this is actually a crosspost from facebook so I'm not tagging anyone, but if you wanna do it please let me know when you do!!
I was tagged by Rebecca to participate in this. And while I've done about a zillion of these on my blogs, I figured I could try and come up with 16 MORE things (except for the first one cuz it's majorly important)
Anyway - Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a note with 16 random things, shortcomings, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
so here goes nothing:
1. I am deathly afraid of pomegranates and clowns and flying. mostly flying. which leads me to ...
2. The xmas break I was at college my dad bought me a plane ticket to fly home. I was totally excited until the morning I was supposed to leave. It was also the same day (dec 3rd 1990 ... altho I don't know why I was leaving school so early in the month) that there was a fatal accident at Detroit Metro btwn 2 Northwest Airplanes on the tarmac. My friend's mom called to let her know cuz she didn't know when I was scheduled to leave (I hadn't left yet) and she mistakingly identified the planes as being of the same carrier I was scheduled to fly (I think it was Continental)
I immediately called my dad and told him I wasn't flying home. No way. No how. I would rather walk from Connecticut to Detroit.
Eventually he calmed me down enough to see I was being irrational and I had to fly, so I begged all my friends come with me to the airport and had them stand at the windows of the terminal and wave to me until I left their sight. And they came with me (why I'll never understand) and thankfully nothing bad happened.
BOY! that was a long one!
3. I once tried to drive myself from Detroit to L.A. to be able to spend New year's Eve with my t'hy'la Jayson in a tiny POS 1989 Dodge Omni. I eventually made it there, but not without pitfalls. the biggest one which was that my car's engine blew up right outside of Santa Rosa, New Mexico and I had to stay there for a week until Jayson came to pick me up via Amtrak and we celebrated the 45th of December (cuz it wasn't the New year until we celebrated it together).
I got to spend a week in L.A. before heading back to Santa Rosa to pick up my car and drive back home.
And I did all of that without my mom knowing (until a few months later that is)
4. On that same trip I was in L.A. in time for the Northridge earthquake of 1994. Yea. It was an awesome vacation.
5. I often feel like I've disappointed those that believed in me way back when, I was a bright star, getting accepted to and attending Yale University (for 1 year only) but now I'm a married housewife. I don't even have kids (and don't plan on it) I feel like a failure.
6a. I once got busy in a burger king bathroom.
6b. no ... not really ... just making sure you're paying attention.
6c. I am an avid trekkie (or trekker if you prefer) I can name almost any ST:Tos episode after only a few minutes of a scene. And I know crazy facts (first episode Bones said "I'm a doctor not a ... "? that would be episode #25 Devil in the Dark ... first interracial kiss? that would be episode #67 Plato's Stepchildren) and I was lucky enough to actually meet Leonard Nimoy and get his autograph on a couple things a few years back when he spoke at a local temple about his book "Shekina"
7. I got married about 2 1/2 years ago to my absolutely perfect mate. Until I met him, however, I was convinced that I was gonna end up old and alone, so my t'hy'la Jayson and I made the obligatory "If we aren't married by 40 we'll marry each other" pledge.
8. I almost didn't apply to Yale because in one of the pamphlets I read when I was searching for a college it said that they had a huge gay and lesbian population among the undergrands (1 in 4 was openly gay) and I was extremely closed-minded about the issue. I quickly became educated in my ignorance when my t'hy'la Jayson came out to me one night when we were driving home (or was it to?) denny's. I've been a gays rights advocate ever since.
9. The very first week my family moved to what would end up being the city I grew up in (Wyandotte, MI) I was playing in the backyard on my swingset when 2 bigger boys came walking into the backyard and took it over. They told me to get off and started calling me a chink and slant eyes. After a few minutes they just left. It was my first racism experience.
10. as a general rule I can't stand slapstick. I prefer Monty Python over Benny Hill. But I love Laurel and Hardy!
11. I watch way too much TV in any given week. I use the excuse that at least I'm crocheting or crafting while I'm doing it, but still it's kind of embarrassing how much TV i watch.
12. When the neighbor kids run across our lawn as they play and stuff it drives me crazy. I have to constantly restrain myself from yelling out the windows and doors for them to quit it. But when I caught them jumping their fence and running around our backyard I made sure I let them know it wasn't gonna be tolerated.
13. I constantly feel like I'm being judged that I'm not pretty enough, that I'm too fat, that I'm a horrible lazy person with bad hygiene cuz I lost my front tooth a couple years ago. It keeps me from going places i want to go sometimes. So if I ever make plans with you and then flake out, know it isn't cuz of you. It's probably cuz of me.
14. I am extremely proud of my smarts tho. and my singing.
15. When things are misspelled, especially on things that are permanent, it drives me insane.
Many years ago I used to frequent a restaurant that wrote their daily specials on a dry erase board. I actually bought my own dry erase pen so that I could fix their spelling mistakes (potatoe? Really? I thought we learned that was wrong back in the 80s)
16. YAY!!! the last one!!!! I hated our 10 year class reunion. people were cliquey and most of the people I was really looking forward to seeing weren't there. I left early after a bunch of drunk guys kept asking Joel to go home and put on his Star trek uniform. But not before I told him not to do it.
I really hope our 20th is better.