I was doing so damn good this year too :(
Oh well. Guess there's always next year. And I didn't even TOUCH my short story.
I would like to say that Thanksgiving was incredibly awesome - just me and the hubby and tons of food. And altho we're still suffering money-wise, we're gonna be okay. As long as we have each other.
And, side note, I'm prolly the worst sister ever. My sister called me today on her way home from work and let's just say the hormones are really kicking in. I made the mistake of saying that to her and she basically hung up on me.
so yea. I suck.
Day #23
Review to come tomorrow - presumably when i've stopped laughing enough to be able to type coherent sentences.
Review to come tomorrow - presumably when i've stopped laughing enough to be able to type coherent sentences.
Day #21
Well the show was kind of a success. I didn't do spectacular, but i did actually make a little money at this one, so it was definitely much, much better than the last few i did. I gotta bust out a ton this week for the Rock N rummage show next friday in Ypsi and also make those special order bottlecaps for Great Lakes Watch Co. And then i think i'm done for the season. I might check into a show closer to Xmas, but all in all in think from now on i'm working on updating my shop and building up stock for next year so i'm not so crazy.
Day #20
So I follow Christopher Moore on twitter and I'm his fan on FB and of course i subscribe to his blogs on myspace - basically i'm a big giant cyber stalker cuz i love his work. Well today he featured someone else's writing in his blog - AND HE'S A MICHIGANDER!!!!
Mike Spradlin - and I totally want his book, It's beginning to look alot like Zombies: A book of Zombie Christmas Carols
Mike Spradlin - and I totally want his book, It's beginning to look alot like Zombies: A book of Zombie Christmas Carols
Day #19
so tired today. I'm quite sure the crappy weather is to blame and NOT the fact that i didn't get to sleep until sometime around 7AM (*SHUSH*). I did sleep until 1:30PM, so i got a decent amount of sleep, but i wanted more. And since I don't usually drink coffee around the house, i am dragging today. If i get my bottlecaps done tonight i will be SO lucky!!!
So super quick post just to say hi cuz i gotta glue the images in the caps and pour them full of resin and HOPE they dry in time *crosses fingers and toes*
So super quick post just to say hi cuz i gotta glue the images in the caps and pour them full of resin and HOPE they dry in time *crosses fingers and toes*
Day #18
I"m so excited! I got an email today from the guy i spoke with in Livonia and he wants an order of 60 bottlecaps!!! YAY!!!! of course i gave him a super discount so i'm not making nearly the money i would make if it were retail, but most of them are gonna be giveaways for his company anyway. And it gets my product out there in a different way! So maybe someone else will see them and want some for themselves!! YAY!!!
Day #17
So the guy that I talked to at the Livonia Elks show emailed me regarding making some bottlecaps for his business. So i made a couple mockups (I love Photoshop) and sent them back to him. Just waiting on his reply. I think they look awesome, but then I'm partial to my work.
I also ordered some holiday images from an etsy seller instead of working on gleaning images and making them myself cuz frankly my puter is running so slow lately it's driving me insane. We really need to update it - or upgrade. I WISH we could get into that $1200 deal at Best Buy where you get the desktop, laptop and netbook with Windows 7, but that's a pipe dream. We can't even spend $12 on a new puter right now.
I also ordered some holiday images from an etsy seller instead of working on gleaning images and making them myself cuz frankly my puter is running so slow lately it's driving me insane. We really need to update it - or upgrade. I WISH we could get into that $1200 deal at Best Buy where you get the desktop, laptop and netbook with Windows 7, but that's a pipe dream. We can't even spend $12 on a new puter right now.
Day #16
So we were supposed to try and get tickets tonight for Evil Dead the Musical, but money is really really tight right now and even tho the tix are only $10 each we just can't afford anything extra. Especially since hubby didn't get paid again on Monday like he's supposed to. I'm just gonna have to start planning for Tuesday to be his payday and budget accordingly. 1 day shouldn't make that much of a difference, but it does when you're pretty much living from paycheck to paycheck. Those due on dates don't always fall nicely where you need them. So there's alot of creative balancing going on in our household. Seriously I forget what it's like to have a disposable income.
Day #15
really - why do i even bother???
Once again the Lions lost. I know we have 1 win on the season, but i really was expecting a little more from them. Plus it would have been REALLY nice to kick Brett Favre's azz in his Minnesota purple uniform. Our defense did a good job getting to him tho. They really stepped it up. And Stafford's looking good. He's still underthrowing C. Johnson (really - some of the passes were below his knees - C. Johnson's over 6 feet tall - throw HIGHER!!!) but he had nice presence in the pocket and didn't panic under pressure.
Once again the Lions lost. I know we have 1 win on the season, but i really was expecting a little more from them. Plus it would have been REALLY nice to kick Brett Favre's azz in his Minnesota purple uniform. Our defense did a good job getting to him tho. They really stepped it up. And Stafford's looking good. He's still underthrowing C. Johnson (really - some of the passes were below his knees - C. Johnson's over 6 feet tall - throw HIGHER!!!) but he had nice presence in the pocket and didn't panic under pressure.
Day #14
Well, today was the show and it sucked. Really really sucked. And not just for me - for pretty much everyone there. They said they only had about 130 people come through the doors. And at the end of the night when they did the raffle winners for all the donated items from the vendors, it was the vendors that won the prizes lol. The guy that was next to me won my item. I donated a Shaggy Loops Jewelry Set (necklace, earrings and bracelet).
I did make a couple connections tho. One guy wants me to make cap keychains with his business logo, which is kinda cool. He's gonna email me the font they used for his logo and i'm gonna see what I can do.
I did make a couple connections tho. One guy wants me to make cap keychains with his business logo, which is kinda cool. He's gonna email me the font they used for his logo and i'm gonna see what I can do.
- 02:07 Should totally be asleep by now cuz i have to be up in about 6 hours - gonna try some sleep shortly - hopefully it kicks in fast #
- 12:35 Sadness - no one's even looking at my stuff today :( #
- 15:03 4 hours left - been a really slow day - haven't even made my table fee yet - but the kitty cuteness is distracting me from feeling failure #
- 17:08 I don't understand going to a craft show and buying something that's mass manufactured #
- 20:11 Just had dinner - time to catch up on the week in soaps and have a cocktail to unwind - it was a long day #
Day #13
friday here and I'm totally stressing about the show tomorrow. I know i shouldn't. I'll prolly be fine. But I don't have alot of bottlecap pendants made (only about 100 different ones) and chances are someone is gonna ask for something i don't have. it always happens. This is why I'm working on my inventory over the winter months - so I can have tons of stuff when we go back to the bigger shows.
Nothing much to report other that that. Money is stressing me out as usual and it doesn't help that I'm PMSing. I hate being a woman sometimes.
Nothing much to report other that that. Money is stressing me out as usual and it doesn't help that I'm PMSing. I hate being a woman sometimes.
day #12
Went today to the Armenian dinner w/ Marvin. It was the last one until May 2010 and it was jam packed! and the food was amazingly delicious as usual. i'm sure gonna miss it :( wish i would have taken a pic of my plate tonight but quite frankly it didn't last long at all lol. i know it's just kebabs, pilaf and salad - but homemade makes such a diference. anyway, i'm remote blogging from my phone to make it on time for NaNoBloPo and it's ready to die - so adios for now xoxox
- 00:30 Really hate when people talk shit about the lions when it's just 2 try & get a rise out of me - speak intelligently & constructively or STFU #
- 15:21 Anyone want a Google Wave invite???? #
- 15:45 Just spent 2 hours outside trying to take pics of my chainmaille stuffs so i can update my online shops #
- 16:56 Wanted to work on making a fan page for magikjaz creations today but my puter isn't cooperating :( #
- 17:48 @IaRtFestRedford are you accepting apps for next years Iart festival already??? #
Day #10
First of all, Happy birthday to the United States Marine Corps! 234 years and going strong!! God bless all Marines, and especially those in my immediate family (hubby, 2 brothers-in-law and grandfather (who is a proud member of the Frozin Chosin))
Day #9
Spent today doing absolutely nothing constructive. Okay - 1 thing - I actually made dinner tonight. Arroz con pollo. I didn't have exactly the ingredients I wanted, so I improvised with what we had around the house. It turned out yummy tho! Normally I would have added chile ancho and tomato paste, but since i didn't have any i settled for regular chili powder. I'll post a recipe tomorrow - today is all about being lazy lol.
- 13:32 You could feel as if others have unrealistic expectations of y... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 23:42 I think i just saw Mel Brooks in a commercial for Hooters - complete w/ giant owl head - WTF?!? #
- 23:58 I <3 Snoop Dogg #
- 04:07 ad: Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of great info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/4Q3zS #
Day #8
And I did it again! really! why do i even bother hoping for a victory when the end result is almost entirely the same? 20 - 31 loss against a crappy Seattle team! It makes me wanna cry! or punch someone in the face! Honestly! 5 interceptions from Matthew Stafford?!?! GAH!!! And how many yards did CJ put up? 10? Completely ineffective offense today. Thank goodness for our defense or it would have been an even worse loss!!!
Sometimes it really sucks being a Lions fan :(
Sometimes it really sucks being a Lions fan :(
- 10:28 People are looking but no one's really buying :( #
- 13:34 Some lady just asked me if i have any bottlecaps w/ pictures of clowns on them - HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! #
- 14:03 It's hard out there for a pimp #
- 14:39 Woman w/ a voice box just came by - is it wrong that thw whole time i was thinking of soith park? #
- 14:40 It's been a long motha lickin day #
- 21:48 Damn Toronto :( #
Day #7
Today was the craft show at the church in South Lyon. I made my table fee plus covered the cost of lunch. It was rather disappointing, but as someone else i spoke to pointed out, the average age of people there was about 70 and my stuff is definitely geared towards a younger crowd. The most heard comment about my stuff as I sat there was "well this is different!" - I'm taking it as a compliment.
- 12:36 You may not be able to see a straightforward path to your goal... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 15:25 I just reached level 33. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
Day #6
Tomorrow is the craft show in South Lyon. I have no idea how it's going to go. I really really hope i do well enough to cover at least the space fee plus gas and maybe a little extra so we can go out to the movies tomorrow night (hopefully to see MJ).
- 23:51 Damn yankees #
- 20:03 rt @mailourmilitary Ft. Hood has activated a hotline for familes. 254-288-7570 or 1-866-836-2751 #
- 21:16 Imho tonight's Bones episode was pretty disgusting #
- 22:43 And damn Grey's Anatomy made me cry #
Day #5
Today was the blog for peace. I kinda cheated cuz i didn't have an inspirational blog ready and there wasn't gonnabe one coming out of my feeble mind today, so I just posted the peace globe. Peace and blessings to all regardless.
Twitter Recap
- 04:07 Mental Mercury's conjunction with the Sun in your fixed sign t... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 22:44 i still like myspace - regardless of what others say #
Day #4
okay, so i haven't even looked at my short story yet, which does not bode well for me finishing it. Hopefully I'll get to it next week sometime. This week is just getting away from me. And bejeweled blitz is not helping at all.
- 04:08 You are able to breathe easier today as the Full Moon's intens... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 08:10 ad: Get 50% off Whiskas Kitten Pouches plus loads of care info and advice. is.gd/4LYCe #
Day #3
So we ran out of black ink for our printer which means i'm a little behind in bottlecapping - no biggie tho - if i don't have a gazillion more ready for saturday then i just take what i have - i have quite a bit still cuz the Huron Applefest was teh suck.
- 12:46 Today's Full Moon highlights your 7th House of Partners, stres... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 16:20 amazing the power of music - just heard a song and it totally transported me back to when i was about 15 #
day #2
Yesterday was such sadness. I think it was this week last year that the Lions caused me to cry when they lost (and looking it up - yes it was Nove. 2nd week 9 vs. Chicago IN Chicago where we lost 27 - 23 that brought me to actual tears) So apparently about halfway through is a breaking point for me (either that or somethign about this time fo the year causes me to be weepy)
- 23:36 I saw a werewolf with a chinese menu on his hand #
- 05:40 The power of christ compels you #
- 16:41 Really don't care about any of the 4pm games - might be time for a nap #
- 16:46 My husband has drank the mafia wars kool-aid #
- 17:22 This may the first time in my life i am actually rooting for green bay - mostly for their defense to break Favre's legs #
Happy NaBloPoMo
So happy NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) where people try and blog everyday for a month. Since I've been so incredibly laz about posting this year I've decided to try it again. I'm sure it's gonna be full of nonsense, as usual, but it makes me feel better about myself most of the time and I think i really have things i need to get out of my head.
This whole year was quite a whirlwind starting around July when we started to do art fairs and such. At one point in time i think we went 6 weekends in a row or something. Banshee and i were spending more time together than with our respective hunnees. I didn't get things done online that i wanted, our house is STILL a mess, and all that work seems almost for naught cuz the last few shows were sincerely sucktastic.
i have a couple of craft shows coming up locally which i'm excited about and i'm also working on my product during the off season so i'm not frantically trying to make things at the last minute and losing product as a result. let's hope it works.
Last week on Wed was my bday and it was amazing! i asked a few friends to go to mongolian bbq in dearborn for dinner with it being open as to what we were gonna do afterwards (i wanted trivia but it didn't work out) Dinner was awesome and after a few of us went to the local Eagles club and played pool and shuffleboard. so much fun!!! I had a little too much to drink, but surprisingly didn't feel badly the next day.
Over the weekend i had 2 halloween parties to go to. I dressed as a Lions fan ("an endangered species") and had way too much fun!!! Even tho money was really tight this weekend we managed okay. Of course I didn't win any prizes (i still call shenanigans at the 2 bars we went to cuz there were far better costumes than the ones that won - especially my friends Jon no H and Jforce. people suck)
Hubby went as Capt. Spaulding. He was so scary his picture broke banshee's phone and she can't send picture mail anymore. eeeeek!!!!!!!!
So happy NaBloPoMo and here's hoping I can keep it up and make sense of everything.
OH!!!! And I'm also gonna work on my short story this month - who knows! I might actually finish it! There's no way i can do a novel for NaNoWriMo tho.
(edit: this was supposed to be published yesterday but apparently i hit "save now" instead of "publish post" and didn't catch the snafu until today when i came to write my 2nd post of the month - apologies)
This whole year was quite a whirlwind starting around July when we started to do art fairs and such. At one point in time i think we went 6 weekends in a row or something. Banshee and i were spending more time together than with our respective hunnees. I didn't get things done online that i wanted, our house is STILL a mess, and all that work seems almost for naught cuz the last few shows were sincerely sucktastic.
i have a couple of craft shows coming up locally which i'm excited about and i'm also working on my product during the off season so i'm not frantically trying to make things at the last minute and losing product as a result. let's hope it works.
Last week on Wed was my bday and it was amazing! i asked a few friends to go to mongolian bbq in dearborn for dinner with it being open as to what we were gonna do afterwards (i wanted trivia but it didn't work out) Dinner was awesome and after a few of us went to the local Eagles club and played pool and shuffleboard. so much fun!!! I had a little too much to drink, but surprisingly didn't feel badly the next day.
Over the weekend i had 2 halloween parties to go to. I dressed as a Lions fan ("an endangered species") and had way too much fun!!! Even tho money was really tight this weekend we managed okay. Of course I didn't win any prizes (i still call shenanigans at the 2 bars we went to cuz there were far better costumes than the ones that won - especially my friends Jon no H and Jforce. people suck)
Hubby went as Capt. Spaulding. He was so scary his picture broke banshee's phone and she can't send picture mail anymore. eeeeek!!!!!!!!
So happy NaBloPoMo and here's hoping I can keep it up and make sense of everything.
OH!!!! And I'm also gonna work on my short story this month - who knows! I might actually finish it! There's no way i can do a novel for NaNoWriMo tho.
(edit: this was supposed to be published yesterday but apparently i hit "save now" instead of "publish post" and didn't catch the snafu until today when i came to write my 2nd post of the month - apologies)
- 04:07 Your key planet Mars continues to stir up raw emotions that ca... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:08 You could be so angry with someone today that you don't even k... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:10 Communicator Mercury enters your sign today, but you may not f... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:12 You might be expecting too much from a family member or loved ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:11 You are able to feel your power growing today, but you must be... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 20:43 @drpants webcast happening tonight! bit.ly/3SxKIq (The Dr. Pants Webcast. live › ustre.am/5gv5) #
- 00:12 Thanks to hubby i now have ''you ain't never had a friend like me'' from Aladdin running thru my head #
- 04:12 You can sense an unpleasant energy out on the horizon of your ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 08:09 ad: Get 50% off Whiskas Kitten Pouches plus loads of care info and advice. is.gd/4AIzm #
- 21:37 GO GIANTS!!!!!! #
- 04:15 Today the Sun in powerful Scorpio forms a cooperative sextile ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
Missing Kikyo
So we went to the pet store today to pick up some cat food and since it's Saturday we got there just in time to see all the adorable pets up for adoption. I immediately went over to the adoption area while hubby got the stuff we actually came in for.
There were about 4 dogs hanging around - a scotty, a bulldog (i think) something else and a chihuahua. The Chi was about a year old they said and it was so scared it was shaking in it's little cage evertime someone came up to it.
They have about 10 cats in carriers outside the small area they have for adoption cages and then all the cages inside were full up of cats. I went inside and immediately fellin love with all of them. There was a cat there that looks just like our Kaguya in the face (except she had more tabby markings than Kaguya - K is pretty straight grey except in her face) and a small calico right beneath that reminded me of Kohana. They surprised me with about 4 black cats in different cages (2 of which were siblings and sleeping with each other in their pet bad) a GORGEOUS fluffy white cat about a year old who lived in an entirely pink abode (SO CUTE!!!) 1 kitty whose label said they preferred to be the ONLY CAT and would be extremely loving to people and follow from room to room (kinda sounded like Kaguya there) and a tiny 6 month old tabby who looked so much like Kikyo it almost broke my heart.
The Kikyo tabby was the only one to come to the cage door and beg for pets. And she begged. When i went to walk away she reached her paw out of the cage and tried to grab my coat. (which prompted me to pet her some more). If we would have had $85 i may have gotten soft and taken her home with us (like we need another cat right now - or ever!)
As we were leaving we saw quite a few people with cats in pet carriers with grocery baskets FULL of stuff, which totally warmed my heart. And hubby donated $2 to animal rescue along with our purchase.
As we were pulling away we started talking about our kitties (who were both rescued - Kaguya from a shelter and Kohana from the streets) and then moved onto Kikyo (who was also a street rescue) and out of nowhere I began to cry. And I couldn't stop no matter how hard i tried.
Guess it's always gonna hurt to remember her, just didn't expect it today.
R.I.P my darling Kikyo. I'll forever miss you.
There were about 4 dogs hanging around - a scotty, a bulldog (i think) something else and a chihuahua. The Chi was about a year old they said and it was so scared it was shaking in it's little cage evertime someone came up to it.
They have about 10 cats in carriers outside the small area they have for adoption cages and then all the cages inside were full up of cats. I went inside and immediately fellin love with all of them. There was a cat there that looks just like our Kaguya in the face (except she had more tabby markings than Kaguya - K is pretty straight grey except in her face) and a small calico right beneath that reminded me of Kohana. They surprised me with about 4 black cats in different cages (2 of which were siblings and sleeping with each other in their pet bad) a GORGEOUS fluffy white cat about a year old who lived in an entirely pink abode (SO CUTE!!!) 1 kitty whose label said they preferred to be the ONLY CAT and would be extremely loving to people and follow from room to room (kinda sounded like Kaguya there) and a tiny 6 month old tabby who looked so much like Kikyo it almost broke my heart.
The Kikyo tabby was the only one to come to the cage door and beg for pets. And she begged. When i went to walk away she reached her paw out of the cage and tried to grab my coat. (which prompted me to pet her some more). If we would have had $85 i may have gotten soft and taken her home with us (like we need another cat right now - or ever!)
As we were leaving we saw quite a few people with cats in pet carriers with grocery baskets FULL of stuff, which totally warmed my heart. And hubby donated $2 to animal rescue along with our purchase.
As we were pulling away we started talking about our kitties (who were both rescued - Kaguya from a shelter and Kohana from the streets) and then moved onto Kikyo (who was also a street rescue) and out of nowhere I began to cry. And I couldn't stop no matter how hard i tried.
Guess it's always gonna hurt to remember her, just didn't expect it today.
R.I.P my darling Kikyo. I'll forever miss you.

- 00:24 Cousin just called testing my math skillz - i stll got 'em WHAT! WHAT! #
- 04:11 The Sun's return to your sign today for a month-long visit can... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:11 Your anticipation continues to grow, but it's still premature ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 20:32 Sometimes i really love my husband - he puts up w/ alot from me and still he stays #
- 04:13 Although you might be inclined to take on a significant projec... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 05:25 tomorrow i'm going through all my social media lists and deleting the crap #
- 14:54 i love you more ... lnk.ms/2QzsX #
- 04:04 @ozzwaltz so was i - saw it last night and was rather disappointed - especially in the ending #
- 04:13 Although you may start out the day with a high level of anxiet... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 07:34 ad: Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of great info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/4sk44 #
- 14:52 People who get song lyrics wrong annoy the fuck out of me - esp. when they post them on the interwebs as tweets or FB status replies #
- 16:33 @jonathancoulton that's awesome the winks(?) are covering your song - things always come around full circle #
- 16:34 rt @jonathancoulton Yale Spizzwinks cover The Future Soon: bit.ly/3LF52E #
- 16:39 @jonathancoulton and now that makes me wish i hadn't lost my copy of the '91 winks(?) with lunchlady on it - i loved that song #
- 22:55 Kinda sad about who went home on DWTS 2nite - thought it was gonna be someone else (not saying specifics 4 those who haven't seen it yet) #
- 04:11 You may be in one of those "don't mess with me" moods as today... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 19:24 It's amazing how good it feels sometimes just to clean your sink #
- 22:19 Awesome special on local pbs 56 about chicano music and mexican americans searching to find their voices #
- 22:27 The special is called Latin Music U.S.A. - The Chicano Wave: Divas and Superstars #
- 22:32 Narrated by Jimmy Smits so far they've touched on Little Joe y la Familia, Freddy Fender and Los Lobos #
- 04:13 The Moon's entry into your magnetic sign can cook up some misc... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 14:50 Drew stanton - fucking fuck #
- 17:13 Terrell owens is a crybaby #
- 20:14 Going to see Paranormal Activity #
- 23:00 Not impressed w/ Paranormal Activity #
- 04:13 You are normally able to keep a secret, but one particular iss... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 17:10 @jasoncruse i got a feeling #
- 17:13 totally gonna lay down and take a nap - right after i feed my kittehs!!! #
- 04:09 You are entering a phase where your ruling planet Mars is visi... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 15:14 I just reached level 32. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 16:00 Happy Birthday to @breagrant xoxoxox #
- 18:44 ad: Get 50% off Whiskas Kitten Pouches plus loads of care info and advice. is.gd/4n0rP #
- 04:10 You are doing your best to honor a deeper set of emotions that... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:10 You might be afraid that if you put too much effort into your ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:09 You might prefer staying home and doing lazy projects around y... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:14 Shifting gears to concentrate on your career objectives today ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 15:46 i get a jewelry newsletter every week - this week someone asked how to keep jump rings closed for chainmaille & they suggested GLUE!!! #
- 15:48 seriously! GLUE! WTF!?! i use all different kinds of ring sizes & gauge & never had any of my chainmaille jewelry in need of solder or glue! #
- 22:24 Mya, Kelly, Melissa, Joanna and Donny hit it out of the park tonight on Dancing W/ The Stars #
MillerCoors update (small)
so i didn't call the number cuz i kinda chickened out. I couldn't think of anything to say to them without sounding bitchy. So i changed the items on etsy and now all my earrings just say "Beer Cap Earrings - upcycled" but list what kind they are in the description. That way they are still kind searchable (if you choose to search in descriptions as well as titles) andI have complied to the letter of their conversation with me.
I also sent her a convo back stating that i changed everything and that it makes me sad that they would threaten legal action against me. AND i mentioned that when i showed the product to our local Miller distributor they LOVED it (technically mytrivialive showed it to them)
so yea - i'm pretty sure that's the end of it.
on a side note, i was gonna take pics of my stuff and update my etsy today but it's cloudy and cold outside which means crap pictures, so i guess I wait until tomorrow.
I also sent her a convo back stating that i changed everything and that it makes me sad that they would threaten legal action against me. AND i mentioned that when i showed the product to our local Miller distributor they LOVED it (technically mytrivialive showed it to them)
so yea - i'm pretty sure that's the end of it.
on a side note, i was gonna take pics of my stuff and update my etsy today but it's cloudy and cold outside which means crap pictures, so i guess I wait until tomorrow.
- 00:01 I hate when i have to explain my crazy to people #
- 01:17 Yay usa for qualifying for the 2010 fifa world cup #
- 04:13 You can step through a difficult situation with determination ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 13:05 GO LIONS!!!!!! #
- 13:38 I <3 Jason Hanson #
- 13:57 The announcers of this game are fuckheads #
- 03:42 Test text #
- 04:12 Interactive Mercury dynamically squares ruthless Pluto, your k... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 14:04 Having lunch w/ my hubby at the chinese buffet - yay! - then it's off to the movie theatre for Zombieland #
- 16:48 Why did nobody warn me about the fucking zombie clown? #
- 18:42 #MAGPIE Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of great info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/4cuga #
- 04:10 It would be wonderful if you could just let go of all your exp... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:13 You can feel the power of the earth beneath your feet, yet it'... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
i received this today via and etsy conversation
Hello magikjaz. I am a paralegal for MillerCoors, the owner of numerous beer brands with related intellectual property rights. You are using our trademark (i.e. Coors Light) and copyrighted artwork without the required authorization from MillerCoors as the name of record and to depict your items on ETSY.COM. In order to use our intellectual property to sell your products, you must have permission (i.e. a license) from us. Please know that your items are not something for which MillerCoors would be interested in providing a license. If you do not remove this product from this website, MillerCoors will seriously consider taking further legal action against you. Should you have any questions, please call XXX-XXX-XXXX. Thank you. XXX.
PS - you may use our recycled products to sell your items but you can not use COORS LIGHT in the naming of your item (Coors Light Earrings) We would not object to Beer Cap Earrings
So not only am i apparently breaking copyright laws (which i might add they didn't say anything about my Miller genuine Draft earrings that are tagged "miller") but THEY DON'T EVEN LIKE MY STUFF AND WOULDN"T LICENSE IT ANYWAY!!!!
(p.s. i just re- read it and it lokos like they are specifically referring to coors but it also blankets Miller - so double fucksticks)
Hello magikjaz. I am a paralegal for MillerCoors, the owner of numerous beer brands with related intellectual property rights. You are using our trademark (i.e. Coors Light) and copyrighted artwork without the required authorization from MillerCoors as the name of record and to depict your items on ETSY.COM. In order to use our intellectual property to sell your products, you must have permission (i.e. a license) from us. Please know that your items are not something for which MillerCoors would be interested in providing a license. If you do not remove this product from this website, MillerCoors will seriously consider taking further legal action against you. Should you have any questions, please call XXX-XXX-XXXX. Thank you. XXX.
PS - you may use our recycled products to sell your items but you can not use COORS LIGHT in the naming of your item (Coors Light Earrings) We would not object to Beer Cap Earrings
So not only am i apparently breaking copyright laws (which i might add they didn't say anything about my Miller genuine Draft earrings that are tagged "miller") but THEY DON'T EVEN LIKE MY STUFF AND WOULDN"T LICENSE IT ANYWAY!!!!
(p.s. i just re- read it and it lokos like they are specifically referring to coors but it also blankets Miller - so double fucksticks)
- 04:10 Take whatever time you must in order to clean up any lingering... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:08 You are willing to sink into the depths of your subconscious a... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 19:44 Come on Tigers!!!!!!!!!!! #
- 20:30 they're gonna give me a heart attack #
- 21:50 I am heartbroken but thank you Tigers for an awesome year #
- 04:08 Although you may be unable to sit still for long today, a stra... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:08 You may be so antsy today that you are ready to jump out of yo... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 13:17 LET'S GO LIONS!!!!!!! #
- 19:39 #MAGPIE Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of great info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/3X84c #
- 22:15 All this damn pink in the sunday night football game is distracting me #
- 22:32 The NFL is honoring october as breast cancer awareness month by accenting player uniforms w/ splashes of pink in their cleats & gloves etc. #< /a>
- 22:33 How much u wanna bet Brett Favre one ups everyone 2moro night by wearing a pink frigging jersey? #
- 04:07 You need to create new routines for yourself, but it's difficu... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:08 You may be feeling more playful than usual, yet still have a d... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 23:28 Kristin chenoweth on glee was frigging fabulous!!!!!! #
- 04:06 Sometimes you must jump into an experience without restraint i... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 23:24 Bar new boston, mi #
- 01:23 And today ends on a good note - i love my friends #
- 04:08 You are quite private about your future plans and may choose t... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 18:32 wow! haven't been on myspace in FOREVER!!! i'm loving the new interfaces and navigation! WTG myspace!!!! ... lnk.ms/2Qkrv #
- 03:14 updated prices and added international shipping rates in my etsy shop magikjaz.etsy.com - look for new items to be added next week #
- 03:18 it looks like Dialidol.com is predicting either Kathy Ireland or Tom Delay as being voted off this week - and they were spot on last week #
- 04:07 It's been a bit stressful as you try to figure out your place ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 23:56 @zaren The Goonies rocks hard!!! altho seeing Martha Plimpton on Grey's Anatomy this week reminded me how old i am #
- 04:08 You have a strange relationship with your spirituality that is... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 01:16 Well @blueeyedbanshee didn't kill me today so i guess it was a good day #
- 04:08 You seem to be able to walk a fine line today as you gracefull... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 11:15 If i hear the lady near me today say '' have you seen my bookmarks'' one more time i may throat punch someone #
- 11:40 Hanging at my table at the Redford Marquee until 2 - it's at 5 mile and beech behind city hall - come say hi #
- 15:15 #MAGPIE Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of great info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/3Jfun #
- 19:35 just so proud of My detroit Lions today!!!! #
- 04:06 Your friends may be fussier than usual and their picky needs m... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:08 You want your independence now, yet freedom might have too hig... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 18:29 Got our mini fryer today!!!!! Looks like we may be having homemade tortillas chips on sunday #
- 04:06 It's time for you to establish new financial goals with the Mo... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 21:22 Holy shit - thanks grey's anatomy and martha plimpton for making me feel old #
Small things in my head
This has been a busy summer. I have loved every minute of it, but i think i wasn't quite prepared for the making of so much product. The bottlecaps really take time. Altho i have come across 2 things that will take me to another level - UV resin (it dries in 5 - 15 minutes in the sunlight) and a hole punch for metal. They will allow me next year to keep more of popular caps in stock and I can make earrings on the fly - no more resin accidents trying to create 200 twilight caps before a big show - now i can make a more even number of items and have backup - PLUS the hole punch will allow me to choose on the spot if i want to make them into bracelets or earrings - so no pre-planning is needed.
I know it's geeky craft stuff - but i am in love with the new freedom it will give me!!!
I am kinda sad things are winding down. I wish i had a car (and license) of my own to travel south for the winter and catch some shows that way. After all, i do have a sister that lives in Texas. But i think it will also be good for me to have a break and be able to focus on my husband and the house and small batches of crafting things. Plus i have my etsy to promote (and gonna work on my artfire.com account as well - and maybe open an ecrater one too)
This week has been full of series season premieres. I am uber happy with Dancing with the Stars this year. So happy that Donny Osmond can actually dance so he might really deserve being in the finals, unlike Marie who only got there cuz of her popularity. My faves right now are Mya, kelly and Joanna for the women and Donny, Mark and Michael for the men. We'll see if that changes in the next few weeks tho.
Never did get my super secret blog project off the ground. I'm still counting on doing it tho. May work on it in a couple weeks when i don't have any shows to prep for. So glad Football season has started tho. And even tho my Lions haven't won a game yet - I have faith!!!!
Monday I went to a funeral home in wyandotte to say goodbye to a friend from high school. I didn't know him that well back then and I didn't take the time to do more than a couple messages and wall posts on FB when we reconnected. And now i'll never have the chance. It makes me really sad. And it makes me want to get together with friends, past and present, really soon. Nothing so formal as a reunion, but more organized than a kegger. And I'm really thinking it would be cool to have it at my mom's house, cuz i know she'd love to see people from my past as well. And it would be free. As a matter of fact, as i'm writing this, i think i may want to do it for my bday party this year. The end of October (but not Halloween weekend).
Prolly because of the sadness early in the week, I've been having dreams of high school and college. Mostly that we're putting on a musical and it almost always has me, Emily and tim french as the leading roles, with Mr. Mc directing. And I haven't gone to rehersals regularly so I'm learning blocking and such at the dress rehersals and I'm having to refresh my memory on my lines as i'm backstage waiting for my cues. At least i'm not naked lol.
Speaking of my sister, she and her hubby are 6 months away from an adorable bundle of joy!!! I'm so excited!!! of course all of us want to be down there when she has the baby, but we all really need to let her and her hubby get into their own groove before invading their house for any long length of time.
I was pleasantly surprised by both Eastwick this week as well as The Forgotten - and Modern Family could be funny but it could also be highly annoying - i haven't figured it out yet. And i'm not even getting invested into Cougar Town cuz the last show i loved Courtney Cox Arquette in (DIRT) failed miserably. Looking forward to Flash Forward tonight tho, as well as GREY'S ANATOMY!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
I think that's it for now. OH! one more thing. I am participating in NaBloPoMo and next year I'm opting for Blog365 again. I really missed it this year. AND i'm contemplating making a blog specifically for my crafts and jewelry/chainmaille making.
I know it's geeky craft stuff - but i am in love with the new freedom it will give me!!!
I am kinda sad things are winding down. I wish i had a car (and license) of my own to travel south for the winter and catch some shows that way. After all, i do have a sister that lives in Texas. But i think it will also be good for me to have a break and be able to focus on my husband and the house and small batches of crafting things. Plus i have my etsy to promote (and gonna work on my artfire.com account as well - and maybe open an ecrater one too)
This week has been full of series season premieres. I am uber happy with Dancing with the Stars this year. So happy that Donny Osmond can actually dance so he might really deserve being in the finals, unlike Marie who only got there cuz of her popularity. My faves right now are Mya, kelly and Joanna for the women and Donny, Mark and Michael for the men. We'll see if that changes in the next few weeks tho.
Never did get my super secret blog project off the ground. I'm still counting on doing it tho. May work on it in a couple weeks when i don't have any shows to prep for. So glad Football season has started tho. And even tho my Lions haven't won a game yet - I have faith!!!!
Monday I went to a funeral home in wyandotte to say goodbye to a friend from high school. I didn't know him that well back then and I didn't take the time to do more than a couple messages and wall posts on FB when we reconnected. And now i'll never have the chance. It makes me really sad. And it makes me want to get together with friends, past and present, really soon. Nothing so formal as a reunion, but more organized than a kegger. And I'm really thinking it would be cool to have it at my mom's house, cuz i know she'd love to see people from my past as well. And it would be free. As a matter of fact, as i'm writing this, i think i may want to do it for my bday party this year. The end of October (but not Halloween weekend).
Prolly because of the sadness early in the week, I've been having dreams of high school and college. Mostly that we're putting on a musical and it almost always has me, Emily and tim french as the leading roles, with Mr. Mc directing. And I haven't gone to rehersals regularly so I'm learning blocking and such at the dress rehersals and I'm having to refresh my memory on my lines as i'm backstage waiting for my cues. At least i'm not naked lol.
Speaking of my sister, she and her hubby are 6 months away from an adorable bundle of joy!!! I'm so excited!!! of course all of us want to be down there when she has the baby, but we all really need to let her and her hubby get into their own groove before invading their house for any long length of time.
I was pleasantly surprised by both Eastwick this week as well as The Forgotten - and Modern Family could be funny but it could also be highly annoying - i haven't figured it out yet. And i'm not even getting invested into Cougar Town cuz the last show i loved Courtney Cox Arquette in (DIRT) failed miserably. Looking forward to Flash Forward tonight tho, as well as GREY'S ANATOMY!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
I think that's it for now. OH! one more thing. I am participating in NaBloPoMo and next year I'm opting for Blog365 again. I really missed it this year. AND i'm contemplating making a blog specifically for my crafts and jewelry/chainmaille making.
- 04:08 Your key planet Pluto drives your passion, but today it's bein... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 01:00 Just ordered a mini 1 quart fryer from QVC - totally gonna be awesome for football sundays #
- 03:49 #MAGPIE Get 50% off Whiskas Kitten Pouches plus loads of care info and advice. is.gd/3ykgm #
- 04:07 You don't know whether to luxuriate in the intensity of your p... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 20:35 Got into apple fest #
- 22:27 according to dialidol.com Macy Gray and Ashley Hamilton are going home tomorrow - we'll see how accurate they are #
- 22:28 @kimbethompson I've never been - I'm really hoping it's a good time #
- 22:43 @timemaychangeme catching up with tweets - i am a real person ;) #
- 04:06 The Moon's return to your sign hits the cosmic reset button as... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 14:48 Feeling like Crap today #
- 20:07 DANCING WITH THE STARS!!!!!! #
- 20:56 Donny osmond looked surprisingly fabulous #
- 21:35 And tom delay was frigging adorable #
- 04:06 Sensual Venus harmonizes with your key planet Pluto today, mot... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 22:52 I love tony romo #
- 04:06 The Moon in your 12th House of Soul Consciousness this weekend... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:07 Today's New Moon falls in your 11th House of Groups and her co... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:06 Your 11th House of Dreams and Wishes is being activated today ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 16:06 last minute preparations for the festival in Ecorse this weekend w/ da banshee - St. Francis Xavier on W. Jeff & Outer Dr. - fri - Sun #
- 16:16 I just reached level 31. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 18:08 ok seriously everything today is either pissing me off or making me cry - i really hate hormones dammit!!!! #
- 22:29 Rewatching last season's grey's anatomy season finale - so much worse when i know it's George #
- 04:07 Your friends and associates may be putting pressure on you to ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 23:42 Holy shitsticks i think i just saw the worst officiating call in football against Oakland tonight - that easily was a touchdown #
- 23:55 @velisia8 it was bullshit - he had complete control of the ball when he caught it - came down on both feet w/ control #
- 23:57 @velisia8 and his hip hit the ground before the ball came out - complete bullshit - ground can't cause a fumble #
- 00:01 I <3 Troy Polamalu #
- 00:30 @beatmytweet paper clip #
- 01:51 If i were a Raiders fan i'd be so pissed about this loss due to crappy officiating - at the very least it should have been a tie and gon ... #
- 02:36 I really need to go to sleep - i'm so frigging tired - but i still have a few more crafty things to do #
- 02:58 Going to sleep - crafty things will have to wait #
- 04:07 It really shouldn't have to be this hard; even if you are stre... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 18:23 Working on some chainmaille crosses for this weekend #
- 19:46 #MAGPIE Get 50% off Whiskas Kitten Pouche s plus loads of care info and advice. is.gd/3jEvS #
- 20:45 My hubby is so lucky i iz an interwebs genius #
- 01:28 #MAGPIE Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of great info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/3fe8M #
- 04:06 You may be more flexible earlier in the day when the Moon is s... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 17:24 @lindentreephoto much like i always seem to have resin accidents w/ my most popular bottlecap images #
- 17:25 Yay for pina colada slurpees #
- 21:18 @velisia8 i just heard the news i'm so sad #
- 21:46 @velisia8 cancer blows lol - cpuldn't have said it better myself #
- 04:06 Someone could find you overly intense today as you share your ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 09:56 Yay! Got my new phone so now i can tweet while i'm away from the puter #
- 10:11 Hrm - not receiving twittering updates even tho i have activated them on from my new phone - must check my settings online #
- 10:30 Seriously contemplating stabbing the chick singing at the plymouth festival right now #
- 12:43 @velisia8 wooo-hoooo!!!!! GO LIONS!!!!!!! #
- 12:47 @velisia8 sure! i'm recording it at home but i'm stuck at the art show until after 6 #
- 12:49 Rt @jonathancoulton: It's "We don't need ANY education" actually, and it is obvious that you do. Now, who wants pudding? #
- 14:29 @jesseluna i forgot your a jets fan :) #
- 15:20 If i see one more bitch taking pics of my crafty stuffs i may have to throat punch someone #
- 16:39 Hmmm now i'm getting sporadic twittering sent to my phone - i know the peeps i'm following are tweeting more thah this #
- 17:23 @blueeyedbanshee ha ha ha - you so funny #
- 17:26 @blueeyedbanshee my shoes tried to kill me - thanks for mocking my pain #
- 17:30 @blueeyedbanshee hush before i sic some hippos on you woman #
- 17:36 And just for the record @blueeyedbanshee and i are indeed sitting mere inches from each other carrying on a twittering conversation #
- 17:37 Less than 30 minutes until we're outta here!!! huzzah!!! #
- 18:07 @jasoncrus e i am sorry #
- 18:24 I sincerely love my new old phone #
- 18:24 Rt @jesseluna: RT @LostNMissing: #NC Missing teen w Asperger's James Pruitt 19 9/2/09 twitgoo.com/3bf45 #
- 23:23 @blueeyedbanshee needs to get some sleep before she turns into crankypants mcgee tomorrow #
- 23:24 @blueeyedbanshee NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! #
- 23:30 @blueeyedbanshee guess i haz to take shelter w/ crazy monkey mom tomorrow ;) #
- 01:08 Why did i wait for my husband to come home before heading to bed? All that did was succeed in making me pissed at him #
- 04:06 Harboring illusions about your family of origin can bring a to... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14D AKq #
- 22:43 At the varsity #
- 04:13 Receiving praise at work or from others in your community can ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 09:15 #MAGPIE Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of great info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/39k33 #
- 18:22 Hanging w/ da Banshee in downtown Plymouth #
- 01:09 OMG the mighty boosh is on cartoon network #
- 02:53 I should be asleep - instead i'm making bracelets - Prolly gonna feel like Crap in the morning #
- 03:39 Just ordered a 10mp camera w/ 10x optical zoom - anyone wanna buy a 7mp w/ 3x zoom for 60 bucks? #
- 04:10 Although you can work yourself into a position where you feel ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:59 @blueeyedbanshee you ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe? #
- 21:24 Drove home w/o the radio all the way - so done w/ music after this weekend #
- 21:27 Had a great weekend w/ Banshee mcgee & crazy monkey granny panties momma at arts beats & eats - 4 days until Plymouth #
- 04:07 You are not in the mood now to deal with anyone's emotional me... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 17:31 Charlie Slick is here to make us dance at the Arts Beats and Eats in Pontiac #
- 22:04 #MAGPIE Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of great info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/2Yv2r #
- 01:07 @chainmaillelady thanks so much!!! xoxox #
- 04:07 Even if you start the day feeling stuck, a sudden burst of ene... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 10:03 We are young heartache to heartache #
- 16:39 About ready to punch some mother licker in the throat if the noise doesn't stop soon #
- 04:07 Today's imaginative Pisces Full Moon brightens your 5th House ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 11:44 At arts beats and eats in Pontiac - under the Sights & Sounds tent next to the comcast stage on Pike street #
- 15:54 Chicken shawarma from Palm Palace at arts beats and eats is da bomb yo #
- 16:10 Totally digging the band playing right now on the comcast stage - The Blue Effect #
- 17:12 Just saw fox 2 news reporter and camera man walk by! #
- 04:06 Your traditional ruling planet Mars is getting the runaround f... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 12:56 doing some last minute stuffs to get ready for Arts Beats and Eats in Pontiac MI this weekend as part of the Sights & Sounds tent #
- 21:25 Got bottlecaps prepped and ready for resin - should be ready to take w/ me on sat to Pontiac - sun at the latest #
- 22:06 Master of puppets is pulling your strings #
- 00:22 Brain break is over - back to work - always love chatting w/ kris murph and sean #
- 16:35 i had no idea reba McEntire tweeted! - i am now following @reba - i love her so!!!!! #
- 18:26 #MAGPIE Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of great info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/2OpHf #
- 04:07 You may feel as if you don't fit in at home or at the office t... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:52 Got a heat gun to make it easier to remove the rubber lining in bottlecaps - works well but makes lots of smoke #
- 11:58 awake before noon!!! #
- 16:33 Figured out the key to the heat gun - able to move a little faster thru a couple steps - on track for this weekend Yay! #
- 17:13 Knew i spoke too soon - apparently i'm out of black ink in my printer - so i'm taking a nap before i snap #
- 22:41 Crisis averted - got ink refill - Prolly working thru the night #
- 04:07 You really don't like it when your friends place pressure on y... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 01:44 About 20 minutes away from sleepy time - thank the gods tomorrow isn't as long as today #
- 04:07 Think about doing something special with your friends or famil... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 15:10 The dj is playing tom waits #
- 17:29 Really surprised i didn't see more people i know at the Russell Fair - glad i got to see one ill tho Yay! #
- 17:37 20 minutes to go - i'm so tired i can't even think anymore #
- 23:07 I really <3 Robot Chicken #
- 00:47 @apricotbaby i missed you!!! #
- 02:19 Making sure my cell is charged before heading to sleep - long day coming - planning on surviving on lots o' caffeine #
- 04:06 You may be quite determined to stay on course today, even if y... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 07:43 @jasoncruse thanks a bunch - love you!!!!! #
- 11:36 #MAGPIE Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of gre at info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/2G7To #
- 16:08 Gorgeous day - come stop by our booth at the Russell People's Festival in Detroit - #111 #
- 20:03 So tired #
- 22:19 Less than 2 hours to go #
- 02:23 Poltergeist is on amc right now - Damn clown doll #
- 02:34 #MAGPIE Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of great info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/2Doq7 #
- 03:20 Face peeling off scene in Poltergeist still makes me laugh #
- 03:41 Y'all mind hanging back - you're jamming my frequencies #
- 03:43 I just don't like trick answers #
- 03:55 Mommy is waiting for you in the light #
- 04:06 You are able to f ind that sweet spot today where you accomplis... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 20:38 last minute crafting extravaganzaa before tomorrow's LONG day at the People's Art Festival at Russell in Detroit MI!!!! #
- 22:22 I hate drilling a bazillion bottlecaps #
- 22:39 @drpants Yay you rock! #
- 22:40 @markindelicato pet peeve ;-) and that's up on my list too #
Last Minute Crafting
trying to get a few bottlecap bracelets and earrings made last minute before tomorrows marathon day at the Russell People's Art Festival. I'm so scared I'm not gonna have enough stuff - but hubby keeps reminding me that the worst thing that i foresee happening (selling out) IS actually the BEST thing. so yea - i'm trying to relax.
hubby went out today and got a case of water for us and some cheese and peanut butter crackers for me to munch on so i won't starve to death waiting for my first sale lol. we're also packing up some xmas lights to hang on the tent. Got my table already packed in the car and packing everything else up tonight so that tomorrow we just have to basically jump in the car and go.
Also gotta throw some clothes in the laundry for tomorrow. I think i may wear a funky flame shirt that will kinda match my hair - and i have to take a jacket or something cuz chances are it's gonna get cold in the evening while we're there. Which is fine by me. I'll take the cold over the frigging super hotness that was Rochester any day!!!
Contemplating taking my lappie with me tomorrow to watch the football game. i'm pretty sure i'll be able to find it online with no problems. and worst case scenario i can listen to it streaming on 97.1FM ;) hopefully i don't drive heather crazy.
So okay - i'm outtie - gotta do laundry real quick and get some things done!!!! i'll keep updating via twitter tomorrow prolly - or even post if i take the lappie
hubby went out today and got a case of water for us and some cheese and peanut butter crackers for me to munch on so i won't starve to death waiting for my first sale lol. we're also packing up some xmas lights to hang on the tent. Got my table already packed in the car and packing everything else up tonight so that tomorrow we just have to basically jump in the car and go.
Also gotta throw some clothes in the laundry for tomorrow. I think i may wear a funky flame shirt that will kinda match my hair - and i have to take a jacket or something cuz chances are it's gonna get cold in the evening while we're there. Which is fine by me. I'll take the cold over the frigging super hotness that was Rochester any day!!!
Contemplating taking my lappie with me tomorrow to watch the football game. i'm pretty sure i'll be able to find it online with no problems. and worst case scenario i can listen to it streaming on 97.1FM ;) hopefully i don't drive heather crazy.
So okay - i'm outtie - gotta do laundry real quick and get some things done!!!! i'll keep updating via twitter tomorrow prolly - or even post if i take the lappie
- 04:06 There's still a lot of pressure on you, but at least you know ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 20:38 Listening to drunks discuss politics is always entertaining #
- 22:18 Brought craft stuff to hubby's workplace so i could make stuffs while waiting for him - ended up selling 3 bracelets & a pair of earrings!!! #
- 23:46 Madly in love w/ my new fuschia hair :-) #
- 01:36 I got a 12 inch dick and a bunch of roses and a pick up truck :-) #
- 04:06 Your two planetary rulers, Mars and Pluto, are in a tug-of-war... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 21:33 OMG 2 of my favorite songs back to back on xm sirius first wave radio - dear god by xtc and gloria by u2 #
- 21:36 And now they're playing the femmes blister in the sun! #
- 21:37 Big hands i know you're the one #
- 03:33 Madly in love w/ the history channel's new series The Clash Of The Gods #
- 04:07 It's tough when you have nowhere to go with your deepest conce... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 13:49 I just reached level 30. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 18:06 only 1 hour away from awesomely fuschia hair!!!!! i hope it turns out as pretty as it looks in my head *crosses fingers and toes* #
- 18:52 @chainmaillelady i really like those earrings - very similar to something i just made last night only w/ czech glass & BA #
PInk Hair Day
i seriously love the way it turned out. i kinda wish i had opted for a couple more bold stripes on the top of my head instead of concetrating most of the colour on the underside of my head, but i love the peekaboo effect it has as well. And i tinted the ends of my hair slightly.
I was gonna take a pic to share, but my camera died, the only pic i have is a crappy cell phone pic where i look not too happy. You can kinda see the pink peeking out. Better pic to come i promise!!!
- 04:05 The Moon's return to your sign isn't always an easy process, f... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 04:05 Your perceptions are more acute today and it's unlikely that a... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 15:33 I just reached level 29. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 17:20 #MAGPIE Get 50% off Whiskas Kitten Pouches plus loads of care info and advice. is.gd/2vmFj #
- 04:06 You might not be able to understand exactly what's happening t... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 05:18 contemplating cleaning the fuck outta my following/followers later on today #
- 15:07 I just reached level 28. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 03:10 I just reached level 27. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 04:05 You may need to answer to your friends today as they criticize... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 01:49 I just reached level 25. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 02:31 Made Chainmaille crosses today in many different colours - i'm madly in love w/ them - sharing pics later #
- 04:06 The Leo New Moon in your 10th House of Status allows others to... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 20:47 I just reached level 26. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 20:59 my newest chainmaille creation bit.ly/diNDZ #
My latest chainmaille creation
Chainmaille crosses done in teh full persian 6 in 1 weave out of pretty coloured enameled copper rings. It's tiny too - only 1 inch long from top to bottom - the large ring i used as a bail adds only about 1/3"
I love it!!!!!
- 02:05 I just reached level 22. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 04:05 You may dip back into your past to find inspiration for what's... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 06:33 #MAGPIE Sign up for your Whiskas Kitten Pouch, plus loads of great info & advice on raising a happy, healthy kitten. is.gd/2ofLP #
- 14:45 I just reached level 23. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 17:40 I just reached level 24. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 20:34 @zaren thanks so much!!!!! and i'll keep thanking you!!! #
- 03:09 Tired of sorting bottlecaps - why must there be so many micro brews Lol #
- 03:40 I just reached level 19. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 04:06 You know what's expected of you on the job now and truly want ... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 14:54 @justsimplyholly ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!?!?! WTF!!! Brett Favre is a giant ass #
- 15:10 @justsimplyholly seriously he has more money than god right now & he's f-ing ancient - he needs to quit already - sha des of Michael Jordan #
- 15:14 Fucking Brett Favre #
- 16:57 I just reached level 20. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 19:49 I just reached level 21. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 00:52 OMG why am i not asleep yet? #
- 01:46 I just reached level 18. #spymaster bit.ly/playspy #
- 04:06 You aren't normally one to suffer a fool gladly, but today you... More for Scorpio bit.ly/14DAKq #
- 14:37 I really hope donnie osmond isn't as crazy as his sister on Dancing w/ the Stars #
Not feeling creative at the moment
Doing final stuffs to get ready for Allen Park this weekend cuz I'm staying at my mom's house (again) this weekend so i have to make sure i have everything packed cuz if i'm missing anything i'm screwed. So today is alot of assembling and putting things in order ets.
Combine that with the loss of about 15 bracelets earlier this week as well as the loss of about 5 bracelets, my ball chain & necklace making findings and I'm just pissy and not feeling well about stuff. I have to go back and remake crap i already made. Which i didn't do this week at all. All i did was make more pendants (mostly HP and twilight) which also makes me feel not creative.
BLEH. I just look at things other people do and it amazes me. Things that come from their own heads and stuff. I feel like i just copy what other people are already doing and it just makes me sad.
I'll be out of this funk in a couple hours i'm sure, but i needed to get it out of my head and feel sorry for myself.
P.S. i really miss blogging. I need to do more of it. Maybe Sept will be my personal NaBloPoMo
Combine that with the loss of about 15 bracelets earlier this week as well as the loss of about 5 bracelets, my ball chain & necklace making findings and I'm just pissy and not feeling well about stuff. I have to go back and remake crap i already made. Which i didn't do this week at all. All i did was make more pendants (mostly HP and twilight) which also makes me feel not creative.
BLEH. I just look at things other people do and it amazes me. Things that come from their own heads and stuff. I feel like i just copy what other people are already doing and it just makes me sad.
I'll be out of this funk in a couple hours i'm sure, but i needed to get it out of my head and feel sorry for myself.
P.S. i really miss blogging. I need to do more of it. Maybe Sept will be my personal NaBloPoMo
In complete shock
Just got some family news that shocked the hell out of me, and not in a good way. My heart is broken and I can't stop crying. I'll elaborate later when i know more details. And so no one worries, it's not health or life related. No one's dying/dead/sick.
Less than 36 hours away
is the Wyandotte street fair and i already know i don't have enough product, which makes me sad. The resin overflowed on some of my bottlecaps and they stuck to the paper they were drying on, so i lost about 1/6 of them. And I'm pretty sure my rings aren't gonna be dry in time to have them out on wednesday, so they'll be there later in the week.
I had a friend make some bracelet displays for me based on banshee's awesome store bought one cuz a) i'm cheap and b) he was willing. They turned out pretty good. You can tell they're handmade, which i don't really mind. They're T bars of PVC pipe covered in felt and stuck into a plywood base. I had to reinforce them at the joint cuz they were kinds wobbly (i used cording) and it stabilized them AND gives them a slight rustic feel, which is kinda cool.
I'm still debating with myself as to whether or not i should take my crochet work. I only have 2 afghans and a couple baby blankets. We'll see how motivated i am. The less i have to cart around the better it is. And since it all has to fit in banshee's vehicle - well - we'll just see how it goes.
When hubby gets home i think we're gonna go grab a couple beers at the local pub to chillax cuz tomorrow's the long haul. I have to drill all my pendants (as long as they're dry) and a bunch of bottlecaps (to make bracelets) and pack everything up. I also have to do some laundry so i have clothes to wear for the duration of the fair.
(on a side note, I went clothes shopping yesterday and got some super cute and comfy capris, shorts and tshirts. They all fit perfectly yesterday. Today they feel looser. Guess I'm not as bloated or something. I plan on goin back tho and getting more colours in the tshirts cuz they were only $15 and i love how they look on me)(and altho i'm sad that i had to get a size larger than last year, at least it was only 1 size. and hopefully my continued walking on the treadmill as well as the upcoming festivals we're gonna be at will help)
Speaking of festivals, I got our location notification from Allen Park. It's booth #143 and it's on Allen road near the Ecorse Rd side on the north side of the street. Kinda in the middle of the block and away from the stage and stuff. Hopefully it will be decent tho.
kk. hubby's home. gotta go.
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