I is the cotroller of spice
Your Score: Spice Melange
You scored 100% intoxication, 100% hotness, 75% complexity, and 100% craziness!

You are Spice. You're not from around here, are you? You're extremely valuable. While you resemble mundane cinnamon, you are much more interesting. People fight wars over you, but your giant worms protect you. You enlighten people; make them aware, prescient, even clairvoyant. Your pure essence can reveal people's true selves, if they survive their encounter with the real you. You're addictive, dangerous, seductive, and above all else, necessary for space travel.
Link: The Which Spice Are You Test written by jodiesattva on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Last Day of NaBloPoMo
Heading off the slumberland right now. I've trivia-ed myself to death today. I played so much online jeopardy that I was getting all repeat categories...even the final jeopardy ones. So
tomorrow should go well.
I shall update on twitter our progress tomorrow. I'm sure we're gonna be $1000 richer by 5PM! (power of positive thinking and all that jazz)
nighty night!
another day in the life
another day in the life
I have to thank Gina for her suggestion of grape juice and iron pills. They are like a miracle cure right now for me. Normally, no matter how much caffeine i do or don't ingest, I'm exhausted most of the day and have to take a nap around 6 or 7PM regardless of what I've done.
But the past couple days I've actually been slightly productive and awake. Yesterday I woke up around 12noon and stayed awake without a nap until 2am (which is a big deal for me...i know i sound lazy but whatever) and today I woke up around 11am. I'm so excited. Maybe I can actually get on a regular sleep schedule and be awake when the rest of the world is.
Plus it's helping me get my xmas gifts done. I have 2 afghans done and 2 more that are about 4/5ths of the way done ... should finish them on Sunday. That will only leave 3 more, but they're easy. Who knows! This year I could be done with my crochet goodness BEFORE december 24th lol. No carpal tunnel for me this year.
So I"m on my way to darts in a few w/ the fizzle. hope I have a decent game. And then tomorrow is all about trivia. So if you see me online and I don't respond right away don't be mad. I'm just mega cramming my brain for Saturday's tournament and the chance to win $1500 in cash and prizes!!!!
My Trivia Live tournament info
YAY for Helio!!!!
While I would have been equally happy to see Mel B. and Maksim win last night, Helio totally won my heart from day one. Plus he kinda looks like a guy i used to have a crush on many many years ago. ^_^
I was just happy Marie didn't end up in the final 2 or (gods forbid) winning the damn show. I mean seriously! Did you SEE her freestyle dance?
(warning...don't watch if you have a phobia of dolls ... and also it might make you wanna punch your computer monitor...watch at your own risk)
I can't even begin to FATHOM how she thought that would be a good idea!!! Because she's a doll designer? So designing dolls basically makes you an obnoxious idiot.
I used to be a Marie Osmond fan. I'm completely guilty of watching old Donny and Marie shows and singing along, wanting to be "a little bit country". But this whole season on Dancing With The Stars she continually talked down to the judges and everyone else, but she always ended with a giggle or a laugh. I guess that was her way to downplay how obnoxious she was. I swore to Kevin that if she won I'd never watch DWTS again! (thank the gods that didn't happen)
So, even tho I thought Mel and Max were just as deserving, I'm happy that Helio won. I absolutely loved him.
my 3 favorite Helio dances of the season
and yes I realize after posting them that the music to these 3 dances is extremely similar. That wasn't on purpose, but i guess I'm influenced as much by music as I am by dance.
The NExt Great American Band
This week they got rid of Cliff Wagner and the Old No. 7, which, altho I really liked them, they were bluegrass and prolly not as marketable or versatile as some of the other bands (i LOVE bluegrass...and I loved them...I added one of their songs to my profile)
So this past Friday night they all did covers of Rolling Stones songs. I'm not a Stones fan. I think there are maybe a handful of songs of theirs that I like ... "jumping Jack Flash", "Sympathy for the Devil", "Angie", "shattered" ... but I had to share this amazing version of "Gimme Shelter" by the Clark Brothers.
I absolutely totally dig the Clark Brothers. They have so much talent and they're such good role models. And this version of this song gave me goosebumps when I heard it. The way this song started so soft and intense and then just built to an explosion was phenomenal imho.
In case you aren't familiar with the original (which I'm sure almost everyone is):
And for the record, I'm PRAYING that Dot Dot Dot leave this week. They piss me off and they did an ultimate craptastic version of Rolling Stones "Let's Spend the Night Together" (warning ... if you watch this video you may want to shoot yourself or the screen or both ... I'm just including it cuz you need to see how craptastic they were if you can handle it)
Saturday & Sunday
Today was football sunday without the Lions. (or the Jets) so I watched New Orleans kick some azz (how bout them Saints?), watched Arizona lose to the Niners in OT (which keeps the Lions in the Wold card contention) and we're currently watching NE getting shoved around by Philly (which is good for my fantasy numbers cuz the guy I'm playing today has Brady and Moss) (and I know this is all gobldigook to most people who read this)
I'm also crocheting like a madwoman. I didn't reach my goal today of finishing an afghan I've been working on for about a week, but I should finish it tomorrow along with a couple other gifts. I'm trying to remember to take pics of everything but my real camera needs batteries and my cell phone camera sucks at getting colours right.
Heading up to the Box in a few. don't wanna. I took some allergy pills and I'm so tired I could go to sleep right now and not wake up until noon tomorrow. But it will do me good to get out of the house.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll have more of a brain to write more than basic life journal entries. I have so much stuff floating around in my head I need to get out.
oh! and it's entirely possible I have stopped at 18 days. I'm still gonna make plans to see someone about this, but if I have stopped it's not as urgent as it was before.
dammit! I missed a day!!!
So yesterday I went shopping in the wee early hours and got 6 people off our shopping list ^_^ so happy! Can't tell you what we got them cuz they might see this, but i KNOW they'll love it!
Today I'm hosting karaoke again at Rouge Park Lounge. Next Saturday is our trivia semi-finals and finals. EXCITING!!!!!!!
And now i'm off to warm up some turkey leftovers!
Happy Turkey Day!!
One of the most relaxing turkey days ever! We stayed home (well until about 20 minutes from now when we're heading to the fizzle's) and had a turkey, mashed taters, stuffing, gravy and green bean casserole. We also have a ham but we didn't cook it, which is okay. We can save that for Sunday or something.
Listened to Alice's Restaurant on WCSX. One of my favorite "holiday" songs. And "The Turkey Song" by Adam Sandler.
We watched the pathetic Lions as the announcers drooled over Brett Favre once again (altho Joe Buck cracked me up in the 3rd when he was making fun of how the media dotes over Favre and made a comment like "Look at the way the light just glistens off his helmet" It was awesome!) Totally pissed they lost, but I'm so glad I didn't get suckered into any side bets.
After the Lions game, some brews and turkey (and a scant 4 hours sleep the night before) I was so tired I decided to take a nap around 4:30pm and slept for a solid 4 hours!!!! I could have slept longer too but I awoke to blackness and freaked out cuz we were supposed to go to JForce's at 5:30 and , well, ooops! we didn't make it. While I slept the Jets managed to lose to Dallas so Kevin is just as bummed today as I was. Thank goodness for cerveza ^_^
So I'm re-energizing myself with some water and a little Pepsi before we head over there (plus I'm waiting for my pants to dry) and maybe do some munching on her family food (if there's anything left)
Not feeling very festive
Usually Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. Food, Football, Friends and lots of beer. What more could a girl like me ask for? We spend all Wednesday night getting things prepped for the big day (like cutting taters and brining the turkey etc) and then go out for some well deserved adult beverages before heading to sleep around 2am. Then it's up at 10 to put the bird in and have everything done by noon (yes I know we eat early...it's due to football schedules....gotta have the food done before the games so we can watch them)
But this year I'm not that into it. I don't know why. And today is super worse in that I'm supposed to go to a Wings game tonight with someone from the bar and I totally don't wanna go. I know. I shouldn't turn down a game. But the weather is crap and it's just St. Louis (no offense Chicken) and I'd much rather stay home and try and continue the cleaning (it's gonna take every bit of the time I have to straighten up our house even remotely...we kinda let it go to put this week). Plus the guy that I'm going with told me that I HAVE to buy all the drinks tonight cuz he is providing the ticket. Yea. The last guy that went with him to a game spent over $50 in drinks alone. I don't have that kind of money.
And to top it all off I think I have fallen into a depression of sorts that I can't seem to break out of. I started crying on the phone to Kevin earlier and I had no reason whatsoever to cry. I was just talking and all of the sudden there were tears. And he's the best but he didn't know what to do or to say.
So I'm gonna jump in the shower and see if that makes me feel any better and try and figure out what I'm gonna do about the hockey game. The more I think about it the less I really want to go. And i hate that I'm gonna turn down a hockey game. I love the Wings. And I might not get to go to another one all year. But will it really be worth it to go tonight if I'm gonna spend way too much money that we don't have and be miserable? And did I mention the seats aren't that great and he already pissed me off asking me if I would be able to walk up all the stairs to get to the seats (they're section 206 row 14 ... so there's a fair amount of stairs to climb..and yes I'm overweight, but don't be a dick about it)
Yea, the more I think about it as I'm writing, the less I want to go. Now I just have to think of a good excuse. Maybe I got stuck downriver or maybe I have a family thing I forgot about ... I don't know but I have only about 45 minutes to come up with something good.
Any ideas?
I Totally forgot the best part!!!!
After the halftime questions we played a game to determine who would get 3 bonus points and who would get a Miller prize. 1 person from each team went to a table and played:
I was pink.
I totally didn't get the bonus points but I found the green marble and won a Miller Lite Sportscenter T-shirt (which won't fit me ... so it's prolly going to my sister next time I see her)
Stupid Hard Questions
So we went to Trivia last night (as usual on a Monday night) and we placed 3rd with 39 points...THIRTY-NINE POINTS!!! And we were still 3rd (out of 4 teams)
Our trivia host (or TJ as they call themselves) Toby wrote the questions for last night. He did a decent job but one question wasn't specific enough imho.
So, the questions last night were:
1. movies - what kind of car was used as the time machine in Back to the Future?
2. schools - which of these is NOT a member of the Ivy League?
University of Pennsylvania
Massechusetts Institute of Technology
3. geography - What is the tallest mountain NOT in a mountain range?
4. games - How many numbered squares are there on a traditional Bingo card?
5. sports - Who holds the record for most home runs in a World Series?
6. movie quotes - What movie is this quote from:
"They said it was a million dollar wound, but the army must keep that money 'cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars."
7. music lyrics - What is the name of the song that contains these lyrics?
"did i ask too much
more than alot
you gave me nothing
and that's all I got"
8. history - Who was JFK's Attorney General?
9. business - How much was a McDonald's hamburger when they first opened in 1946?
5 cents
10 cents
15 cents
50 cents
Halftime question:
Match these people with their original names:
Axel Rose Vincent Fournier
Jamie Foxx William Bailey
Jon Stewart Jon Liebowitz
Alice Cooper Eric Morland Bishop
10 was the Miller Beer question .... you get the answer on their website each week for a quick 6 points (they're sponsered by Miller Beer) The answer was Spuds MacKenzie ... I forget the question.
11. movies - What was Michael Douglas's character's name in Wall Street?
12. sports - This Yankee had 1,710 strike-outs in his career.
13. travel - Where will your luggage end up if it has the luggage tag BWI?
14. movies - What do Barbara Streisand, Dustin Hoffman and Robin Williams have in common?
15. video games - What year did Pac Man video games hit the US arcades?
16. movies - What show did E.T. watch to learn English?
17. books - When this encyclopedia came out in 1771 it listed California as "a large country of the west indies".
18 - geography - Name 1 of the 2 U.S. states that border the most other states?
Final question:
What are these Seinfeld characters' occupations?
Tim Whatley
Jackie Chiles
answers: (highlight to see them)
1. DeLorean
2. M.I.T.
3. Kilamanjaro
4. 24
5. Reggie Jackson
6. Forrest Gump
7. One by U2
8. Robert Kennedy
9. 15 cents
axel Rose - William Bailey
Jamie Foxx - EricMorland Bishop
Jon Stewart - jon Liebowisz
Alice Cooper - Vincent Fournier
10. Spuds MacKenzie
11. Gordon Gekko
12. Mickey Mantle
13. Baltimore/Washinton International Airport
14. They all crossdressed in movies (Yentl, Tootsie, Mrs. Doubtfire)
15. 1980
16. Sesame Street
17. Britanica
18. Missouri or Tennessee (each borders 8 states)
Final Question:
Newman - postman
Poppy - chef/restaurant owner
Tim Whatley - doctor
Jackie Chiles - lawyer
day #19
day #19 of NaBloPoMo and I've been diligent.
However today I find myself with absolutely nothing to say. And I mean NOTHING.
I sat in front of the puter surfing and playing games and talking with people and i wanted to put some relevant material here...or at least something other than "i ate half a can of Salt and Vinegar Pringles and my lips are burning" (which I did and they are) but nothing would spring from my head to my fingers and type.
We're leaving in 10 minutes for trivia. Last week of league and then we get a couple weeks off (we can still play for fun tho) so I have to get my mind in gear cuz it's just me and kevin tonight. The Fizzle is having fun up north.
But it's cold outside and I'm feeling drained cuz I've suffered that female monthly visitor for 14 days in a row as of today.
Hopefully tomorrow will bring inspiration. Today sucked odin's hairy scrotum.
How my Saturday/Sunday went
after getting up at the ungodly hour of 8am yesterday, I got ready, headed out the door with Kevin around9am and we braved a trip into the double A for our catering gig at the Masonic Temple on Stadium. It was a nightmare. Took us over an hour to get there, but we made it in one piece.
We worked well together. I chopped and helped prep and set the tables and Kevin did the major cooking (of course). We made salad (with 4 different dressing choices - Italian, Ranch, Poppyseed and Greek), Chicken piccata with roasted baby potatoes and a veggie medley, and for dessert a cherry crisp. Everyone raved about the food. Chances are we'll be catering the next business meeting as well. (FYI - The Ann Arbor Masonic Lodge is the one Kevin is a member of ... just in case you didn't know he's a Mason)
The clean up sucked. I'm suffering major backpains due to female issues, so I took some Pamprin but it didn't help and every 15 minutes or so I had to sit down I was in so much pain. But with the help of an automatic dishwasher (which gave me memories of when I worked in the dining hall in college) we managed to get everything cleaned up and stored away in about an hour and headed back to our side of town.
Got to Rouge Park around 4PM after stopping at the yarn store cuz they were having a major sale on yarns I needed for xmas gifts. Hung out with the fizzle and had some grilled cheese and played some megatouch before Vince got there to show me how to set up the karaoke equipment and run it. It's a decent system. Pretty simple to figure out.
The night went well. I sang ALOT and by the end of the night I had almost no voice left. People seemed to have a good time tho. I even got a request to sing Selena "bidi bidi bom bom" (in spanish) and had a bonding moment with a fellow Latino as a result. Kinda fun.
We ended the show around 12:30am, got everything put away and made it to the Box for last call where we met back up with JForce and Joel. Joel came back to the house and we chatted and watched movies until around 6am when I really had to go to sleep.
(BTW ... Joel's Bobbie arrives in the states next Monday and will be here in town next Tuesday!)
Woke up in time for the Lions game (surprisingly) only to watch them pathetically lose. Of course I'm used to that. Called Vince (the karaoke equipment guy) and he told me he was very impressed with how I presented myself and how I ran the show and announced things ... even told me he thought I was better than him. (that's what over 10 years of experience will do for you). We're supposed to meet up tomorrow so I can give him his monies from the show and maybe have lunch and chat.
Took a LONG napduring the Jets game (which they apparently won in OT) and then Kevin and I went to get Popeye's for dinner. Still watching New England stomp all over Buffalo right now but I'm thinking of going back to sleep pretty soon. It was a long day yesterday!
I have tons of cleaning to do tomorrow. Was gonna start it today but I didn't expect to be so tired and have so many sore muscles. I guess I'm just not used to standing so long anymore. And of course trivia tomorrow night (without the Fizzle ... she's up north with her parents)
Far Too Early
I know most of my peeps irl wake up at this time everyday, but it's far too early for me. I'm so frigging tired. I even went to sleep early last night so as to be somewhat coherent and less bitchy this morning. I don't think it worked.
So I'm outta here in 40 minutes for a long ass day and I hope I can make it thru.
Thank the Gods and Goddesses for coffee.
Nothing much to say
Got a busy day tomorrow. Gotta be up and out the door by around 9am cuz Kevin and I are catering a lunch for his Masonic Temple in Ann Arbor. Should be interesting and I'll get to see the inside of the Temple for the first time, which is cool.
After that it's back to Rouge Park Lounge for some Euchre @ 2pm, along with free sloppy joes during the big game and then a steak roast at 6PM followed up with me hosting karaoke from 8pm until who knows...prolly around 12 or 1AM. No set time, just when everyone leaves. I'm not getting paid a whole lot since I'm filling in for a friend of Judy's who doesn't charge her that much, but it should be fun anyway. It was pretty dead last week so I sang alot, and I'm sure I'll sing alot again this week. Heaven knows I love to sing ^_^
BTW if anyone wants to come join me I'll be there all day. The address is:
Rouge Park Lounge
16515 W. Outer Drive
Dearborn Heights
It's right on the corner of Outer Drive and Warren. Really easy to find.
Thankfully Sunday will be a day of rest. Watching football all day and hoping against hope that the Lions pull out a win and don't look like the complete losers we looked last Sunday. Boy was that humiliating!
OH! and Monday's the last trivia night before the tournament. I think we've qualified to go to the tournament (YAY!!!) so Saturday Dec 1st be rooting for us to win it all!!!
And now it's back to watch some TV and continue working on some crochet gifts for the holidays. Only a little over a month so I gotta get cracking!!!
the best song ever
and now I"m going to get me some chocolate.
Random Picture Blog
Either way ENJOY!!

Quite possibly the worst movie ever made.
This makes Private Benjamin look oscar worthy (a movie i love btw in spite of it's awfulness)
Sad News
Man Charged With Dismembering Woman
Franklin Benson, 47, goes before a Newton County Magistrate judge Monday morning to face charges that he murdered his girlfriend and then dismembered her body. He was arrested late Sunday after GBI agents and crime lab technicians cracked the strange case.
It began October 30 when some dogs found a human foot in some woods behind a vacant house off Georgia Highway 212 and Island Shoals Road in Newton County. Searchers soon discovered another foot, some legs and a hand.
It turns out Leslyan Williams, 49, of Decatur was reported missing about the same time by some out-of-state relatives. With that missing report and the remains, investigators soon came up with boyfriend Franklin Benson's name. They learned Benson runs a car care business near the crime scene.
"Investigators were able to make a connection with the location where the body was found and two individuals," GBI spokesman John Bankhead told 11Alive News Sunday night. He said crime lab technicians were then able to link up the severed hand and the victim.
"They obtained fingerprints from the remains and compared them to the victim's fingerprints and made a match," Bankhead explained. Investigators will continue to search for Williams' head and torso, hoping an autopsy will determine the exact cause of death.
Suspect Franklin Benson is now being held in the Newton County Jail awaiting his Monday first court appearance. Meanwhile, investigators are asking anyone with information on either Williams or Benson to call the GBI Tip Line at 1-800-597-TIPS (8477).
My mom works with the sister of the woman mentioned in this story. You hear about these thing happening but you never expect them to happen to people you actually know. According to what I was told on Saturday, the sister was reported missing 10 days previous but the local police refused to investigate, saying that she was an adult and had the right to "disappear" and not be in contact with anyone. Even after the family insisted this was totaly out of character for her, it took the involvement of the Inkster police (my mom and the victim's sister work for the city of Inskter) to get the authorities involved down there.
The family was travelling down to GA from MI to see what was going on first hand. They were in Kentucky when they got the call that she was dead. At that point all that was found were her hands and feet.
I can't even imagine the horror this family is going through. Hopefully justice will be swift and exact. I know that if it were my sister that man wouldn't even make it to his arraignment alive.
Kitna does it again.
But I'm not here to talk about football. Yes my Lions lost today and I am terribly sad and numbing my pain with some frosty beverages made in St. Louis, MO.
I'm here cuz I'm PISSED about what I saw at the end of the broadcast of the Lions game today.
In case you can't tell (cuz it's a crappy video i know...i made it really quick with my cell phone cuz I couldn't find my camera) It's our quarterback, John Kitna, and the quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals, Kurt Warner, kneeling down and holding hands with each other and leading a circle of players in a POST GAME PRAYER!!!
Now I was raised Catholic and was Christian in some form or another for almost half my life. Religion isn't really the issue here. Feel free to pray to your god after the game.
Just had to get that off my chest.
Under the wire!
Got caught up in a whole day of stuff which culminated in karaoke.
Speaking of which, if you're in the neighborhood of Warren and Outer Drive in the Detroit Metro Area next Saturday night around 8PM - midnight come see me at Rouge Park Lounge.
Details to follow.
Such a blah day
Spent most of today playing facebook's version of scrabble with da banshee killing time. I mostly just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep the day away again since it was so grey outside (and cold) but instead i wasted it in front of the puter doing absolutely nothing.
okay, not NOTHING. I did dowload a couple songs and i'm trying to learn a couple for tonight karaoke with Les and da banshee here on my side of town. And I learned about a new album that Robert Plant and Allison Krauss put out together. It's frigging awesome!!
Raising Sands by Robert Plant/Allison Krauss
CNN story here
Take a listen to the samples of the tracks. I really like Rich Woman and Gone, Gone, Gone. I can't wait to hear the rest of it. Prolly gonna invest in it next week.
Thinking I might go take a nap before da banshee and her man come pick me up this evening for karaoke.
Happy NaBloPoMo
Quick Post
Last 24 hours were one of the worst for me. toilet overflowed causeing a couple of lakes in my house. I had a major meltdown. Found out today it was prolly due to situation combined with major PMS. not fun. I'm better today.
YAY NaBloPoMo!!!
Some things on my mind
1. one of my favorite commercials currently on TV:
2. This story gives a whole new meaning to the term "Holy Cow"
3. Anyone wanna go to Burbank, CA this Saturday?
4. I actually got this email just a little while ago:
(click to see bigger)
I mean SERIOUSLY!?!?!
5. This story pisses me off. Specifically this part:
"The photo ID complaints come at a time of debate nationwide over whether the photo ID requirement unfairly hampers the voting rights of minorities and poor people."
are they kidding me? Photo IDs are unfair to MINORITIES and POOR PEOPLE?!? Aren’t we all required by law to have some form of photo ID? Last time I renewed my ID (cuz I don’t have a driver’s license) it was only $8. And you only have to pay that once every 4 years. How is that unfair? *GRRR*
6. I really wish I had $11,000 just laying around in order to win this auction. (more info and awesome pics here)
7. Is anyone else watching "The Next Great American Band"? I frigging love this show! I never EVER vote on these shows, I just watch and guess who’s gonna leave. I am voting this time for The Muggs (who are from Detroit) but if I had my way I’d totally vote for these guys:
They have tons of talent and are cute as anything! Altho I think the finalists (unless things go horribly wrong) will be:
and Franklin Bridge:
8. I forget what 8 was for.
9. We’re getting close to going to the tournament for Trivia. First prize is $1000 voucher for travel or cash equivalent!!!! Wish us luck! We’ve won first place in the bar we play at 3 of the last 4 weeks ($30 gift certificates) Some of the questions they ask:
category - Michigan
What City is the Detroit Zoo in?(highlight below for answer)
answer: Royal Oak
category - movie quotes
What movie is this quote from: " Don’t call me son. I’m a lawyer and an officer in the United States Navy. And you’re under arrest, you son of a bitch."
answer: A Few Good Men
And our final question this week (where you wager your points ala Jeopardy and if you place 1st, 2nd or 3rd you get gift certificates)
category - names
Which of these names was consistently on the top 10 list of American male names each decade from 1880 - 1980?
answer: James
10. a pic of one of my cool bday gifts. A Marilyn Monroe purse. I now have 3 of them.
And that’s all i have time for right now. Seems i have to jump in the shower and get ready to play some darts tonight. Wish me luck.