

I hate thinking of headlines

OKay...first of song added to my profile! Using a cool new gadget I just read about HERE. It's a new (free) service that allows you to upload your own music and make a playlist and then add that to your myspace page. So you can have tons of songs on your player and add it to your myspace if you really wanted...just change the order of the playlist whenever it suits you. I haven't really played around with it. I was so damn excited that I wasn't limited to what myspace bands have to offer I just uploaded the first song that came into my head and VOILA!

So anyway, last night we went over to Ian and Michelle's for a party. It started around 9PM ... we got there around 11-ish. It turned out to be a going away party for one of Michelle's best friends. So we showed up with some beer and had a great time. It was nothing more than people milling around the house drinking and chatting with each other. While in the basement we noticed a poster leaning against the wall for the movie "2046" ... which I had just recorded on our DVR and Kevin and I were planning on watching this weekend. So I mentioned it and that got us all started on Asian cinema (which we watch mostly Asian horror but still...) Very interesting. Ian is very into Asian cinema (which you can tell if you look at his myspace duh! Sometimes I can be pretty dense) as was the other guy we were talking to, Stan. Stan is Michelle's friend from college (and he and his gf were the reason for the party....they're moving to San Diego)

Kevin got along famously with Stan and Ian. I chatted some with Michelle and her friends thru the course of the night. I really like her. I said it before, but she is just a phenomenal person. So nice and genuine and intelligent. (of course I didn't expect anything less) I kept hoping Evan would show before we had to leave but he didn't. He got lost on his way to Ferndale from Wyandotte lol. When Ian talked to him, he said to keep me there until he got there, but who knows when that could have been. Hopefully I'll get to see him this summer before he heads back to Colorado.

Before we left, Stan showed us a student project he did. It was a short film. About 9 minutes. Ian and some friends did the soundtrack. It was a zombie flick. Right up Kevin's alley. I *loved* it! Kevin actually wants to get a copy of it for our movie collection. It was brilliant. Stan said that when he first wanted to do the project the staff pretty much looked down their noses at him. You're in art school and you should do art...not zombie movies. But he sent feelers out anyway to see if people would be interested in helping him and was stunned by the response he received. He actually got around 20 people to dress as zombies for the final scene.

The movie plot was simple. Guy comes in and complains to friend that some homeless guy bit him. Shortly thereafter he turns and attacks said friend. They then go up into the dorms and get the security guard, who then goes with them up to the rooms. And at the end you see just tons of zombies walking out. they got them all! MUAHAHAHAHAHA

Stan was great! I am so sad that we got to meet him and he's moving!

I tell you what tho, it was nice to be around people that share our affinities. We get stuck going to the local bars and inevitably you end up talking about football or baseball or whatever sport is currently the season, or about the weather, know, pretty much small talk. And I hate small talk. Give me some meat with my conversation. For instance, last night we even started touching on religion and christianity. a social no-no. Especially with people you barely know. But we all held conversaions just fine. Intelligent. Civil. Perfect.

So I'm thinking of finally cleaning and organizing our house up and maybe having parties again. Simple ones. Just friends coming over, maybe playing games or whatever, sharing drinks and conversation and just generally enjoying each other's company. Sound like fun?


More Reminiscing....

I think part of the reason I can't sleep is because of all the memories I have floating around in my head after reading my journals this weekend (at least some of them...I know i have more somewhere just can't find them house still has so many unpacked boxes from the move last year)

Mostly the memories floating around are of Liam and the Williamsons. I really loved that family. Their mom was an angel to me. She would invite me to stay with them for dinner (according to my journal she invited me once so that the boys would behave and she could have conversation with another female). She taught me voice lessons for awhile. She never forbade me to come to their house ever. She never treated me like a nuisance (and believe me, I'm sure I was...I used to go over there so often it was a 2nd house). She was like a 2nd mother to me. She gave me my first bottle of perfume after Hello Dolly. White Shoulders. I still wear it and think of her. I miss her so much.

And those boys. Let me tell you. There were none like those Williamson boys. I fell in love with all of them. Not in any romantic sense (altho I did secretly crush on all of them at one time or another....I even used to think I would end up marrying one of them....most prolly Liam) They were something special to me. Brothers but so much better. I could talk to each of them pretty much about anything. And they respected me.

There were many times I would be down in their basement with Liam. I remember once in particular. He would flirt with me and make sexual innuendo and I would just laugh. I mean, I was never the girl that guys asked out or anything. I was everyone's friend. But if I had a bf in high school it prolly would have been Liam. He was so infuriating but so brilliant at the same time.

I had a falling out with some friends in senior year. Regarding Liam. One friend in particular thought I was getting mixed up in all the things he was doing. I wasn't. But I was seeing the world thru different eyes. He introduced me to so many new and wonderful things...actually he and Ian. Were it not for them I wouldn't have been introduced to half the music I listen to now (including and especially Rush). I remember once I went over there and mentioned I liked Metallica. I was so young. The only Metallica I had ever heard was "One" from "and justice for all" Liam looked at me incredulously "YOU like METALLICA?" "yeah" ... that's when he pratically dragged me down to the basement and played all the older Metallica he had...even made me a tape of Metallica on one side and Megadeath on the other. I prolly have it somewhere still.

There was a time when I got mad at Liam. I don't remember what for. I didn't talk to him for almost 6 months. But I still loved his family so much I would go over anyway....only this time to visit with Ian. or their mom. Ian was another brilliant person. He played drums mostly, but he also played piano and sang like a god. I loved his voice. (And apparently played bass too...since that's what he does now with Capitol Cities) And he was so smart. All those boys were. I think it came from growing up in a house without television. I remember the first time I went over there and Liam told me that. I was gabberflasted. How could you live without TV?!?! But they did, and they were all better for it. Thanks to their mom.

Cuz I didn't like their dad. I don't think anyone did. He was superintendent of schools back then. He was a horrible father imho. I don't have any specific incidences thank god because most of the time I would go over he wouldn't be there. I just remember that the air in the house would change the minute he walked in the door.

And let's not forget Evan. I didn't get to know him as well as the other 2. he was younger. Ian used to treat him an older brother to a younger one I suppose. I imagine Liam was horrible to Ian when I wasn't there. He was a cutie. This is going to come out wrong, but I remember how amazed I was that he was so "normal" with his being deaf and all. He was actually prolly the most "mainstream" of those Williamson boys.

I don't remember why I stopped hanging around them and lost touch. Maybe it was because of Harley. He didn't like them and we ended up being quite an item for awhile. After Harley my life went pretty crazy for quite a few years. Moving from friend's house to friend's house in Detroit. I didn't talk to my own family for months. I lost touch with alot of people then.

I saw Liam once. Around 1998. I was working at 7-11 on Biddle in Wyandotte and he walked in with some chick. He was wearing eyeliner and mascara and had black nail polish on. But he pretty much looked the same. We chatted for a bit and then he left. I don't know why we didn't exchange numbers or anything. I haven't seen him since then.

Kevin and I talk about him every once in awhile. My husband actually used to hang out with him, and Marc Bourassa and Mason Baker. I've told him how important those Williamsons were to me. He understands. I've often told Kevin that if I knew him back then I prolly wouldn't have liked him or hung out with him....but then I think about Liam...and I prolly would have.

We're supposed to get together this week with Ian and his fiance Michelle. I love her. She's gotta be something special to get to marry into that family.

Wow! I don't know if i feel better after all this. Remembering them made me kinda homesick and melancholy. I forgot how much they really meant to me. Besides the "dreamers" (and you know who you are) they were prolly the most influential in helping me be who I am today.

And in case you're wondering...Ian is the boy in the previous blogs. I think I'm brave enough to admit that now.

I can't sleep

I need to be up in 3 and a half hours to get ready for the long day from hell today. It's Kevins employee picnic and I'm the entertainment (karaoke/DJ) I don't start until 12noon...but Kevin has to be there sometime around7:30 to get things rolling (he's the exec chef....he's in charge of all the food) and since we only have one car I have to go with him in the morning. This means Jazmyn will be swilling down many many MANY cups of coffee today...along with many many MANY bottles of water as it's supposed to get up to around 100 degrees with around 50% humidity ... good stuff.

I had a wedding that I worked tonight. Out in Southfield. I spent most of the time chatting via text to my t'hy'la cuz I was so bored. They hired us for 3 hours....6PM - supplemental to the main DJ. strictly karaoke. Which is fine. I'm assuming the DJ came with the package (it was a nice place...the wedding easily cost somewhere in teh vicinity of 20K) So the deal was that at 6PM the maid of honor would give her toast and the bridesmaids would sing a song. Then the best man gives his toast and the groomsmen sing their song. Then a small performance by some of the bride and groom's friends and then karaoke. There was this lady in charge of everything...I thought she was the wedding planner but she gave kudos to someone else for that, so she must have just been the banquet person who's job it is to keep everything rolling. Well she showed me the sheet she was working from and after the performance it said "MORE KARAOKE".

So I assumed I'd kick it off like any other show and we'd get a few singers in, pausing occassionally for the traditional wedding stuff like the dances and the tosses....WRONG! Instead of at 7PM they did the 2 toasts and songs and the performance (the bridesmaids lip synced to "giving him somethign he can feel" by En Vogue" ... very cute! They had the dance from the video and everything) The lady in charge went on to the other stuff. So I sat around for another almost hour. Finally she told me we could get the karaoke I said I would sing a song and then get everyone that wanted to sing up there. So I sang "Baby Love" and got a nice response and was getting ready to call up some people I knew wanted to sing (the lady with the paper told me) and she said "and now let's do" something I can't remember. I was stunned. So I basically looked like some diva that just had to sing instead of like a karaoke host doing her job.

After some more wedding stuff the group i was gonna call up to sing finally came over and were ready. So I got them up and done. That was around 8PM. Then there was dessert and around 8:30PM the DJ started playing dace songs (My Eyes Don't Cry (detroit hustle), Cha-Cha Slide, etc...) so of course no one sang then. So I waited nice and polite and at 9PM broke it all down and left.

I can't believe they paid us for a 3 hour show for basically 3 songs. They musta had some money to spend *sheesh* Must be nice.

So we came home, I burned a couple CDs for the party tomorrow (newer radio songs like "Buttons" and "My hips Don't Lie" and stuff like that....cuz my boss is all about the country music in his collection) And we got ready for bed. So I lay down and I think I fell asleep cuz I felt like I woke up, but now I can't get my brain to stop.

Which means a different blog I suppose so I can organize my thoughts on why I can't sleep.


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