

Cool things I inherited

I got a couple more things than this, but i'm in love with the cantinflas statue (which we're making into a lamp). His base is covered with stones that my Mama glued to him from different vacations she went on over the years. I remember always looking for pretty rocks for her when on vacation. I'm pretty sure a couple of them even made it into the statue's base, Altho I couldn't pick them out specifically anymore.

The other thing is a ceramic Mexican folk art owl that nobody else wanted. I love him.


NaBloPoMo and NaNoWriMo

Yep. it's that time of the year again. Another attempt at blogging for an entire month and I THINK I'm gonna even work on my ghost story this month. Of course I didn't work on the story today, but I'm gonna eventually hopefully. And if i don't, at least I should do the blogging part.

After I clean the damn laptop keyboard. Stupid keys keep sticking.



I am a Bear

I've been suffering through a huge depression for the past week. Money situations again. It just never seems to stop. But because of it, I've been such  complete bear to my husband. And he's putting up with it like a champ. Tonight was the worst. Aside from money, I also have family things I'm not liking. And then I went into the bedroom to change into pajamas and get ready for sleep and discovered that one of the cats puked on my pjs and my side of the bed. So I just lost it and shut down. I reclined my seat on the couch (we have a double recliner) covered up with a sheet and closed my eyes while hubby finished the TV show we were watching before I discovered the puke.

Of course I fell asleep. I awoke to hubby messing around in the kitchen and told him I'd fix the coffee and put away dinner. Then I fell back asleep.

I just woke up an hour ago and got up so I could take care of the clean up, and everything was put away already and the coffee was set. And he had cleaned up the cat mess.

I seriously love him so much!!!!!



Now, I don't normally "diet". When I was younger, I had an eating disorder. Well, multiple eating disorders. I fluctuated btwn anorexia and bulimia  I was never skinny enough and I would either just not eat or eat and purge. Sometimes I even just chewed food to get the taste of it and then spit it out. And at one point in my life i lived for weeks on jello and chicken bouillon.


Hating Life Right Now

Pretty sure I'm PMS-ing. I have all the typical signs i have come to know and understand. No need for gory details about how crappy i feel. But the one bothering me most right now is that I can't seem to fall asleep, but when i do get to sleep I don't want to wake up cuz i'm so frigging tired. BLAH!!!! Nothing is helping me either. Not valerian root, not Beethoven, not adult beverages, not even the stupid allergy pills that ALWAYS put me to sleep.

I just really wish my body would get this stuff over with and I can move back to "normal".



Wyandotte sushi

Some pictures from a couple of visits to the sushi bar in Wyandotte in 2013. Sometimes the service sucks,  but it's so pretty!! And delicious!!

The last picture is of a Complimentary desert from the chef.  It wasn't even our anniversary!!!

I hate getting old (plus other things.... probably gonna be long ... just like this title

I'm going to whine and bitch right now.


starting a new habit

Since Sunday, hubby and I have been walking for about 30 minutes after dinner every day. Today, since he worked late tonight and works super early tomorrow, I walked alone. It was uber hot (sun was down and was still in the 90s) so i cut it shorter and walked 15 instead of a full 30, but at least i got out there and walked.

I'm hoping that adding this habit into my life will make me healthier. Strengthen my heart and my limbs. Get me into better shape so i can expand on it at a later date. And hopefully lose a little weight in the process. I'm tired of being such a chunky chick i can't shop at the cheap shops for clothes anymore. My damn bras have to be purchased at big girl shops or special order.

Plus I'm pushing 40. I'd like to meet it in a size 16 if i can. (Currently 18 or 20 depending on cut and shop)




Totally mixed up my blogs. oh well. Must remember not to blog when tired.



Another late night/early morning

Hubby's new schedule is killing me. Mostly cuz I do fall asleep early in the night but wake up around 11 and find it hard to fall back to sleep before he leaves for work at 4:30am (his alarm just went off so he'll be walking into the living room any minute now)

I did manage to get some things done during the night tho (after the hockey game .... GO DEVILS!!!) And I have plans to do alot of mailling today later on (so check out my other blog at magikjazcreations in the evening time....I got some GORGEOUS new rings and stuff that i can't wait to work with which i posted on this blog earlier)

Catch you all later. The sleep has finally found me i think.



Square wire jump rings

So in love with these. Wish I would have bought more. So much prettier in person. Making them into pretties tomorrow.


Such a nice day

Even tho it took me a little while to motivate since I fell asleep sometime around 6am and kept waking up every 2 hours or so until 2 pm (still only 8 hours thankyouverymuch), I had a great day with hubby and mom.

Hubby did laundry when we went over mom's  apt. And I made homemade enchiladas with refried beans and rice for dinner. They turned out to be the best enchiladas I have ever made according to hubby.

And while waiting for dinner to cook, mom and I went to the funeral home to say goodbye to a great man. Gary Rigley. Only son of my dear friends Al and Carol. He died in a freak accident in his garage at the unbelievably thing age of 55 a couple days ago.

If there was ever a polar opposite of my grandfather it was Gary. He was quite honestly the best and most wonderful man I have ever had the privilege to know (aside from hubby of course).

Right now I'm hanging out with my hubby catching up on our TV shows and enjoying a couple ginger ales.

Good day all in all.



Holy Cow it's been awhile!!!

I keep meaning to get to this blog and update and also reorganize the past posts (most of the older posts (2002) have expired links and such) but I keep forgetting or get caught up in something else.

Right now I'm motivating to get stuff made for summer festival season. The first one is June 2 & 3 in Detroit at Hart Plaza. Motor City Pride Fest. I'll be posting updates of my awesome creations on my other blog magikjaz creations so i don't bog down this one.



Much prettier in person. For my  cousin's new baby girl (coming soon).



Just testing out the app on the new phone. Again.


Brown Sugar

Everytime I use this:

I hear this in my head:


Random Pics

Huey Lewis at DTE Energy Center (Pine Knob) June 2011

Me and my H.S. friends Chrissy and Tammy at the Wyandotte Street Fair July 2011

Sleepy kitty sleeping all crazy.

Me with crazy bangs.


The end.


Alumni Concert pt 2 (some crappy cell phone pics)

The current vocal music teacher is ridiculous about not allowing electronic devices during the show, so i had to be all ninja. Which led to crappy pics. Sorry.


Vocal Alumni Concert

Tonight is the annual vocal alumni concert for my high school. I was considering not going because I am missing my teeth, but my friends have convinced me to go anyway.

It's always fun. You get to watch the current vocal groups perform and at the end they invite all alums up to the stage to sing 2 songs - The Battle Hymn of the Republic and The Lord's Prayer. And you get to see people you haven't seen in forever (and their kids lol) and reminisce about the things you barely remember.

I really need to find my old yearbooks so next year I can take them and we can all have a good laugh :)



The Hunger Games

I just finished all 3 Hunger Games books and I'm still digesting them mentally. I've heard nothing but good things about them (until i started reading them - they apparently are kind of polarizing in certain markets).

I think I loved them. They made me cry. At least twice. And I couldn't put them down. They moved so fast I just wanted to see what else happened. Seriously, I was up until around 9am reading. The only reason I finally stopped was I realized I was only 100 pages from the end of the last book and I wanted to be able to savor the characters and the friendship I had with them for a little while longer. (Altho, to be honest, I might actually re-read them before I have to give them back (I borrowed them via the Nook app for 14 days)).

I am totally geeked about the movie now.



Thank you T-Mobile

So, we've been fighting with T-Mobile over our billing for MONTHS now. Just when we think we have it straightened out, we get hit with more unexpected charges on our phone. Our past couple bills were at least $50 to $100 more than what we were expecting. I don't even know how we managed to pay them, but we did, and constantly with the promise that next month things would be fixed. But they weren't.

So last weekend, when hubby got paid, I went to pay our bill Saturday afternoon. Again it was a over what we expected, so i held off paying the bill and hubby called them and they said they fixed everything. When i signed online to pay the bill the next day, the bill had jumped up by $70!!! OBVIOUSLY they hadn't fixed anything!!!

I was so pissed that we started contemplating switching over to another service. For just a little more than the current bill, we could switch over to Virgin Mobile, get better phones, and never have surprise charges again (altho that still sounds really nice). Hubby called and complained and even told them that we were going to switch even tho we have been customers for around 7 years. He was on the phone for around an hour, and just when we thought we were getting somewhere, he got disconnected. And nothing was done.

Seriously, things were out of control, but we could never find anyone who would take the time to actually check through our account and fix the things that were wrong. And the CS rep who talked to hubby (and disconnected) told us that his phone was being charged for a $30/month data package cuz his phone automatically synced up with the internet every week. And yet MY phone, which i actually used to connect to the internet (downloading some apps and sending some photos online) wasn't put onto ANY data plan automatically, so i was charged a per MB fee. Which was messed up anyway, cuz we had asked for a $10/month data plan back in December when i got my phone, which was never initiated on our account!!!

so i complained on Twitter.


Things are so messed up

I wish I could write about things going on in my family right now, but I just can't. It would make things worse. I've talked to a few friends about things going on, and my mom of course. And hubby. But I wish I could fix this stuff and have it just go away.

Why must life and family be so completely screwed up? 

(Just in case you're wondering, we are fine. Stress levels are at an all time high tho)


My teeth suck

and i can't afford to get them fixed.



Hubby Bday celebration!!!

Yesterday hubby turned 45. He opted for a low key celebration.

We stayed up late the night before watching horror movies and slept in until 2:30pm. Had some coffee and did some stuff around the house (going through some boxes and stuff). Banshee was awesome and picked us up after work and took us to my mom's apt so we could do laundry (without having to carry the dirty laundry on the bus lol).

When the laundry was in the dryer we took a walk over to Coastal Thai for dinner (sadly mom opted not to go with us - she had a rough couple days at work). Surprisingly it wasn't that cold for the walk. We strolled by our old apt. and saw that someone was indeed living there. (I still kinda miss that place - but i don't miss the lack of a furnace).

You should know I was introduced to a website called foodspotting which is essentially a food twitter where you can upload pics of food and give recommendations. My profile is HERE. I haven't downloaded the app for my phone yet, but I plan on it. I especially love that you can look for recommendations depending on where you are (which would have been awesome to have when we were in Fort Wayne, IN in Oct. last year). It's like having a local in your pocket. I am quite certain i am going to become addicted to foodspotting.

That being said, I made hubby stop before he ate everything tonight lol. I had to take pictures (which at this moment I'm still uploading into foodspotting). (also adding the description i added to foodspotting tonight on the items I uploaded)


mmmmm - sushi for dinner!!!

trying out the new google plus add-on

mmmmm - sushi for dinner!!!
More photos from Jazmyn Bencik

edit: i prefer the actual picture being posted so here's the yummy sushi


Not that it matters

But I have threaded comments now. Thank you blogger xox


missing teeth - pay no attention to the bad hair

Photoshopped in some teeth so you could see which ones are missing. Not brace enough to post the real thing yet.

And below is without the writing - i will have that smile again someday.


Tooth problems *sigh*

So i have had tooth issues for years. If you know me, you know i don't have good teeth. It isn't for lack of trying however. when hubby had dental insurance, and before we were married, I tried to get things fixed in spite of my extreme phobia of dentists..

There was even a point where i had pain in my top front teeth and altho one of them had to be extracted, the other was "saved" by a root canal. However, insurance ran out and we couldn't afford the cap/crown to be put on afterwards.

Fastforward a few years. This past week my tooth felt a little loose. I was terrified it was periodontal disease. I made hubby get special "we can reverse gingivitis" mouthwash and toothpaste. I brush my teeth (even if my mouth doesn't look like it) but i began brushing more frequently (like 4 and 5 times a day). According to everything I read i was probably too late if my tooth was loose, but i was gonna try anyway.

Then yesterday i woke up and my tooth wasn't just a little loose, it was threatening to fall out. or so I thought. I cried. Hubby tried to console me but it wasn't working. Mom sent her bf to take me to the store and see if i could find something that might work to secure it until i could get to a dentist. I got some dentemp and figured I could try and "attach" it to the tooth next to it.

When i got home i followed the directions and prepped my mouth and teeth for the dentemp. And when I put it on (on the back) i realized that the tooth wasn't falling out of the gums, it was cracked at the base of the tooth. All i can figure is it finally broke since it didn't have any reinforcement from a cap on it.

The dentemp keeps crumbling off after a couple hours so i have to keep reapplying. And I can't eat anything. I am starving right now. Gonna try and eat some cream of chicken soup in a minute. I made the mistake of making some with rice in it yesterday and of course I can't chew. (well i can, but it feels weird and I'm perpetually afraid I'm gonna break the tooth)

Hubby called a couple places today. One said it would be around $250 but they could save the tooth. Gonna try a couple more tomorrow. Hoping to get it fixed soon, but rent is already past due so we may have to put it off for awhile longer. I'll just have to baby it and get some protein drinks i guess. And yogurt.


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