therefore not knowing about the other wireless connection. We wouldn't have had to buy the router.
But then i think it might be a good thing to have the router. If i can ever get the damn thing to work. I'm seriously pissed at myself for not being able to get the router to work on my own. I'm smarter than this. I just can't figure it out.
I don't know. I need feedback. And help to install the damn thing.