Well I finally messaged my long time ex on myspace. I ran across his profile months ago and have been toying with the idea, but I know he's not going to be happy to hear from me. We broke up on very bad terms. It was a shame cuz we were pretty perfect together at the time, but in the end it all works out cuz I now have Kevin. Anyway...all I said was happy holidays and that i hoped his family was well and him too. If he responds fine. If not, fine as well.
I remember the day we broke up. It was about 13 years ago. I was living with him at the time. (in his mom& stepdad's house)I had gone over a friend's house (he also lived with his parents) and I got a phone call from my ex asking me to come home we needed to talk. I asked him what was up (he called me a couple times if i remember correctly) and he told me he read my journal and was upset by it. It said something like "poor (his name) nobody likes him" ...which was out of context...I was talking about how my boss was trying to fix me up with her son (at least I thought she was) anyway...that totally pissed me off. My journal was private. He said he was looking for paper to write on and just happened to come across it. I flipped. I didn't ask for much privacy (in his parents home) but my journal. I was uber protective of them at the time. Not because of anything written in them was bad per se, but because they were mine.
So the next day i moved out and back into my mom's house. I cried buckets over him. Thank the gods and goddesses for my friends. And I remember his mom told me that even tho we weren't together anymore it didn't affect our relationship. I loved her so much! I still miss her. I'd love to invite her to my wedding, but there will be drinking there and she and her hubby are AA.
It was tough cuz we shared almost all our friends. But I promised Jayson a long time ago that I would never make him (or anyone else) choose between me and someone else so I didn't. It was hard for everyone, but somehow we all managed.
I really missed him for a long time. He was perfect for me at that point in my life. Not anymore. Kevin's perfect for me now and for always.
Anyway, I hope he's well and doesn't hate me too much.
And in case you still read this...Beth I'm sorry for jumping all over you when you commented so long ago. Lots of bad memories came flooding back and it wasn't good. But if you can forgive me for what you percieve were wrongdoings on my part, I can forgive you for what I consider wrongdoings on yours. *hugs*
Xmas Eve
I had such a good xmas eve! My mom came over @ 1:30pm and we had bruch. I made cheese strata (saw the recipe on Martha and thought it would be awesome) we also had honey buns, sausage, bacon, cheesy hash browns. Watched the Lions win *YAY* Exchanged gifts. Mom got us both winter coats & Detroit Lions shirts and got Kaguya a cute water bowl and her favorite treats. Kevin gave me one gift....a pair of GORGEOUS black boots! I love them! I will take pics of everything soon.
Around 6 we went to his parents' place for the annual Bencik xmas celebration. I wasn't looking forward to it, but it ended up being alot of fun! And I got to tell everyone we're getting married in May so hopefully they'll show up.
We exchanged gifts when we got home. I got Kevin a 5 inch ceramic chef's knife and he got me a RHPS trivia game! I LOVE IT! And he loves the knife. So i did good. Now we're going to watch Bewitched (the movie) and wrap gifts. Tomorrow we head to my dad's for brunch then Keith and Karyann's and then Joe and Jules and then my brothers and finally HOME!
Around 6 we went to his parents' place for the annual Bencik xmas celebration. I wasn't looking forward to it, but it ended up being alot of fun! And I got to tell everyone we're getting married in May so hopefully they'll show up.
We exchanged gifts when we got home. I got Kevin a 5 inch ceramic chef's knife and he got me a RHPS trivia game! I LOVE IT! And he loves the knife. So i did good. Now we're going to watch Bewitched (the movie) and wrap gifts. Tomorrow we head to my dad's for brunch then Keith and Karyann's and then Joe and Jules and then my brothers and finally HOME!
Stupid Yahoo Group
Okay I just have to vent. and I warn you there may be obscenities here. Sorry.
I've been a member (until today) of a Detroit Lions group on Yahoo. I've loved it, plus my old friend Dino is a member there, but we had a new member join recently. He's pretty much an azz so I try to ignore him as much as possible (and I've deleted many of the posts I've gotten in email so this won't be a complete listing of his arrogance and idiocy) so one of the posts he sends that gets my blood boiling is this:
Yea, we used to have hot cheerleaders just like the cowboys, in fact, we had 2 different sets on the field, at both corner endzones. A pom-pom squad and a cheerleading squad. Lions thought it took interest off the game and put it on them, so they axed em'. They also discovered some pervs were buying tickets and watching them the whole game, and never even looking at the game, and believe it or not, it was true. They started filming the cheerleader watchers and decided we had some creepys in the stands. But hey, even true football fans would miss a play now n then because of em', if ya know what I mean. This is when they would even do cheers during plays, not like now when cheerleaders only do them between plays and time-outs.
I think if we got some cheerleaders back, and they did not cheer during plays, it would add support and not take from the game.
But Michigan is a very misandrist feminist Matriarchy, and virtually feminist controlled. Wives and feminists didn't like their husbands looking at the cheerleaders for three hours with football plays in between. I think our female governor and senator are proof of that. Michigan is feminist controlled, don't get a divorce or cross a female in Michigan, the feminists will see that you are hung without a trial. lol.
When they dumped the cheerleaders because the feminists didn't want it, the news ran a story insinuating it was because of pervs, by filming a guy in the stands staring at the cheerleading squad. So between the two, it was axed.
You get a different perspective when you've lived in Dallas for 2 years and Florida for 1o, like I have. When I came back home I discovered just how controled Michigan was by the feminazi's. I didn't realize it until I moved to states with more equality. We gave them the right to vote, and have done nothing but strip males of their rights and children ever since. Ever wonder why a female with 6 kids gets custody and $2600.00 per month in welfare, while males get $150 in food stamps and must sleep in the alley? You guessed it, feminist control. And male feminists are even worse, they'll do anything a female tells them to do. They are no man. If the feminists don't want cheerleaders, ya ain't gonna see em' in a state like Michigan. lol. Sad but true.
I mean WTF! FEMINAZIS?!?! I was so flipping mad I composed about 5 email posts to reply to it chock full of facts and refuting his ignorant mysoginistic view of things but I finally calmed down and let it pass. I figured why give him power over me. so I ignore his posts for the most part...if he spouts off I let it pass. I mean some people just get off on being assholes online. And I know sometimes I'm uber sensitive to situations where i feel men are talking down to me cuz I'm a woman or the whole being hispanic in a sea of whites thing. So I let it slide...and a few others...after all this is a group consisting mostly of men so I try not to rock the boat. But then the other day we're talking about former QBs that should come back to the Lions and I mention Jim Harbaugh (*sigh* he's dreamy...plus he was an amazing team leader on and off the field) actually the posts go like this:
david adams <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
I think Green Bay's downfall rests on Favre. He just sucks this year! Jim McMahon has been lookin around, I say we take him. What's your thoughts?
On 12/20/05, Randall A. Harris <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
McMahon? Doesn't he qualify for Social Sec benefits? I'll tell you what. As a leader, I'll take him anyday. Skill wise, he wasn't the greatest, but I doubt you find a better field leader than ole Jimmy. Maybe we'll see Joey with a Rozell head band and sun glasses.
Magik Jaz wrote:
lol on JM but I have to respectfully say that Jim Harbaugh would be the man if you're gonna dream of a field leader plus with skills. I still get depressed thinking about how we just let him go...and kept Ty Detmer *sigh* oh well..university of San Diego has a great head and qb coach cuz of it
"Randall A. Harris" <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
Oh Gawd! We can talk for days about the people the Lions let get away. Is it possible to be under the influence of organizational stupidity? I mean a whole organization that fails because of a compete lack of common sense? Or maybe a course. This Jauron guy is killing with his interviews. Its like:
[Journalist]: "Coach Jauron, what do you tell your players before a game like this?"
[Jauron]: "I don't know."
[Journalist]: "Coach, why have the Lions continued to lose and what will you do about it?"
[Jauron]: "I don't know. Find me one person that has the answer to that, he/she can tell me, and we'll both know."
[Jauron]: "Garcia is my starter"
AN ORGANIZATIONAL LACK OF FOOTBALL SENSE!!! Or maybe this is a strategy designed to trick the football world believing the Lions are perennial losers. If thats the case then it is pure ambrosia genius because they even got the players fooled.
david adams <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
He wants a female to tell him? Does he mean like those butches they get with the manly voice on the field that we have to listen to with a pre-script que card at least once every quarter telling us about a player injury? It's laughable! Then she'll move her hands around to try and convince us she's right, like she's in the locker room and rehab with the injured player. It's a feminist control power fiasco! I say boot her ass off the field, they try and stick there nose in everything! These female butch commentators don't know jack about the game, so why even try and push that BS off on us? As soon as the sideline female commentator starts her dialog, I turn the TV to another game to check the score. At least if a guy were doing it, it wouldn't look so fake......(there's more but it's football stuff so it's actually pretty relevant to the topic)
then there's some response to his post:
Todd<***@yahoo.com> wrote:
Wow you need to get with the times man we are not in
the stone age anymore. There are alot of women that
know more about football than any of us. Even my
Girlfriend know alot about football.
Yay Todd. I mean he's a Favre lover so I don't particularly like his but that's okay he's got balls enough to say something to this asshole running his male mouth. Then:
david adams <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
I like to see female fans, but why are all the sideline commenters now females?
There are plenty of male football sports commentaters more deserving with more knowledge and experience than the females reading que cards, or memorizing a short scrpit. And why do they all have to have a man's voice or sound they are chain smokers?
Next they'll insist on being coaches or allowed to play in the NFL, how would you feel about that?
I'm with the times, that's the problem. Women getting their hands on every facet of male sports is the new criteria. Hell, if the white man didn't have a say, the whole league would be black players by now. Where do ya draw the line? Are white men still in the NFL only for a harmonic ethnic racial balance? Are there better white quarterbacks more deserving than Vick? The last thing I need is a girl telling me how to play football. Are we going to hold them at sideline injury reports, player status and after game interviews? I've already talked to several guys that don't like them on the field. Would you spear a female like you would a male? Do I feel threatened that they may soon insist on playing? No, but who are we to say no they can't play? Once they get their foot in the door like they are doing, it's all down hill from there. That Chang girl is trying to get into the PGA when there is a WPGA already? What kind of power play is that? Can I join the WPGA? Just curious?.....
there are about 3 more emails where he "argues" his point so i post:
You're joking right? Cuz this ignorance is only at home on the Jerry Springer show. I respectufully ask the moderators to keep this racist mysoginistic bullshit of the board. I've let many a comment from you slide, but as a female football fan (oh yeah, did I mention I'm also OF COLOR?) I find this highly offensive.
Thank you
And I'm told by someone else that "As much as Dave's post lacked tact, he makes some good points, and just because he's right doesn't mean he should be shut down." And one of the MODERATORS says basically "this topic isn't about the Lions anymore...let it drop" SO...it's okay for David to argue his mysoginistic bullshit about football in general but I can't say how I feel? FUCK THEM. So I left the group. I posted a goodbye and the reason why I left. FUCK that. Maybe I'm too used to the couch where we actually try not to hurt people's feelings, but seriously.
I have fought the majority of my adult life as a sports fan...as a FEMALE sports fan...to simply be treated as an equal in my opinions and comments on the game. I know it sounds foolish and I'm sure I'll regret leaving the group someday but when you KNOW you have a female in the group who is an active member, how can you let someone spout off at the mouth like that?
I"m highly emotional today anyway for some reason. I know it's not PMS cuz i just went thru that. I've been crying @ thedrop of a hat. But I asked Kevin what he thought of what the guy posted last night before I sent my post thru and he said the guy was an idiot.
Maybe I should have let it go. Maybe i should have argued my point more and tore him down. I'm just not in the mood to deal with any more assholes than i have in the past week or so.
I've decided I think I hate people. Not my friends. Just people.
*hugs* there I got that out (kinda) now back tocrocheting HAPPY HOLIDAYS
I've been a member (until today) of a Detroit Lions group on Yahoo. I've loved it, plus my old friend Dino is a member there, but we had a new member join recently. He's pretty much an azz so I try to ignore him as much as possible (and I've deleted many of the posts I've gotten in email so this won't be a complete listing of his arrogance and idiocy) so one of the posts he sends that gets my blood boiling is this:
Yea, we used to have hot cheerleaders just like the cowboys, in fact, we had 2 different sets on the field, at both corner endzones. A pom-pom squad and a cheerleading squad. Lions thought it took interest off the game and put it on them, so they axed em'. They also discovered some pervs were buying tickets and watching them the whole game, and never even looking at the game, and believe it or not, it was true. They started filming the cheerleader watchers and decided we had some creepys in the stands. But hey, even true football fans would miss a play now n then because of em', if ya know what I mean. This is when they would even do cheers during plays, not like now when cheerleaders only do them between plays and time-outs.
I think if we got some cheerleaders back, and they did not cheer during plays, it would add support and not take from the game.
But Michigan is a very misandrist feminist Matriarchy, and virtually feminist controlled. Wives and feminists didn't like their husbands looking at the cheerleaders for three hours with football plays in between. I think our female governor and senator are proof of that. Michigan is feminist controlled, don't get a divorce or cross a female in Michigan, the feminists will see that you are hung without a trial. lol.
When they dumped the cheerleaders because the feminists didn't want it, the news ran a story insinuating it was because of pervs, by filming a guy in the stands staring at the cheerleading squad. So between the two, it was axed.
You get a different perspective when you've lived in Dallas for 2 years and Florida for 1o, like I have. When I came back home I discovered just how controled Michigan was by the feminazi's. I didn't realize it until I moved to states with more equality. We gave them the right to vote, and have done nothing but strip males of their rights and children ever since. Ever wonder why a female with 6 kids gets custody and $2600.00 per month in welfare, while males get $150 in food stamps and must sleep in the alley? You guessed it, feminist control. And male feminists are even worse, they'll do anything a female tells them to do. They are no man. If the feminists don't want cheerleaders, ya ain't gonna see em' in a state like Michigan. lol. Sad but true.
I mean WTF! FEMINAZIS?!?! I was so flipping mad I composed about 5 email posts to reply to it chock full of facts and refuting his ignorant mysoginistic view of things but I finally calmed down and let it pass. I figured why give him power over me. so I ignore his posts for the most part...if he spouts off I let it pass. I mean some people just get off on being assholes online. And I know sometimes I'm uber sensitive to situations where i feel men are talking down to me cuz I'm a woman or the whole being hispanic in a sea of whites thing. So I let it slide...and a few others...after all this is a group consisting mostly of men so I try not to rock the boat. But then the other day we're talking about former QBs that should come back to the Lions and I mention Jim Harbaugh (*sigh* he's dreamy...plus he was an amazing team leader on and off the field) actually the posts go like this:
david adams <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
I think Green Bay's downfall rests on Favre. He just sucks this year! Jim McMahon has been lookin around, I say we take him. What's your thoughts?
On 12/20/05, Randall A. Harris <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
McMahon? Doesn't he qualify for Social Sec benefits? I'll tell you what. As a leader, I'll take him anyday. Skill wise, he wasn't the greatest, but I doubt you find a better field leader than ole Jimmy. Maybe we'll see Joey with a Rozell head band and sun glasses.
Magik Jaz
lol on JM but I have to respectfully say that Jim Harbaugh would be the man if you're gonna dream of a field leader plus with skills. I still get depressed thinking about how we just let him go...and kept Ty Detmer *sigh* oh well..university of San Diego has a great head and qb coach cuz of it
"Randall A. Harris" <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
Oh Gawd! We can talk for days about the people the Lions let get away. Is it possible to be under the influence of organizational stupidity? I mean a whole organization that fails because of a compete lack of common sense? Or maybe a course. This Jauron guy is killing with his interviews. Its like:
[Journalist]: "Coach Jauron, what do you tell your players before a game like this?"
[Jauron]: "I don't know."
[Journalist]: "Coach, why have the Lions continued to lose and what will you do about it?"
[Jauron]: "I don't know. Find me one person that has the answer to that, he/she can tell me, and we'll both know."
[Jauron]: "Garcia is my starter"
AN ORGANIZATIONAL LACK OF FOOTBALL SENSE!!! Or maybe this is a strategy designed to trick the football world believing the Lions are perennial losers. If thats the case then it is pure ambrosia genius because they even got the players fooled.
david adams <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
He wants a female to tell him? Does he mean like those butches they get with the manly voice on the field that we have to listen to with a pre-script que card at least once every quarter telling us about a player injury? It's laughable! Then she'll move her hands around to try and convince us she's right, like she's in the locker room and rehab with the injured player. It's a feminist control power fiasco! I say boot her ass off the field, they try and stick there nose in everything! These female butch commentators don't know jack about the game, so why even try and push that BS off on us? As soon as the sideline female commentator starts her dialog, I turn the TV to another game to check the score. At least if a guy were doing it, it wouldn't look so fake......(there's more but it's football stuff so it's actually pretty relevant to the topic)
then there's some response to his post:
Todd<***@yahoo.com> wrote:
Wow you need to get with the times man we are not in
the stone age anymore. There are alot of women that
know more about football than any of us. Even my
Girlfriend know alot about football.
Yay Todd. I mean he's a Favre lover so I don't particularly like his but that's okay he's got balls enough to say something to this asshole running his male mouth. Then:
david adams <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
I like to see female fans, but why are all the sideline commenters now females?
There are plenty of male football sports commentaters more deserving with more knowledge and experience than the females reading que cards, or memorizing a short scrpit. And why do they all have to have a man's voice or sound they are chain smokers?
Next they'll insist on being coaches or allowed to play in the NFL, how would you feel about that?
I'm with the times, that's the problem. Women getting their hands on every facet of male sports is the new criteria. Hell, if the white man didn't have a say, the whole league would be black players by now. Where do ya draw the line? Are white men still in the NFL only for a harmonic ethnic racial balance? Are there better white quarterbacks more deserving than Vick? The last thing I need is a girl telling me how to play football. Are we going to hold them at sideline injury reports, player status and after game interviews? I've already talked to several guys that don't like them on the field. Would you spear a female like you would a male? Do I feel threatened that they may soon insist on playing? No, but who are we to say no they can't play? Once they get their foot in the door like they are doing, it's all down hill from there. That Chang girl is trying to get into the PGA when there is a WPGA already? What kind of power play is that? Can I join the WPGA? Just curious?.....
there are about 3 more emails where he "argues" his point so i post:
You're joking right? Cuz this ignorance is only at home on the Jerry Springer show. I respectufully ask the moderators to keep this racist mysoginistic bullshit of the board. I've let many a comment from you slide, but as a female football fan (oh yeah, did I mention I'm also OF COLOR?) I find this highly offensive.
Thank you
And I'm told by someone else that "As much as Dave's post lacked tact, he makes some good points, and just because he's right doesn't mean he should be shut down." And one of the MODERATORS says basically "this topic isn't about the Lions anymore...let it drop" SO...it's okay for David to argue his mysoginistic bullshit about football in general but I can't say how I feel? FUCK THEM. So I left the group. I posted a goodbye and the reason why I left. FUCK that. Maybe I'm too used to the couch where we actually try not to hurt people's feelings, but seriously.
I have fought the majority of my adult life as a sports fan...as a FEMALE sports fan...to simply be treated as an equal in my opinions and comments on the game. I know it sounds foolish and I'm sure I'll regret leaving the group someday but when you KNOW you have a female in the group who is an active member, how can you let someone spout off at the mouth like that?
I"m highly emotional today anyway for some reason. I know it's not PMS cuz i just went thru that. I've been crying @ thedrop of a hat. But I asked Kevin what he thought of what the guy posted last night before I sent my post thru and he said the guy was an idiot.
Maybe I should have let it go. Maybe i should have argued my point more and tore him down. I'm just not in the mood to deal with any more assholes than i have in the past week or so.
I've decided I think I hate people. Not my friends. Just people.
*hugs* there I got that out (kinda) now back tocrocheting HAPPY HOLIDAYS
So much to do
so little time. I have so much online crap to do....going thru wedding plans, reorganizing my emails and adding filters, not to mention keeping up with neo and gaia...and now I'm crocheting 12 hours a day. No kidding. I know I was setting up a crochet blog (and I still plan to) but my bright idea was to crochet scarves for all the women in my and kevin's family. I'm an idiot. PLUS my mom wants a shawl. SO....I'm watching a million hours of TV as I crochet...at least I'm emptying out the DVR of all the stuff I recorded but haven't watched yet lol.
Since we have all our shopping done, tonight we're cleaning the house when kevin gets home and then doing some wrapping. Tomorrow I shall be crocheting some more and then possibly going to a party with my mom...not sure about that. Saturday is brunch here with my mom and Todd to exchange gifts then over to kevin's mom & dad's for xmas eve celebration with the Bencik's (so not looking forward to that) and Sunday is brunch at my dad's then possibly Joey and Julies and then over To Keith's for dinner (we're bringing the dessert) If I'm lucky instead of going to Joey and Julies we're gonna go see Memoirs of a Geisha!!!!
Kitty's doing well...wedding plans are still on altho I haven't had anything new to add lately...going dress shopping next month...Kevin's wonderful...we had a talk about the racist pig @ the bar and worked out my issues....went to a Motor city mechanics game last night and saw the bipper family, that was fun...and now I must go crochet some more. Watching "Born Yesterday" (the 1950 version with William Holden) then I think it's gonna be "to Kill a Mockingbird"
Since we have all our shopping done, tonight we're cleaning the house when kevin gets home and then doing some wrapping. Tomorrow I shall be crocheting some more and then possibly going to a party with my mom...not sure about that. Saturday is brunch here with my mom and Todd to exchange gifts then over to kevin's mom & dad's for xmas eve celebration with the Bencik's (so not looking forward to that) and Sunday is brunch at my dad's then possibly Joey and Julies and then over To Keith's for dinner (we're bringing the dessert) If I'm lucky instead of going to Joey and Julies we're gonna go see Memoirs of a Geisha!!!!
Kitty's doing well...wedding plans are still on altho I haven't had anything new to add lately...going dress shopping next month...Kevin's wonderful...we had a talk about the racist pig @ the bar and worked out my issues....went to a Motor city mechanics game last night and saw the bipper family, that was fun...and now I must go crochet some more. Watching "Born Yesterday" (the 1950 version with William Holden) then I think it's gonna be "to Kill a Mockingbird"
A great Night Out
So Kevin gets off work early and we go rent some movies and head up to our local watering hole for a couple brewskis. We're having a great time, watching TV, making fun of Gunga Din and generally enjoying each others company. That's when some guy comes over and starts talking to Kevin. First indication he was an asshole should have been when he didn't even say hello to me, as you generally do when you see a couple together...and kevin has never been up there alone...he's always with me....so anyone we meet up there it's a package deal...but I don't think anything out of the ordinary except he's kinda rude. Then they start talking about stuff and I notice Kevin's not including me in the conversation. Again not a real big thing. Sometimes he does that when he is talking to particularly asshole people that he knows I don't like anyway. They start talking about all kinds of stuff but he says something that strikes me so I decide to chime in. He says that anyone who hasn't been over in IRAQ fighting should have an opinion on it. So I turn around and say something to the effect that you don't have to have been there to have an opinion on it. We all pretty much agree we support the men and women over there fighting but as for the general opinions on why and if we should be there...if you have half a brain you should have an opinion...okay I didn't say the last part. But I did say that just because you haven't been there doesn't mean you can't have an opinion, and i cited my sister as an example. She's military. Served 4 years in the USMC. Just because she didn't go overseas and serve she isn't entitled to an opinion?
And you know what? He talks right over me. Like I wasn't even saying anything. For all he cared I was the wind whispering in his ears.
It turns out Kevin tells me later he's a fucking militia white supremacist asshole. That's right (sorry for all the expletives...I'm pissed) Apparently there were keywords I missed and Of course, Kevin, being a bald white man, knows. And people approach him as such. It's not the first time he's been mistaken for a "brother" even with me on his arm.
So I'm pissed to begin with cuz this asshole has treated me with about as much respect as a piece of lint on his sweater...then i find out he's a WHITE SUPREMACIST.... yea that makes it better...so I tell kevin how i feel and he can't understand. He cites to me the fact that he's been tear gassed before (while marching with AIM american Indian Movement) and I point out to him that he went in knowing the possible consequences. I didn't walk into a white supremacist bar. I walked into my HOME bar. My Cheers. Where everyone knows my name. And i was treated like a non-entity. I might as well have been the wind. I didn't even exist to this person.
And kevin says I shouldn't be so upset, and maybe I shouldn't. That only gives a man like that power over me. But it's easy for him to say never being in the situation I was in tonight. He will never know the "joy" of being singled out because your female or latino or any ethnicity whatsoever that isn't the Aryan ideal.
I know I'm being hard on Kevin and tomorrow I may regret it, but tonight I'm scarred by an encounter with a racist pig and I can't stop crying about it. I hate that he had that much power over me. I will be strong and I will not be ignored next time.
And you know what? He talks right over me. Like I wasn't even saying anything. For all he cared I was the wind whispering in his ears.
It turns out Kevin tells me later he's a fucking militia white supremacist asshole. That's right (sorry for all the expletives...I'm pissed) Apparently there were keywords I missed and Of course, Kevin, being a bald white man, knows. And people approach him as such. It's not the first time he's been mistaken for a "brother" even with me on his arm.
So I'm pissed to begin with cuz this asshole has treated me with about as much respect as a piece of lint on his sweater...then i find out he's a WHITE SUPREMACIST.... yea that makes it better...so I tell kevin how i feel and he can't understand. He cites to me the fact that he's been tear gassed before (while marching with AIM american Indian Movement) and I point out to him that he went in knowing the possible consequences. I didn't walk into a white supremacist bar. I walked into my HOME bar. My Cheers. Where everyone knows my name. And i was treated like a non-entity. I might as well have been the wind. I didn't even exist to this person.
And kevin says I shouldn't be so upset, and maybe I shouldn't. That only gives a man like that power over me. But it's easy for him to say never being in the situation I was in tonight. He will never know the "joy" of being singled out because your female or latino or any ethnicity whatsoever that isn't the Aryan ideal.
I know I'm being hard on Kevin and tomorrow I may regret it, but tonight I'm scarred by an encounter with a racist pig and I can't stop crying about it. I hate that he had that much power over me. I will be strong and I will not be ignored next time.
My Elf Name
I have had the craziest dreams. A couple days ago i took a nap and dreamt that I went to work (karaoke) and the guy who normally runs it sabotaged me so I wouldn't get the job...he took all the karaoke discs and left me just regular DJ discs and no books for people..i know it doesn't sound like much, but it freaked me out. Then yesterday during my nap i dreamt Kevin andI took a trip to New Haven to visit Yale and we took a wrong turn and ended up in a dead end due to construction and some guy was walking by so i asked him directions and he pulled a gun on us and kidnapped us to a house where they were going to kill us but somehow Kevin broke free and handcuffed one guy and helped me overpower another guy so i threw dishsoap in his face. I ran outside to get help and call 911 but the house they kidnapped us into was being used to shoot a movie so they thought I was an extra and 911 thought I was a prank call cuz of the address. And then last night I had a dream that we went to New Orleans...it's getting a little fuzzy now but I remember being in a bar down there with Denis Leary and a couple other people (famous and cute i just can't remember who) and Denis had gotten tons of phone numbers from guys and girls and i was going thru them with him and teasing him about them and somehow we became romantically involved, to the dismay of the other cute famous guy (i can't remember who it was) who had hopes for us to get together. There was also some kind of task i had to do...like a riddle scavenger hunt to save someone's life. I haven't had vivid dreams like this in awhile. I think i need to start keeping a dream journal again.
Killing Time
I had something all set up to post and now I can't remember what it was lol. Nothing exciting here. Getting ready for thanksgiving here @ the house. We're supposed to have close to 20 people here. Should be interesting. Yesterday the Lions lost (again) but @ least Joey Harrington was starting. Yesterday some kids came to the door and offered to rake the front lawn for $10! I didn't think kids did that anymore! So i accepted. Good kids too. Really cute and absolutely adorable. They went around back and saw we had a pool and the youngest one (about 8 i think) was so excited about it "oh my gosh! they have a huge pool!" It was cute. Makes me realize I'm prolly gonna have our neighbors kids salivating to be in the pool next summer (you know. once we get it fixed) which i won't mind at all as long as I"m out there with them.
Saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire @ the midnight show Friday morning. It was fantastic! I totally want to re-read the book again. I got a Borders gift cert from Ricky and Annette for my bday I'm gonna have to go and use ...maybe i can get a couple paperbacks of HP.
Saturday my mom was supposed to take me to work and she completely forgot about me. She was supposed to be here @ 8pm when she wasn't outside I called her...for 45 minutes! No answer nothing. I ws freaking out. I was crying. She went out and forgot about me. So when she finally called and told me what happened (@ which time i was already supposed to be @ work) so i called my boss Paul and left him a message and waited for my mom to get to the house. Velisia called in the meantime so she calmed me down a little. Just when i think she's gonna be here, i call Paul and say don't worry i'm on my way....well he calls O'Tee's and calls me back and my mom is setting up the equipment there....WITHOUT ME!!! I freak out. This time i have a serious panic attack and i can't breathe. So I call her and she tells me Todd is on his way to pick me up. He gets there shortly after that as I'm talking her thru the wires...Paul gets there as she's about halfway thru...I get there around 10PM (10:15 bar) and take over. I was so upset with her and she acted like it was nothing. I mean i know she's doing me a favor and i appreciate it, but if she couldn't do it, tell me and I could have made arrangements. *grrrrrrrrrr*
So now I'm getting ready to go to the dentist to remove my suture. I just got a call from my sister and an IM from my mom that my cousin Adam was in a horrible car accident. He's fine, but the car is totalled. Smashed like a pancake. Apparently he fell asleep at the wheel and went off the road and flipped over and over smashing the car. The truck finally hit a tree and it was flipping which finally stopped the car and it landed on the roof. He was pinned in but someone somehow came along and pulled him out cuz the car was on fire or something. Somehow Adam's seat reclined all the way back while it was flipping. If it hadn't he would be dead. He came out of the accident with only scrapes and bruises thank god and he's alright. BUT ... htey aren't coming up for thanksgiving now. so now it looks like 16 people.
*hugs* time to go.
Saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire @ the midnight show Friday morning. It was fantastic! I totally want to re-read the book again. I got a Borders gift cert from Ricky and Annette for my bday I'm gonna have to go and use ...maybe i can get a couple paperbacks of HP.
Saturday my mom was supposed to take me to work and she completely forgot about me. She was supposed to be here @ 8pm when she wasn't outside I called her...for 45 minutes! No answer nothing. I ws freaking out. I was crying. She went out and forgot about me. So when she finally called and told me what happened (@ which time i was already supposed to be @ work) so i called my boss Paul and left him a message and waited for my mom to get to the house. Velisia called in the meantime so she calmed me down a little. Just when i think she's gonna be here, i call Paul and say don't worry i'm on my way....well he calls O'Tee's and calls me back and my mom is setting up the equipment there....WITHOUT ME!!! I freak out. This time i have a serious panic attack and i can't breathe. So I call her and she tells me Todd is on his way to pick me up. He gets there shortly after that as I'm talking her thru the wires...Paul gets there as she's about halfway thru...I get there around 10PM (10:15 bar) and take over. I was so upset with her and she acted like it was nothing. I mean i know she's doing me a favor and i appreciate it, but if she couldn't do it, tell me and I could have made arrangements. *grrrrrrrrrr*
So now I'm getting ready to go to the dentist to remove my suture. I just got a call from my sister and an IM from my mom that my cousin Adam was in a horrible car accident. He's fine, but the car is totalled. Smashed like a pancake. Apparently he fell asleep at the wheel and went off the road and flipped over and over smashing the car. The truck finally hit a tree and it was flipping which finally stopped the car and it landed on the roof. He was pinned in but someone somehow came along and pulled him out cuz the car was on fire or something. Somehow Adam's seat reclined all the way back while it was flipping. If it hadn't he would be dead. He came out of the accident with only scrapes and bruises thank god and he's alright. BUT ... htey aren't coming up for thanksgiving now. so now it looks like 16 people.
*hugs* time to go.
Dentist Visit #2
I tried posting this 3 times yesterday and something always happened *ugh* Let's hope FOURTH time's a charm.
So we went to the dentist yesterday. The deep cleaning still isn't approved so I got 2 teeth pulled and Keivn had some filling sput in. I was terrified. The last time I had teeth pulled it was not a good experience. The last time, I had called them Friday evening (a guaranteed painless dentist, mind you) and they said they couldn't fit me in until Monday...then saturday morning @ 8am they call saying they can fit me in. Well, I had worked karaoke the night before so I was mighty sleepy. So i get there and they take the xrays and blah blah blah...the hygenist was really good...and when i get in the chair they numb me up and shoot me with a local. Well when they started working on it I could feel everything, so they shot me again and STILL i could feel...so they shot me a third time...and again PAIN! I'm screaming at the top of my lungs and crying and what does he do? Still pull TWO teeth out. Then they send me home with a script (and the pharmacies don't open for another 2 hours) and nothing immediately for the pain. And it wasn't even like my mouth was numb so I could coast for the 2 hours....nope I felt EVERYTHING!!!
So this time I'm freaking out and have another panic attack while I'm in there. I show them the teeth that I'm having a problem with and luckily it's the ones they're gonna pull *YAY*
To make a long story short, they numbed me up really good (2 shots) and pulled my 2 lower right teeth and also did an alveoloplasty on both of them (which is reshaping the bone for future work) and gave me a scrip for 800mg Motrin. I was so hungry yesterday cuz I didn't eat before we went and I couldn't eat afterwards. I finally was able to eat some chicken rice broth (rice and boullion cubes) later on and Kevin (I love him so) got me some soft foods @ the grocery store last night...instant mashed taters...rice dishes...soups....jello cups....so I'll at least not starve to death (of course I could prolly live off my fat for years and not starve lol) I've been drinking alot of water, which is supposed to be good for you, and cuz of the Motrin (well..ibuprofen) I've been sleeping too. Today it looks like everything is happy and healthy and starting to heal in my mouth so I'm excited. They want me to come back on Monday to remove the suture (they used one) and do more work...but Thursday next week in Thanksgiving and I want to be able to enjoy it! So I'm prolly gonna put off more work until at least after that.
I was kinda bummed cuz yesterday I wanted to go job hunting but there was no way after the dentist. I was barely in a space where I could watch TV or crochet!
Well, I gotta go wake Kevin up now. Luckily i fell asleep so early last night and thusly woke up so early today cuz his daytime chef called him an hour ago telling him he wouldn't be coming in. If I hadn't been downstairs we wouldn't have heard the phone. :-( Thank goodness he at least got to sleep at a decent time last night so he won't be dragging (much) today. I can't wait for him to get a better job tho. I know he just got this one, but then run him ragged there. None of his employees are reliable or worth a damn. I don't know how we're going to be able to go on our honeymoon next year....or even just get married...with all the call-ins they have....but that's another post!
So we went to the dentist yesterday. The deep cleaning still isn't approved so I got 2 teeth pulled and Keivn had some filling sput in. I was terrified. The last time I had teeth pulled it was not a good experience. The last time, I had called them Friday evening (a guaranteed painless dentist, mind you) and they said they couldn't fit me in until Monday...then saturday morning @ 8am they call saying they can fit me in. Well, I had worked karaoke the night before so I was mighty sleepy. So i get there and they take the xrays and blah blah blah...the hygenist was really good...and when i get in the chair they numb me up and shoot me with a local. Well when they started working on it I could feel everything, so they shot me again and STILL i could feel...so they shot me a third time...and again PAIN! I'm screaming at the top of my lungs and crying and what does he do? Still pull TWO teeth out. Then they send me home with a script (and the pharmacies don't open for another 2 hours) and nothing immediately for the pain. And it wasn't even like my mouth was numb so I could coast for the 2 hours....nope I felt EVERYTHING!!!
So this time I'm freaking out and have another panic attack while I'm in there. I show them the teeth that I'm having a problem with and luckily it's the ones they're gonna pull *YAY*
To make a long story short, they numbed me up really good (2 shots) and pulled my 2 lower right teeth and also did an alveoloplasty on both of them (which is reshaping the bone for future work) and gave me a scrip for 800mg Motrin. I was so hungry yesterday cuz I didn't eat before we went and I couldn't eat afterwards. I finally was able to eat some chicken rice broth (rice and boullion cubes) later on and Kevin (I love him so) got me some soft foods @ the grocery store last night...instant mashed taters...rice dishes...soups....jello cups....so I'll at least not starve to death (of course I could prolly live off my fat for years and not starve lol) I've been drinking alot of water, which is supposed to be good for you, and cuz of the Motrin (well..ibuprofen) I've been sleeping too. Today it looks like everything is happy and healthy and starting to heal in my mouth so I'm excited. They want me to come back on Monday to remove the suture (they used one) and do more work...but Thursday next week in Thanksgiving and I want to be able to enjoy it! So I'm prolly gonna put off more work until at least after that.
I was kinda bummed cuz yesterday I wanted to go job hunting but there was no way after the dentist. I was barely in a space where I could watch TV or crochet!
Well, I gotta go wake Kevin up now. Luckily i fell asleep so early last night and thusly woke up so early today cuz his daytime chef called him an hour ago telling him he wouldn't be coming in. If I hadn't been downstairs we wouldn't have heard the phone. :-( Thank goodness he at least got to sleep at a decent time last night so he won't be dragging (much) today. I can't wait for him to get a better job tho. I know he just got this one, but then run him ragged there. None of his employees are reliable or worth a damn. I don't know how we're going to be able to go on our honeymoon next year....or even just get married...with all the call-ins they have....but that's another post!
My newest crochet project!
I'm going to be attemtpting this afghan in blue and yellow for my cousin's son. I was going to do one similar to ones my Mama did for us all but I can't remember exactly what they looked like and my mother, altho she has found them, hasn't brought my sister's afghans over for me to check out so i can match up patterns. I'm pretty sure it's a pattern from her crochet book but I have to verify it by sight. I"m very very excited!
So you don't think it's all about crocheting lol
Let's fill you in on my life.
A week and a half ago was my bday. 33. I'm getting old. I ended up having to work that night. Okay i didn't "end up" having to work...i volunteered. It was the Livonia Elk's halloween party. Supposed to be a great time. Well, Kevin picked me up from home, we drove to the corner store to pick up smokes and pumpkin seeds, and as we were leaving the car died. The transmission went. We couldn't go in drive or reverse. We were stuck. So we pushed the car to a side street and I called Paul to let him know what was going on. He came and picked us up and took us there. I did the job and they reassured me someone would take us home so we wouldn't need to get a cab. Well...everyone that had offered got drunk and left before the show ended so we got stuck taking a $20 cab home anyway...plus spending $15 for drinks that night...I made a grand total of $15...which I'm sure we spent in smokes that night and the next lol.
So the next morning I wake up to someone pounding on the door. Being the mexican-american that I am, i sneak downstairs and peek thru the crack in the door to see if i can determine who it is without them seeing me. I can't so i go back upstairs without knowing who it was. Turns out it was a cop. They came back by a couple hours later to let us know that the veterinarian by where we parked our car wasn't happy and wanted our car towed, but he just stickered it and said if it wasn't moved by monday he'd tow it, then came over to our house to tell us! How awesome is that? If it was in Wyandotte you KNOW it would have been towed and we wouldn't have known until we went to pick it up!
So Kevin talked to his brother Joey about buying his Pontiac as a 2nd car (a primary car until we got the dodge fixed) and he agreed to take payments but he wouldn't bring it out until Sunday, so we rented a car for the weekend from Enterprise.
So that night i worked again. A Halloween party in BFE Belleville. They ranged from about 23-27 in age and their main concern was getting drunk that night. Eventually I just had them tell me what songs they wanted to sing and I looked them up and wrote them down for them. I doubt they could even read they drank so much. I wanted to get out of there @1am (which was what they booked us for) so we could maybe grab a last call @ the local watering hole, but they decided they wanted another hour. So after consulting with Paul (he left the decision up to me since I was breaking it down) I decided to go ahead and do it. I was only gonna get $15 more (i get $15/hour for private parties) but after they took up a collection of everyone there...plus the tip they gave me for the whole night...i wound up with over $100 for one hour of work!!!! Hopefully they'll have us back next year ;-)
Sunday Oct 30th was my bday party here @ the house. Nothing big just burgers & hotdogs and football. OH! And hurricanes. We ordered hurricane mix from Pay O' Briens in NOLA! It was awesome! The Lions lost (big surprise) but we had so much fun! We had a bonfire later on at night and Joel came to the party and I hadn't seen him in so long it was great! Kevin passed out after having too many hurricanes at around 9PM...he slept straight thru until almost 2PM the next day!
Kevin's brother Joey brought his Pontiac Sunday and Monday we went to the Dodge dealership to see if a recall had caused this trans problem. They said no. So kevin called some auto shops to make sure, then he finally made a deal with the financing company for them to finance it and tack it onto our payments (since we still owe a year) He threatened to not make payments otherwise. What were they gonna do? Take the car? Be my guest!
Nothing too exciting this past week until Friday. (oh and the dentist on thursday, but you know all about that) Paul is having me work 3 weeks @ o'tee's in Romulus and my first night was last friday. My mom took me to dinner @ some new itelian place in Wyane called "johnny Carino's" it was really good! After she took me to work where Paul showed me how to set up and everything. It was going great until someone said something to my cousin that Joe didn't like then words were spoken and finally Joe was banned from the bar. I must have apologized a gazillion times for him. I was so pissed. I'll explain tomorrow what actually happened. Luckily they were cool and let me still work there. Saturday there was BUSY!!! I haven't had a huge rotation like that in YEARS!! At the end of the night as I put everything away, Paul told me that people were singing my praises and that they thought I did a great job hosting *YAY* I mean, I've been doing it for almost 9 years now, but it's nice to hear ;-)
Sunday Kevin's friend Kevin came over for football and we had a great time. Lions lost (again) nothing much else to say lol
My teeth have been killing me since the dentist I've been popping so many pills. Only 4 more days to go tho. I've been good and brushing them 2 and 3 times a day and flossing too. I'm gonna do my best to keep the teeth I can.
Okay I think that's pretty much it. I gotta work tomorrow a private party in Lincoln Park then off to O'Tee's to finish out the night and Sat is O'Tee's again. This extra money is really coming in handy. I need to go job hunting monday tho. Just 20 hours a week @ Mickey D's and I'll be happy, I can walk there if i have to.
KK, time for a nap. I'm so tired and I've done nothing all day lol *hugs*
A week and a half ago was my bday. 33. I'm getting old. I ended up having to work that night. Okay i didn't "end up" having to work...i volunteered. It was the Livonia Elk's halloween party. Supposed to be a great time. Well, Kevin picked me up from home, we drove to the corner store to pick up smokes and pumpkin seeds, and as we were leaving the car died. The transmission went. We couldn't go in drive or reverse. We were stuck. So we pushed the car to a side street and I called Paul to let him know what was going on. He came and picked us up and took us there. I did the job and they reassured me someone would take us home so we wouldn't need to get a cab. Well...everyone that had offered got drunk and left before the show ended so we got stuck taking a $20 cab home anyway...plus spending $15 for drinks that night...I made a grand total of $15...which I'm sure we spent in smokes that night and the next lol.
So the next morning I wake up to someone pounding on the door. Being the mexican-american that I am, i sneak downstairs and peek thru the crack in the door to see if i can determine who it is without them seeing me. I can't so i go back upstairs without knowing who it was. Turns out it was a cop. They came back by a couple hours later to let us know that the veterinarian by where we parked our car wasn't happy and wanted our car towed, but he just stickered it and said if it wasn't moved by monday he'd tow it, then came over to our house to tell us! How awesome is that? If it was in Wyandotte you KNOW it would have been towed and we wouldn't have known until we went to pick it up!
So Kevin talked to his brother Joey about buying his Pontiac as a 2nd car (a primary car until we got the dodge fixed) and he agreed to take payments but he wouldn't bring it out until Sunday, so we rented a car for the weekend from Enterprise.
So that night i worked again. A Halloween party in BFE Belleville. They ranged from about 23-27 in age and their main concern was getting drunk that night. Eventually I just had them tell me what songs they wanted to sing and I looked them up and wrote them down for them. I doubt they could even read they drank so much. I wanted to get out of there @1am (which was what they booked us for) so we could maybe grab a last call @ the local watering hole, but they decided they wanted another hour. So after consulting with Paul (he left the decision up to me since I was breaking it down) I decided to go ahead and do it. I was only gonna get $15 more (i get $15/hour for private parties) but after they took up a collection of everyone there...plus the tip they gave me for the whole night...i wound up with over $100 for one hour of work!!!! Hopefully they'll have us back next year ;-)
Sunday Oct 30th was my bday party here @ the house. Nothing big just burgers & hotdogs and football. OH! And hurricanes. We ordered hurricane mix from Pay O' Briens in NOLA! It was awesome! The Lions lost (big surprise) but we had so much fun! We had a bonfire later on at night and Joel came to the party and I hadn't seen him in so long it was great! Kevin passed out after having too many hurricanes at around 9PM...he slept straight thru until almost 2PM the next day!
Kevin's brother Joey brought his Pontiac Sunday and Monday we went to the Dodge dealership to see if a recall had caused this trans problem. They said no. So kevin called some auto shops to make sure, then he finally made a deal with the financing company for them to finance it and tack it onto our payments (since we still owe a year) He threatened to not make payments otherwise. What were they gonna do? Take the car? Be my guest!
Nothing too exciting this past week until Friday. (oh and the dentist on thursday, but you know all about that) Paul is having me work 3 weeks @ o'tee's in Romulus and my first night was last friday. My mom took me to dinner @ some new itelian place in Wyane called "johnny Carino's" it was really good! After she took me to work where Paul showed me how to set up and everything. It was going great until someone said something to my cousin that Joe didn't like then words were spoken and finally Joe was banned from the bar. I must have apologized a gazillion times for him. I was so pissed. I'll explain tomorrow what actually happened. Luckily they were cool and let me still work there. Saturday there was BUSY!!! I haven't had a huge rotation like that in YEARS!! At the end of the night as I put everything away, Paul told me that people were singing my praises and that they thought I did a great job hosting *YAY* I mean, I've been doing it for almost 9 years now, but it's nice to hear ;-)
Sunday Kevin's friend Kevin came over for football and we had a great time. Lions lost (again) nothing much else to say lol
My teeth have been killing me since the dentist I've been popping so many pills. Only 4 more days to go tho. I've been good and brushing them 2 and 3 times a day and flossing too. I'm gonna do my best to keep the teeth I can.
Okay I think that's pretty much it. I gotta work tomorrow a private party in Lincoln Park then off to O'Tee's to finish out the night and Sat is O'Tee's again. This extra money is really coming in handy. I need to go job hunting monday tho. Just 20 hours a week @ Mickey D's and I'll be happy, I can walk there if i have to.
KK, time for a nap. I'm so tired and I've done nothing all day lol *hugs*
What Your Name Means (Numerology)
What Your Name Means (Numerology)
(using my current name)
You entered: Jazmyn Jenimari Kemper
There are 20 letters in your name.
Those 20 letters total to 101
There are 7 vowels and 13 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 2
The characteristics of #2 are: Cooperation, adaptability, consideration of others, partnering, mediating.
The expression or destiny for #2:
A number 2 Expression gives you the tools to work very well with other people. Your destiny is in the role of the mediator and the peacemaker. In many ways you are dependent on others and seem to function best in a partnership or in some form of group activity. Modesty runs deep in your nature, and you can work comfortably without recognition of your accomplishments. Often, others get credit for your ideas, and this is of little real concern to your since you are such a willing team player. As you grow in this direction, you become sensitive to the feelings of others, you are ever diplomatic in handling complicated situations. Cooperative, courteous, and considerate, you have the capacity to become an outstanding facilitator. You know how to organize and handle people. You are a good detail person because you rarely overlook anything. Tactful and friendly, nearly everyone likes you.
The negative 2 personality can be over-sensitive and easily hurt. Too much of this number in your makeup can make you very shy and uncertain. Sometimes the excessive 2 energies makes one apathetic and somewhat indifferent to the job at hand; the ability to handle details is hampered in these cases.
Your Soul Urge number is: 8
A Soul Urge number of 8 means:
With an 8 soul urge, you have a natural flare for big business and the challenges imposed by the commercial world. Power, status and success are very important to you. You have strong urges to supervise, organize and lead. Material desires are also very pronounced. You have good executive abilities, and with these, confidence, energy and ambition.
Your mind is analytical and judgment sound; you're a good judge of material values and also human character. Self-controlled, you rarely let emotions cloud judgment. You are somewhat of an organizer at heart, and you like to keep those beneath you organized and on a proper track. This is a personality that wants to lead, not follow. You want to be known for your planning ability and solid judgment.
The negative aspects of the 8 soul urge are the often dominating and exacting attitude. You may have a tendency to be very rigid, sometimes stubborn.
Your Inner Dream number is: 3
An Inner Dream number of 3 means:
You dream of artistic expression; writing, painting, music. You would seek to more freely express your inner feeling and obtain more enjoyment from life. You also dream of being more popular, likable, and appreciated.
(using my birth name)
You entered: Jennifer Marie Kemper
There are 19 letters in your name.
Those 19 letters total to 105
There are 8 vowels and 11 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 6
The characteristics of #6 are: Responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, balance, sympathy.
The expression or destiny for #6:
The number 6 Expression provides you a truly outstanding sense of responsibility, love, and balance. The 6 is helpful and ever conscientious, making you quite capable of rectifying and balancing any sort of inharmonious situation. You are a person very much inclined to give help and comfort to those in need. You have a natural penchant for working with the old, the young, the sick, or the underprivileged. Although you may have considerable creative and artistic talents, the chances are that you will devote yourself to an occupation that shows concern for the betterment of the community.
The positive side of the number 6 suggests that you are very loving, friendly, and appreciative of others. You have a depth of understanding that produces much sympathetic, kindness, and generosity. The qualities of the 6 make the finest and most concerned parent and one often deeply involved in domestic activities. Openness and honesty is apparent in your approach to all relationships.
If there is an excess of the number 6 in your makeup, you may exhibit some of the negative traits associated with this number. There may be a tendency for you to be too exacting and demanding of yourself. In this regard, you may at times sacrifice yourself (or your loved ones) for the welfare of others. In some cases, the over zealous 6 has difficulty distinguishing helping from interfering. You may have difficulty expressing your own individuality, because of involvement with responsibilities and causes. Like all with the Expression of the number 6, it's quite likely that you worry much too much.
Your Soul Urge number is: 8
A Soul Urge number of 8 means:
With an 8 soul urge, you have a natural flare for big business and the challenges imposed by the commercial world. Power, status and success are very important to you. You have strong urges to supervise, organize and lead. Material desires are also very pronounced. You have good executive abilities, and with these, confidence, energy and ambition.
Your mind is analytical and judgment sound; you're a good judge of material values and also human character. Self-controlled, you rarely let emotions cloud judgment. You are somewhat of an organizer at heart, and you like to keep those beneath you organized and on a proper track. This is a personality that wants to lead, not follow. You want to be known for your planning ability and solid judgment.
The negative aspects of the 8 soul urge are the often dominating and exacting attitude. You may have a tendency to be very rigid, sometimes stubborn.
Your Inner Dream number is: 7
An Inner Dream number of 7 means:
You dream of having the opportunity to read, study, and shut yourself off from worldly distractions. You can see yourself as a teacher, mystic, or ecclesiastic, spending your life in the pursuit of knowledge and learning.
(using my current name)
You entered: Jazmyn Jenimari Kemper
There are 20 letters in your name.
Those 20 letters total to 101
There are 7 vowels and 13 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 2
The characteristics of #2 are: Cooperation, adaptability, consideration of others, partnering, mediating.
The expression or destiny for #2:
A number 2 Expression gives you the tools to work very well with other people. Your destiny is in the role of the mediator and the peacemaker. In many ways you are dependent on others and seem to function best in a partnership or in some form of group activity. Modesty runs deep in your nature, and you can work comfortably without recognition of your accomplishments. Often, others get credit for your ideas, and this is of little real concern to your since you are such a willing team player. As you grow in this direction, you become sensitive to the feelings of others, you are ever diplomatic in handling complicated situations. Cooperative, courteous, and considerate, you have the capacity to become an outstanding facilitator. You know how to organize and handle people. You are a good detail person because you rarely overlook anything. Tactful and friendly, nearly everyone likes you.
The negative 2 personality can be over-sensitive and easily hurt. Too much of this number in your makeup can make you very shy and uncertain. Sometimes the excessive 2 energies makes one apathetic and somewhat indifferent to the job at hand; the ability to handle details is hampered in these cases.
Your Soul Urge number is: 8
A Soul Urge number of 8 means:
With an 8 soul urge, you have a natural flare for big business and the challenges imposed by the commercial world. Power, status and success are very important to you. You have strong urges to supervise, organize and lead. Material desires are also very pronounced. You have good executive abilities, and with these, confidence, energy and ambition.
Your mind is analytical and judgment sound; you're a good judge of material values and also human character. Self-controlled, you rarely let emotions cloud judgment. You are somewhat of an organizer at heart, and you like to keep those beneath you organized and on a proper track. This is a personality that wants to lead, not follow. You want to be known for your planning ability and solid judgment.
The negative aspects of the 8 soul urge are the often dominating and exacting attitude. You may have a tendency to be very rigid, sometimes stubborn.
Your Inner Dream number is: 3
An Inner Dream number of 3 means:
You dream of artistic expression; writing, painting, music. You would seek to more freely express your inner feeling and obtain more enjoyment from life. You also dream of being more popular, likable, and appreciated.
(using my birth name)
You entered: Jennifer Marie Kemper
There are 19 letters in your name.
Those 19 letters total to 105
There are 8 vowels and 11 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 6
The characteristics of #6 are: Responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, balance, sympathy.
The expression or destiny for #6:
The number 6 Expression provides you a truly outstanding sense of responsibility, love, and balance. The 6 is helpful and ever conscientious, making you quite capable of rectifying and balancing any sort of inharmonious situation. You are a person very much inclined to give help and comfort to those in need. You have a natural penchant for working with the old, the young, the sick, or the underprivileged. Although you may have considerable creative and artistic talents, the chances are that you will devote yourself to an occupation that shows concern for the betterment of the community.
The positive side of the number 6 suggests that you are very loving, friendly, and appreciative of others. You have a depth of understanding that produces much sympathetic, kindness, and generosity. The qualities of the 6 make the finest and most concerned parent and one often deeply involved in domestic activities. Openness and honesty is apparent in your approach to all relationships.
If there is an excess of the number 6 in your makeup, you may exhibit some of the negative traits associated with this number. There may be a tendency for you to be too exacting and demanding of yourself. In this regard, you may at times sacrifice yourself (or your loved ones) for the welfare of others. In some cases, the over zealous 6 has difficulty distinguishing helping from interfering. You may have difficulty expressing your own individuality, because of involvement with responsibilities and causes. Like all with the Expression of the number 6, it's quite likely that you worry much too much.
Your Soul Urge number is: 8
A Soul Urge number of 8 means:
With an 8 soul urge, you have a natural flare for big business and the challenges imposed by the commercial world. Power, status and success are very important to you. You have strong urges to supervise, organize and lead. Material desires are also very pronounced. You have good executive abilities, and with these, confidence, energy and ambition.
Your mind is analytical and judgment sound; you're a good judge of material values and also human character. Self-controlled, you rarely let emotions cloud judgment. You are somewhat of an organizer at heart, and you like to keep those beneath you organized and on a proper track. This is a personality that wants to lead, not follow. You want to be known for your planning ability and solid judgment.
The negative aspects of the 8 soul urge are the often dominating and exacting attitude. You may have a tendency to be very rigid, sometimes stubborn.
Your Inner Dream number is: 7
An Inner Dream number of 7 means:
You dream of having the opportunity to read, study, and shut yourself off from worldly distractions. You can see yourself as a teacher, mystic, or ecclesiastic, spending your life in the pursuit of knowledge and learning.
Bday calculator
Bday calculator...pretty cool!
You entered: 10/28/1972
Your date of conception was on or about 5 February 1972.
You were born on a Saturday
under the astrological sign Scorpio.
Your Life path number is 3.
The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2441618.5.
The golden number for 1972 is 16.
The epact number for 1972 is 14.
The year 1972 was a leap year.
As of 11/10/2005 3:00:49 PM EST
You are 33 years old.
You are 397 months old.
You are 1,724 weeks old.
You are 12,066 days old.
You are 289,599 hours old.
You are 17,375,940 minutes old.
You are 1,042,556,449 seconds old.
You are 4.72250489236791 dog years old. (You're still chasing cats!)
There are 352 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 34 candles
Those 34 candles produce 34 BTUs,
or 8,568 calories of heat (that's only 8.5680 food Calories!) .
You can boil 3.89 US ounces of water with that many candles.
In 1972 there were approximately 3.7 million births in the US.
In 1972 the US population was approximately 203,302,031 people, 57.4 persons per square mile.
In 1972 in the US there were approximately 2,158,802 marriages (10.6%) and 708,000 divorces (3.5%)
In 1972 in the US there were approximately 1,921,000 deaths (9.5 per 1000)
Your birthstone is Tourmaline
The Mystical properties of Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline promotes female balance and protection. Green Toumaline promotes male balance.
Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)
Opal, Jasper
Your birth tree is
Walnut Tree, the Passion
Unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egoistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromises.
There are 45 days till Christmas 2005!
The moon's phase on the day you were
born was waning gibbous.
You entered: 10/28/1972
Your date of conception was on or about 5 February 1972.
You were born on a Saturday
under the astrological sign Scorpio.
Your Life path number is 3.
The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2441618.5.
The golden number for 1972 is 16.
The epact number for 1972 is 14.
The year 1972 was a leap year.
As of 11/10/2005 3:00:49 PM EST
You are 33 years old.
You are 397 months old.
You are 1,724 weeks old.
You are 12,066 days old.
You are 289,599 hours old.
You are 17,375,940 minutes old.
You are 1,042,556,449 seconds old.
You are 4.72250489236791 dog years old. (You're still chasing cats!)
There are 352 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 34 candles
Those 34 candles produce 34 BTUs,
or 8,568 calories of heat (that's only 8.5680 food Calories!) .
You can boil 3.89 US ounces of water with that many candles.
In 1972 there were approximately 3.7 million births in the US.
In 1972 the US population was approximately 203,302,031 people, 57.4 persons per square mile.
In 1972 in the US there were approximately 2,158,802 marriages (10.6%) and 708,000 divorces (3.5%)
In 1972 in the US there were approximately 1,921,000 deaths (9.5 per 1000)
Your birthstone is Tourmaline
The Mystical properties of Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline promotes female balance and protection. Green Toumaline promotes male balance.
Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)
Opal, Jasper
Your birth tree is
Walnut Tree, the Passion
Unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egoistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromises.
There are 45 days till Christmas 2005!
The moon's phase on the day you were
born was waning gibbous.

Here's a close up of the detail. I'm not totally crazy about fringing it to finish, but Kevin seemed to think his mom would love it.


My latest crochet creation. It's much prettier than it looks in the piccie. It's a really soft multi brown yarn just done in single crochet side to side instead of long ways like i did my mom's. I'm giving this to Kevin's mom for her bday which is Sunday. I started it yesterday and finished the fringe today. I love it!


Here is the cap I made for my mom to match the scarf. It took me FOREVER and it was such an easy pattern at first glance. I kinda like how the cuff has more of a consistent pattern than the rest of the hat. I'm assuming because that's where I stopped increasing the pattern. I just have to wash it and I can give it to my mom yay! Next I'm working on a one skein scarf for Kevin's mom for her bday (which is saturday but the party is sunday...that's a whole other jar of worms...none of them can come to either of our parties...incl. my bday party last week...but we're EXPECTED to go to this one. I know it's Kevin's mom but Karrie Ann (Kevin's sis-in-law) acutally called us and said we are to bring the ice cream...without finding out first if we can even go. We had actually made plans to go to a friend's house on Sunday to watch football and were even gonna stay the night incase there was too much beer imbibed. I was so mad when they called I could barely see straight.

The Dentist
Well, i came home with teeth, so that's good lol. They were wonderful there! So nice even tho i hadn't been to the dentist in forever. I do have gum disease tho so i have to start brushing 3 times a day and flossing at least once a day. I can pretty much only drink water unless i brush afterwards. They cleaned my teeth and did a periodontal pocket measurement. My front teeth aren't so bad, but my back ones are nasty. And there's a list of at least 1/2 my teeth need something done to them...either a root canal or extraction or fillings. OH! And can you believe how much fillings are if you get the white ones over the silver? MY GOD! If i get silver it's like $13...if i get the white it's closer to $100!!! so unless you can see the damn things when I'm smiling, i'm going for silver. Kevin too. He needs a couple cavities filled. His teeth aren't nearly as bad as mine, but he's not gone to the dentist in a long time either so he's got the beginnings of periodontial disease...whereas I'm in like stage 3...my teeth can still be saved but i have to work at it.
I have an appt Nov 14th to get a couple extractions done. I'm hoping i can find a job by then so i can pay for this work AND the wedding. I almost wish I hadn't set the date so soon...i could use another year to get things together. *sigh*
I'm just so happy i have teeth that can be saved. I'm going to end up being a freak about my teeth. They still hurt. I got some choloraseptic spray and the tylenol of course. They said they'd be more sore today than usual (and they were right) cuz of the measurement thing. OH! and both of us have to go get a deep cleaning as soon as it's approved by our insurance. They promised they'd put me under for it cuz of the sensitivity of my gums. Thank god! I'm hoping they put me under for everything lol
So i'm going to eat some dinner and watch "Pirates of the Carribbean" for awhile. *hugs* thanks everyone for being supportive of me and my bad teeth.
I have an appt Nov 14th to get a couple extractions done. I'm hoping i can find a job by then so i can pay for this work AND the wedding. I almost wish I hadn't set the date so soon...i could use another year to get things together. *sigh*
I'm just so happy i have teeth that can be saved. I'm going to end up being a freak about my teeth. They still hurt. I got some choloraseptic spray and the tylenol of course. They said they'd be more sore today than usual (and they were right) cuz of the measurement thing. OH! and both of us have to go get a deep cleaning as soon as it's approved by our insurance. They promised they'd put me under for it cuz of the sensitivity of my gums. Thank god! I'm hoping they put me under for everything lol
So i'm going to eat some dinner and watch "Pirates of the Carribbean" for awhile. *hugs* thanks everyone for being supportive of me and my bad teeth.
I have much to say about the weekend, but today my thoughts are on tomorrow. We're going to the dentist tomorrow morning @ 11am. My tooth is killing me right now. I'm pretty sure it's not even much of a tooth. I can feel it wiggling. I've had about 20 rapid release extra strength tylenol since Monday. I'm staying away from the ibuprofen cuz it thins your blood. I'm really hoping they give me something to help the pain (and fix it of course) but nothing too drastic cuz I'm supposed to work on fri & Sat night @ O'Tees. I'm so scared they're going to decided that all my teeth need to come out tho. Kevin says he'll still love me even if i have no teeth lol but I'm so scared. I haven't been to a dentist since I went to Keith West in like 1999 or 2000 and he fucked me all up. I was having toothaches and called. They had told me originally they couldn't get me in until monday (this was friday afternoon) then they called me saturday morning at 8am saying they could fit me in. Well i had been drinking the night before @ work (karaoke) but my mom said not to worry cuz they would just give me antibiotics and something for the pain and have me come back in a week or so (that's what they did to her) so i went in and they took xrays and said 2 teeth needed to come out. they shot me up 3 times and yet I still felt the pain and was screaming at the top of my lungs as they pulled my teeth...then they didn't give me anything for the pain but a prescription that couldn't be filled for 2 hours cuz the pharmacy wasn't open. So i never went back to a dentist. And now I'm going to lose all my teeth cuz of it. I'm so scared.
Well time for another couple pills....my tooth is hurting so bad i have an ear ache.....and I'm gonna try and get some sleep tonight. *hugs*
Well time for another couple pills....my tooth is hurting so bad i have an ear ache.....and I'm gonna try and get some sleep tonight. *hugs*
I'm a sucker for tests
Jack You scored 53% kindness, 52% courage, 39% seedy past, and 48% secretiveness! |
"We're not savages, Kate. Not yet." You are Jack. You are compassionate, heroic, and a bit of a martyr. You are brave and a natural leader. However, you shouldn't keep so much bottled up inside. You are so busy taking care of others that you have no time or energy to take care of yourself. Take a load off once in a while and play some golf with Hurley. You need to relax pretty soon or else you'll be no good for anyone anymore - including yourself! Your polar opposite is: Shannon. You are similar to: Boone and Sayid. |
![]() |
Link: The Which Lost Character Are You Test written by ack_attack on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
I enjoy being a girl
You Are 20% Boyish and 80% Girlish |
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine. You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you. A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down. But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible. |
Lions Victory
I should be happy. The Lions won yesterday. 13-10 over Cleveland. So why do i feel so damn empty and hopeless inside? I'll tell you why...Joey Harrington. I love him. He was a Heisman finalist. Remember the billboard they took out in Times Square that said "joey heisman"? remember all the hype he had? I remember when we drafted him it was like he was our messiah. A bright spot in the dark years that were Barry Sanders-less. And he was solid. But Mooch is determined to have the WC offense and Joey, never a really strong arm QB, just doesn't seem to fit in. Which shocks me. And Mooch will not change up his offense to flatter and help his QB. It's obvious he'd rather go down in flames. So Garcia gets the starting nod yesterday and we pull out with a win. And I watch Joe Harrington on the sidelines and my heart aches. I honestly think he's going to be a phenomenal QB someday...just not here in Detroit. We're going to let him go and in about 3 or 4 years we're going to see him playing in the SuperBowl. *sigh* And Jeff Garcia isn't the answer. I mean sure he's a Pro Bowler and he's a veteran and he KNOWS Mooch's WC offense like the back of his hand...but he's old. So even if the team rallies behind him like it appeared they did yesterday, we're still only gonna have him for a couple years before he just can't play anymore. And that's IF he stays healthy.
I honestly wonder about Joey's relationship with his teammates. Remember "Any Given Sunday"? When the line wouldn't protect their replacement QB cuz they didn't like him? I wonder if his teammates just didn't like him and as a result they weren't cohesive. Maybe they didn't like that a younger player was telling veterans in the league what to do. All conjecture on my part since I'm not privvy to any locker room discussion, but you really have to wonder... especially after yesterday's game. Garcia had so much time and his receivers actually ran the patterns like they were supposed to. And that shovel to Bryson in the 2nd half...brilliant! I could almost hear Bryson shouting to Garcia to give him the ball "I can get the 1st down throw it to me" And let us not forget about the rushing TD Garcia made.
I'm not gonna lie. Overall i wasn't that impressed with Garcia and I'm reserving any praise or disdain until next week when there will be more of Garcia to judge. There were things I liked about him and there were things I didn't. The clock was definitely mismanaged and we should have scored more. He overthrew and underthrew to his receivers and Kevin Jones wasn't that spectacular. Cory was back ,so that was also a factor I'm sure. Honestly I just have such a heavy heart today regarding Joey. He was a god when we drafted him. What the hell happened? Did we ruin him? Did he ruin us? Only way to know that is to give him to someone else...someone NOT running a WC offense ... and see what he can do. I mean he pulled it out for Oregon...he will do the same for someone else. Our coach just was set on a certain style and wouldn't change it for anything. Jim Mora Jr. tried that with Vick in ATL and it didn't work so he let his QB do what he does best. Too bad our coach wouldn't do the same.
On a slightly related topic...I watched the press conference with Jeff Garcia after the game....HE IS SO GAY! FLAMER! No wonder he played in San Francisco.
I honestly wonder about Joey's relationship with his teammates. Remember "Any Given Sunday"? When the line wouldn't protect their replacement QB cuz they didn't like him? I wonder if his teammates just didn't like him and as a result they weren't cohesive. Maybe they didn't like that a younger player was telling veterans in the league what to do. All conjecture on my part since I'm not privvy to any locker room discussion, but you really have to wonder... especially after yesterday's game. Garcia had so much time and his receivers actually ran the patterns like they were supposed to. And that shovel to Bryson in the 2nd half...brilliant! I could almost hear Bryson shouting to Garcia to give him the ball "I can get the 1st down throw it to me" And let us not forget about the rushing TD Garcia made.
I'm not gonna lie. Overall i wasn't that impressed with Garcia and I'm reserving any praise or disdain until next week when there will be more of Garcia to judge. There were things I liked about him and there were things I didn't. The clock was definitely mismanaged and we should have scored more. He overthrew and underthrew to his receivers and Kevin Jones wasn't that spectacular. Cory was back ,so that was also a factor I'm sure. Honestly I just have such a heavy heart today regarding Joey. He was a god when we drafted him. What the hell happened? Did we ruin him? Did he ruin us? Only way to know that is to give him to someone else...someone NOT running a WC offense ... and see what he can do. I mean he pulled it out for Oregon...he will do the same for someone else. Our coach just was set on a certain style and wouldn't change it for anything. Jim Mora Jr. tried that with Vick in ATL and it didn't work so he let his QB do what he does best. Too bad our coach wouldn't do the same.
On a slightly related topic...I watched the press conference with Jeff Garcia after the game....HE IS SO GAY! FLAMER! No wonder he played in San Francisco.
A quick post before Bed
I haven't been online much. What with the new kitty and my newest obsession crochet, i've been spending alot of time on the couch having kitty time while working on my first crochet project. It's a scarf for my mom...It was going to be a scarf for Kevin but he didn't go get the yarn he wanted me to make it out of, so I used what I had purchased when i got the book @ Michael's ... a really pretty multi-colured worsted yarn that's shades of purkle & blue. I'll post a pic once I'm done with it...which at the rate I'm going should be later on today lol. I can't seem to get to sleep for wanting to crochet this damn thing. I'm gonna dream of sc I just know it.
I remember when my Mama tried to teach me how to crochet many years ago. I simply could not get it. I tried and tried and couldn't hook the yarn and pull it thru with just the hook. It frustrated me to no end and so i gave up. Who would have thought 20 years down the road I would turn into my Mama...sitting in front of the tv watching soaps and crocheting a scarf. I like to think she helped me this time when i picked it up. I learned my first stitch in less than an hour and 2 stitches a day after that. It will take time to get to where I wanna be.... you know...crazy crochet lady that gives everyone placemats and doilies and such for the holidays... but I'll be happy right now as long as my scarf turns out halfway decent. I know my mom will love it no matter what.
Other than my obsession with crochet and loving my new kitty so much it hurts (her name is Kaguya Hime btw...Princess Kaguya...I'm too lazy to put up the link, but there's a story behind her name. Just go to wikipedia and type in Kaguya Hime...she a princess of the moon people) I'm missing my Kikyo so much. I cry a little each day. I try not to, but i compart the 2 cats all the time. The other day one of Kikyo's old toys appeared I swear out of nowhere. It's a little plastic ball with a jingle bell inside. Kaguya-san loved it. I think it was Kikyo's way of welcoming the kitty. I know i sound crazy, i don't care. I tell you honestly I thought all those toys had been lost or smashed by my big feet stepping on them when they were accidentally under my feet (they aren't the sturdiest of toys...dollar store lol) I'm making a special effort not to step on this one. In honor of my Kikyo whom I miss dearly. *wipes away tears*
This Friday we go to a party in Wyandotte which is taking place at the hall where we plan to have our reception. So Kevin will have to endure my wedding talk all night as well as my incessant picture taking of the place. I'll have a better idea of what we have to work with for May...and in 2 weeks I'm going to a bridal show here in Livonia...so expect much wedding talk in the near future.
That reminds me! If you read this blog and want an xmas card from me with a wedding reminder, please email me @ magikjaz@gmail.com
wow I had more to say and I can't even remember anything. Guess that's what I get for blogging on a tired mind.I watched something today that gave me all kinds of philosophical thoughts and I couldn't wait to write them down and make my blog worthy of reading and now I can't even remember what it was I watched. I am getting old.
OH! my bday is in a week (roughly) we're having a party the sunday after cuz i work that night. Nothing major, just food, drinks and friends. I'm hoping people will come since it is a Sunday and chances are most of them are going out Saturday night and gonna be hung over :-( I should make it a costume party, but I'm kinda lazy myself. I still don't know what I'm wearing to work the Halloween party the 28th.
OH! another OH! I ran into the mom of an old high school friend @ my last karaoke gig. She gave me his number. I still haven't called. Kinda worried about what I'm gonna say to be honest. Haven't talked to him in about 15 years.
Okay, time to get back to my crochet and work towards getting to sleep. I was gonna go out and get doughnuts for me and Kevin but he has no $$ in his wallet ... just cc ... just my luck...I'm craving a glazed doughnut (not that i need it lol)
Peace out. Sweet Dreams! check me on myspace if you get a chance. I'm magikjaz (again ... too lazy to post the url) *hugs*
I remember when my Mama tried to teach me how to crochet many years ago. I simply could not get it. I tried and tried and couldn't hook the yarn and pull it thru with just the hook. It frustrated me to no end and so i gave up. Who would have thought 20 years down the road I would turn into my Mama...sitting in front of the tv watching soaps and crocheting a scarf. I like to think she helped me this time when i picked it up. I learned my first stitch in less than an hour and 2 stitches a day after that. It will take time to get to where I wanna be.... you know...crazy crochet lady that gives everyone placemats and doilies and such for the holidays... but I'll be happy right now as long as my scarf turns out halfway decent. I know my mom will love it no matter what.
Other than my obsession with crochet and loving my new kitty so much it hurts (her name is Kaguya Hime btw...Princess Kaguya...I'm too lazy to put up the link, but there's a story behind her name. Just go to wikipedia and type in Kaguya Hime...she a princess of the moon people) I'm missing my Kikyo so much. I cry a little each day. I try not to, but i compart the 2 cats all the time. The other day one of Kikyo's old toys appeared I swear out of nowhere. It's a little plastic ball with a jingle bell inside. Kaguya-san loved it. I think it was Kikyo's way of welcoming the kitty. I know i sound crazy, i don't care. I tell you honestly I thought all those toys had been lost or smashed by my big feet stepping on them when they were accidentally under my feet (they aren't the sturdiest of toys...dollar store lol) I'm making a special effort not to step on this one. In honor of my Kikyo whom I miss dearly. *wipes away tears*
This Friday we go to a party in Wyandotte which is taking place at the hall where we plan to have our reception. So Kevin will have to endure my wedding talk all night as well as my incessant picture taking of the place. I'll have a better idea of what we have to work with for May...and in 2 weeks I'm going to a bridal show here in Livonia...so expect much wedding talk in the near future.
That reminds me! If you read this blog and want an xmas card from me with a wedding reminder, please email me @ magikjaz@gmail.com
wow I had more to say and I can't even remember anything. Guess that's what I get for blogging on a tired mind.I watched something today that gave me all kinds of philosophical thoughts and I couldn't wait to write them down and make my blog worthy of reading and now I can't even remember what it was I watched. I am getting old.
OH! my bday is in a week (roughly) we're having a party the sunday after cuz i work that night. Nothing major, just food, drinks and friends. I'm hoping people will come since it is a Sunday and chances are most of them are going out Saturday night and gonna be hung over :-( I should make it a costume party, but I'm kinda lazy myself. I still don't know what I'm wearing to work the Halloween party the 28th.
OH! another OH! I ran into the mom of an old high school friend @ my last karaoke gig. She gave me his number. I still haven't called. Kinda worried about what I'm gonna say to be honest. Haven't talked to him in about 15 years.
Okay, time to get back to my crochet and work towards getting to sleep. I was gonna go out and get doughnuts for me and Kevin but he has no $$ in his wallet ... just cc ... just my luck...I'm craving a glazed doughnut (not that i need it lol)
Peace out. Sweet Dreams! check me on myspace if you get a chance. I'm magikjaz (again ... too lazy to post the url) *hugs*
My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Please think of this before you bring me home.
Teach me clearly and with patience. Remember that I don’t speak English. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, school, entertainment, and friends. I have only you.
Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice.
Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget.
Before you hit me, remember that I have jaws that could easily crush the bones in your hand, but that I choose not to bite you or hurt you.
Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself what might be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, I’ve been in the sun too long, my heart might be getting old and weak or perhaps I just don’t understand what you want.
Take good care of me when I am old. You will grow old, too.
Remember that I love you. Life is better because we have each other.
Teach me clearly and with patience. Remember that I don’t speak English. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, school, entertainment, and friends. I have only you.
Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice.
Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget.
Before you hit me, remember that I have jaws that could easily crush the bones in your hand, but that I choose not to bite you or hurt you.
Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself what might be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, I’ve been in the sun too long, my heart might be getting old and weak or perhaps I just don’t understand what you want.
Take good care of me when I am old. You will grow old, too.
Remember that I love you. Life is better because we have each other.
23rd & 5th
found this in Holly's blog @ justsimplyholly.blogspot.com
1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
I have a 23rd post but it's only 2 lines. Tuesday, July 23rd 2002:
having problems with my blogger. let's hope it doesn't last forever ;)
if you count those 2 plus 3 in the next the 5th line is:
i am sooo happy!!
1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
I have a 23rd post but it's only 2 lines. Tuesday, July 23rd 2002:
having problems with my blogger. let's hope it doesn't last forever ;)
if you count those 2 plus 3 in the next the 5th line is:
i am sooo happy!!
Gaia Woes
Sometimes I really hate being older. Not cuz i hate my age...but i hate that I like things like Neo and Gaia where a good portion of the people there are under 18. It makes me feel like a perv sometimes.
For instance, I was on Gaia tonight. Killing time til i could fall asleep playing a bumping contest. Nothing big. Someone mentioned AIM so i turned it on (usually I'm strictly a Y!M chick) and they messaged me. Cool. We chatted. He likes anime (Naruto) cool. I like some too. Nothing even remotely off color. We exchange piccies. Again no big deal. I actually tell him i'm a little younger than I am cuz I already feel out of place. I send him a pic that's a couple years old. his pic makes me think he's young 20s maybe ...prolly 19...then i find out he's 17. gonna be 18 in 4 days. YIKES! But that's okay cuz we've not said anything remotely misconstruable. We talked about anime. But then he tells me it's " scary shit" that I'm a Gaian. How is that scary? I'm not out there hitting on people! I barely talk to anyone who isn't purkle anyway. Specifically for reasons like this. I remember what it was like when i was young and online. I thought people who were my current age had no place on the internet. Never mind they were the ones that helped make it what it was then and I'm one that helped make it what it is today. My mind then thought that anyone over 28 was a perv. Or at least didn't belong. And here i am in the same predicament.
So I'm just gonna stick to bumping contests and purkle couch interaction on Gaia and strictly purkle interaction on Neo too. maybe then I won't feel so out of place.
Time for sleep it's almost 5am
For instance, I was on Gaia tonight. Killing time til i could fall asleep playing a bumping contest. Nothing big. Someone mentioned AIM so i turned it on (usually I'm strictly a Y!M chick) and they messaged me. Cool. We chatted. He likes anime (Naruto) cool. I like some too. Nothing even remotely off color. We exchange piccies. Again no big deal. I actually tell him i'm a little younger than I am cuz I already feel out of place. I send him a pic that's a couple years old. his pic makes me think he's young 20s maybe ...prolly 19...then i find out he's 17. gonna be 18 in 4 days. YIKES! But that's okay cuz we've not said anything remotely misconstruable. We talked about anime. But then he tells me it's " scary shit" that I'm a Gaian. How is that scary? I'm not out there hitting on people! I barely talk to anyone who isn't purkle anyway. Specifically for reasons like this. I remember what it was like when i was young and online. I thought people who were my current age had no place on the internet. Never mind they were the ones that helped make it what it was then and I'm one that helped make it what it is today. My mind then thought that anyone over 28 was a perv. Or at least didn't belong. And here i am in the same predicament.
So I'm just gonna stick to bumping contests and purkle couch interaction on Gaia and strictly purkle interaction on Neo too. maybe then I won't feel so out of place.
Time for sleep it's almost 5am
Before I go to sleep
A big thank you to all my friends for all your love and support thru this tough time. I know she was a cat but she was a part of my family and I miss her all the time everyday. I'm still going thru piccies and posting them on her blog to keep a place where I can go and remember her always. *huggles kikyo*
kikyo blog
kikyo blog
I'm not too surprised either
You are a Social Moderate (56% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (23% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid |
First day w/o kitty
Well today was tough. Tougher than I thought it would be. I miss her so much! I know this should prolly go in my kitty blog but all my feelings the next few days are gonna be about her, which would mean this blog would be empty lol. She was such a big part of my life w/o me even knowing it. I woke up this morning and looked over @ where she usually slept...I came downstairs and slowly opened the door @ the bottom so i wouldn't hit her...I walked from the kitchen to the back bedroom and looked @ the landing by the back door to see if she's lounging there...there's a pair of kevin's shoes in the corner in the back room by the sliding doors..where kikyo used to lay...and every once inawhile I catch them out of the corner of my eye and think it's her and turn around to not see her there. I went out back today and put a flower on her grave and talked to her and told her how much I loved her and I prayed to the goddess Bast (thanks Doreen for reminding me in my grief) to watch over my kitty until such time as we could be reunited again.
I had horrid visions last night as i was drifting off to sleep. Visions of her in the ground. Visions of the looks in her eyes right before she left us. i know it was just my subconscious at work, but damn! it made it so hard to sleep. And tonight is no different. I don't wanna go to bed. It's almost 5am here and I dread closing my eyes for fear those horrid images will come into my head again.
Today was hard, but it will get easier I know. And having her in the backyard is going to help immensely.
Other than that...me and my mom went to Kevin's restaurant tonight for dinner *yum* I wish i could take everyone there it's so fabulous! We both just had the gourmet sandwiches...mom had chicken and i had steak...they are so good! We may go again next Tuesday. She told me her man problems...most of which Velisia had already told me but I didn't let her know (she knows now if she reads this...but i doubt she does) I wish she could find a good man...better still ... I wish she was secure enough in herself to not have to think she needs a man to make her life better. She's worth so much more than these men treat her. Not that anyone's abusive to her, they just don't treat her the way she should be treated...like a queen...like Kevin treats me (even tho I don't deserve it all the time...i'm such a pain to live with lol)
I have to finish closing our pool for the season. I may do that tomorrow. Or at least as much as I can.
Also have to finish cleaning the kitchen...i can't wait until we get that cabinet outta there...the kitchen is so boxy with it. I'll take a pic someday and show you.
Other than that nothing to report. Just the contemplation of death and the life we have after it, if there is one. And the avoidance of sleep at this time. *hugs*
I had horrid visions last night as i was drifting off to sleep. Visions of her in the ground. Visions of the looks in her eyes right before she left us. i know it was just my subconscious at work, but damn! it made it so hard to sleep. And tonight is no different. I don't wanna go to bed. It's almost 5am here and I dread closing my eyes for fear those horrid images will come into my head again.
Today was hard, but it will get easier I know. And having her in the backyard is going to help immensely.
Other than that...me and my mom went to Kevin's restaurant tonight for dinner *yum* I wish i could take everyone there it's so fabulous! We both just had the gourmet sandwiches...mom had chicken and i had steak...they are so good! We may go again next Tuesday. She told me her man problems...most of which Velisia had already told me but I didn't let her know (she knows now if she reads this...but i doubt she does) I wish she could find a good man...better still ... I wish she was secure enough in herself to not have to think she needs a man to make her life better. She's worth so much more than these men treat her. Not that anyone's abusive to her, they just don't treat her the way she should be treated...like a queen...like Kevin treats me (even tho I don't deserve it all the time...i'm such a pain to live with lol)
I have to finish closing our pool for the season. I may do that tomorrow. Or at least as much as I can.
Also have to finish cleaning the kitchen...i can't wait until we get that cabinet outta there...the kitchen is so boxy with it. I'll take a pic someday and show you.
Other than that nothing to report. Just the contemplation of death and the life we have after it, if there is one. And the avoidance of sleep at this time. *hugs*
Todays' the day
Today @ 2:30pm we have an appt. to put Kikyo down. It's going to be one of the hardest days of my life. I've pretty much been crying all day and night. I had a dream last night that she was her old self. I woke up half expecting her to be cured. But she wasn't. So i called the vet and made the appt. and now I'm just waiting. Giving her as much love as she'll let me. She lets me, then after a few minutes her dying instincts kick in and she looks at me with terror in her face and starts to back away. So I leave her for a few and come back when I see she's calmer. I'm gonna miss her with all my heart and soul.
Anyway, I ranted a bunch on my kitty blog kikyokitty.blogspot.com if you want to look. It's not going anywhere. Heaven knows I need a place to display all my kikyo piccies.
Anyway, I ranted a bunch on my kitty blog kikyokitty.blogspot.com if you want to look. It's not going anywhere. Heaven knows I need a place to display all my kikyo piccies.
So Much Stuff!
WOW! I'm so bad at blogging when I actually have stuff going on lol! Where to begin?
Well last night Kevin and I went to a food show on the Detroit Princess Riverboat sponsored by U.S. Foods Corporation. Basically it was a 2 hour showcase of all their high end products for local restaurants and businesses with food samples. It was so much fun! We got 2 free drink tokens each and they were serving free champagne in the first hour of the event. And there was food everywhere. Just small bite samples, but most of it was really good. Had some crab cakes in lobster bisque, some clam chowder, some lump crab meat, some HUGE shrimps with cocktail sauce, gourmet sandwiches, meat rollups, little hors d'eouvres poppers (like mini beef wellingtons), samples of chicken and beef and sausages and turkey and pork and ribs and ...well just about anything you could think of! I was so stuffed I could barely move lol. The boat took a 2 hour tour up and down the Detroit River, which was very pretty I wish i had brought my camera. Kevin got a couple ideas for things to do at the restaurant, which is pretty much the only reason he wanted to go. He had no intentions of purchasing lol. We did have one thing that was amazing which was brie and raspberry wrapped in filo dough. I told kevin he HAD to make it for their afternoon teas that they're starting at the restaurant. I also found the plastic champagne glasses I want for the wedding. Got a sample of it so I'm gonna take a pic and post it on my wedding blog tomorrow probably. They also gave us party favors of champagnes flutes with twisted black stems which are DIVINE! I'll post them tomorrow too.
Been taking piccies of the kitty all day today....but that's a story for my kitty blog
After the cruise we came back home and lit the firepit and had daquiris until almost 1am when we came in and watched some TV before heading to sleep. It was a great night! I love Kevin so much and we have so much fun together. Just being together and able to talk about anything and everything. It's nice. Something I never thought I'd have and something I definitely don't take for granted.
Now for what has happened since I last blogged...we had a housewarming party Sunday the 4th (laborday weekend) and it was surprisingly fun! Almost everyone cancelled the day before or of the party which pissed both of us off...specifically when Joey called and actually told us gas was too expensive and he couldn't make it "but why don't you come on down here to the house later in the week to pick up the trimmer?" (long story short...he had a weed trimmer that broke and took it in to get it fixed but instead of waiting for them to fix it, or at least see how much it would be, he went out and bought a new one and has been trying to pawn the old one off on us for a price ever since. We never said we wanted it in the first place, he just assumed. It was almost $50 to get it fixed...shoot...for $20 more we can get a brand new one!) Ricky and his friends couldn't make it since they went Saturday and had some laser stop smoking thing done and were told not to be in situations where they would be tempted to smoke. Now here's what I don't get. They had this laser procedure done, which is fine and dandy, but they told them when it was done "drink lots of water and veggie juice, don't eat greasy foods, stay away from caffeine and don't put yourself in situations where you would be tempted to smoke" My thinking is: if you did all that stuff anyway WITHOUT the laser, wouldn't you pretty much get the same results?
Anyway, Kevin's Aunt Sue came by as well as my cousin Joe Nunez and his family and my cousin Angie and her family and brother and my papa and then later on my cousin Maria from Mandeville came by with her family and lastly my brother Bob and his wife came by. It was great. It was nice seeing Maria and Carl and Celeste again. They said their house is okay from the reports they've gotten. They stayed up here about a week. I have to give them a call as a matter of fact to see how things are down there. They're right outside of New Orleans.
Everyone loved the house tho and at night we lit a bonfire in the firepit and had a great time just sitting around. We just had burgers and dogs and ships, but everyone seemed to like it okay. As it was the first party, they will only start getting better from here ;)
What else? Oh! Annette came by later in the week with a housewarming gift from her and Ricky...a crystal cross, some wine glasses and some veggies from her garden! So nice of her! I loved it!
Other than that not much else to report. Watched a movie today "Runaway Jury" with Jon Cusack, Gene Hackman, Rachel Weisz & Dustin Hoffman. It was pretty good. Based on John Grisham. What was great about it tho was it was based in NOLA....in the French Quarter....so it was like being home for a couple hours. I really miss that city and hope we get to go back in May.
OH! I might not be able to go to the wedding next month in Phoenix which pretty much sucks. Spending that money on our kitty put us on the track to poordom for the next few months. I so need a job lol
Well last night Kevin and I went to a food show on the Detroit Princess Riverboat sponsored by U.S. Foods Corporation. Basically it was a 2 hour showcase of all their high end products for local restaurants and businesses with food samples. It was so much fun! We got 2 free drink tokens each and they were serving free champagne in the first hour of the event. And there was food everywhere. Just small bite samples, but most of it was really good. Had some crab cakes in lobster bisque, some clam chowder, some lump crab meat, some HUGE shrimps with cocktail sauce, gourmet sandwiches, meat rollups, little hors d'eouvres poppers (like mini beef wellingtons), samples of chicken and beef and sausages and turkey and pork and ribs and ...well just about anything you could think of! I was so stuffed I could barely move lol. The boat took a 2 hour tour up and down the Detroit River, which was very pretty I wish i had brought my camera. Kevin got a couple ideas for things to do at the restaurant, which is pretty much the only reason he wanted to go. He had no intentions of purchasing lol. We did have one thing that was amazing which was brie and raspberry wrapped in filo dough. I told kevin he HAD to make it for their afternoon teas that they're starting at the restaurant. I also found the plastic champagne glasses I want for the wedding. Got a sample of it so I'm gonna take a pic and post it on my wedding blog tomorrow probably. They also gave us party favors of champagnes flutes with twisted black stems which are DIVINE! I'll post them tomorrow too.
Been taking piccies of the kitty all day today....but that's a story for my kitty blog
After the cruise we came back home and lit the firepit and had daquiris until almost 1am when we came in and watched some TV before heading to sleep. It was a great night! I love Kevin so much and we have so much fun together. Just being together and able to talk about anything and everything. It's nice. Something I never thought I'd have and something I definitely don't take for granted.
Now for what has happened since I last blogged...we had a housewarming party Sunday the 4th (laborday weekend) and it was surprisingly fun! Almost everyone cancelled the day before or of the party which pissed both of us off...specifically when Joey called and actually told us gas was too expensive and he couldn't make it "but why don't you come on down here to the house later in the week to pick up the trimmer?" (long story short...he had a weed trimmer that broke and took it in to get it fixed but instead of waiting for them to fix it, or at least see how much it would be, he went out and bought a new one and has been trying to pawn the old one off on us for a price ever since. We never said we wanted it in the first place, he just assumed. It was almost $50 to get it fixed...shoot...for $20 more we can get a brand new one!) Ricky and his friends couldn't make it since they went Saturday and had some laser stop smoking thing done and were told not to be in situations where they would be tempted to smoke. Now here's what I don't get. They had this laser procedure done, which is fine and dandy, but they told them when it was done "drink lots of water and veggie juice, don't eat greasy foods, stay away from caffeine and don't put yourself in situations where you would be tempted to smoke" My thinking is: if you did all that stuff anyway WITHOUT the laser, wouldn't you pretty much get the same results?
Anyway, Kevin's Aunt Sue came by as well as my cousin Joe Nunez and his family and my cousin Angie and her family and brother and my papa and then later on my cousin Maria from Mandeville came by with her family and lastly my brother Bob and his wife came by. It was great. It was nice seeing Maria and Carl and Celeste again. They said their house is okay from the reports they've gotten. They stayed up here about a week. I have to give them a call as a matter of fact to see how things are down there. They're right outside of New Orleans.
Everyone loved the house tho and at night we lit a bonfire in the firepit and had a great time just sitting around. We just had burgers and dogs and ships, but everyone seemed to like it okay. As it was the first party, they will only start getting better from here ;)
What else? Oh! Annette came by later in the week with a housewarming gift from her and Ricky...a crystal cross, some wine glasses and some veggies from her garden! So nice of her! I loved it!
Other than that not much else to report. Watched a movie today "Runaway Jury" with Jon Cusack, Gene Hackman, Rachel Weisz & Dustin Hoffman. It was pretty good. Based on John Grisham. What was great about it tho was it was based in NOLA....in the French Quarter....so it was like being home for a couple hours. I really miss that city and hope we get to go back in May.
OH! I might not be able to go to the wedding next month in Phoenix which pretty much sucks. Spending that money on our kitty put us on the track to poordom for the next few months. I so need a job lol
I Miss New Orleans
Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans
And miss it each night and day
I know I'm not wrong... this feeling's gettin' stronger
The longer, I stay away
Miss them moss covered vines...the tall sugar pines
Where mockin' birds used to sing
And I'd like to see that lazy Mississippi...hurryin' into spring
The moonlight on the bayou.......a Creole tune.... that fills the air
I dream... about Magnolias in bloom......and I'm wishin'
I was there
Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans
When that's where you left your heart
And there's one thing more...I miss the one I care for
More than I miss New Orleans
And miss it each night and day
I know I'm not wrong... this feeling's gettin' stronger
The longer, I stay away
Miss them moss covered vines...the tall sugar pines
Where mockin' birds used to sing
And I'd like to see that lazy Mississippi...hurryin' into spring
The moonlight on the bayou.......a Creole tune.... that fills the air
I dream... about Magnolias in bloom......and I'm wishin'
I was there
Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans
When that's where you left your heart
And there's one thing more...I miss the one I care for
More than I miss New Orleans
QuizFarm.com :: What is Your World View? (updated)
QuizFarm.com :: What is Your World View? (updated): "
You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.
New Orleans
I can't stop watching the coverage and crying. It's breaking my heart bit by bit. and to top it all off we have an imbecile running the country and thusly destroying the city I love. Do you know that Clinton had set aside $$ for the levee system in New Orleans? That they knew if a worse case scenario came along the levees wouldn't hold so they needed to be reinforced? Do you know what happened to that $$? Bush's war in Iraq...you know, the one that had nothing to do with Al-Qaeda and EVERYTHING to do with avenging his dad. *GRRRRRR*
I'm so glad we got to go to New Orleans this year. Even if it did cause some issues it was well worth it. I need to get off my ass and get those gorgeous piccies up somewhere in a travelogue type of format. I've been so lazy lately with the computer. Haven't even been playing Neo or Gaia as much as I used to lately either.
Well our party is Sunday afternoon and into the evening. If things go well about 30 people will show up. And our pool will be in working order. *crosses fingers*
I'm so glad we got to go to New Orleans this year. Even if it did cause some issues it was well worth it. I need to get off my ass and get those gorgeous piccies up somewhere in a travelogue type of format. I've been so lazy lately with the computer. Haven't even been playing Neo or Gaia as much as I used to lately either.
Well our party is Sunday afternoon and into the evening. If things go well about 30 people will show up. And our pool will be in working order. *crosses fingers*
Daily Kos: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.
Daily Kos: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.
can you believe this shit? It's not bad enough New Orleans (and other cites i know) is cuffering huge catastrophic losses and damage...now they have to say it's God's handiwork? WTF!?! I mean seriously folks....EVERY hurricane looks like a fetus. And if God were after the abortionists etc why make all those poor and elderly suffer like so? Blame it on the casinos? The harmless bead tossing in New Orleans? Then why was Sri Lanka hit with the Tsunami? no abortionists or casinos or girls gone wild there (check this article:repentamerica.com) I can't believe this shit! Instead of pointing to New Olreans and saying it was a den of thieves and whores and murderers, as christians they should be rallying around raising funds and sending support and help to these poor ravaged lands. That would be the christian thing to do. Jesus didn't say the lepers deserved what they got....he tried to help and heal them.
can you believe this shit? It's not bad enough New Orleans (and other cites i know) is cuffering huge catastrophic losses and damage...now they have to say it's God's handiwork? WTF!?! I mean seriously folks....EVERY hurricane looks like a fetus. And if God were after the abortionists etc why make all those poor and elderly suffer like so? Blame it on the casinos? The harmless bead tossing in New Orleans? Then why was Sri Lanka hit with the Tsunami? no abortionists or casinos or girls gone wild there (check this article:repentamerica.com) I can't believe this shit! Instead of pointing to New Olreans and saying it was a den of thieves and whores and murderers, as christians they should be rallying around raising funds and sending support and help to these poor ravaged lands. That would be the christian thing to do. Jesus didn't say the lepers deserved what they got....he tried to help and heal them.
Please Vote!
Best Irish Pub
Scroll down to the bottom. Vote for Shanahan's. It's Kevin's restaurant. You can vote once a day. *hugs*
Scroll down to the bottom. Vote for Shanahan's. It's Kevin's restaurant. You can vote once a day. *hugs*
So Tired
I'm so uber tired right now. It's just about time to go to sleep. I've been pretty tired lately in general. Not sure what that's all about. Maybe I need to go outside more. I think tomorrow I may take a book out on the deck.
Last night I played darts in a league @ a local bar. It was fun! I don't think I"m gonna be able to do it for the whole season tho. It's $7 a week plus travel. Just not up to it I don't think. I'm still trying to get that job @ Kevin's restaurant. And monday I'm going to a job interview for a local retail cashier position. It's nothing fancy, but hopefully I'll get hired. Gotta work on my resume this week. Gonna send it over to Bell&Sons too. Who knows. Hopefully I'll get something before Dave's wedding.
OH! He called last night to get info to send out the invitation. I'm so excited! Can't wait! Jay and I are gonna have so much fun! We have to think of something awesome to get him ;)
Nothing much exciting...went thru more boxes today. They're slowly dwindling. I should be thru with most by tomorrow. I'm gonna finish the computer room tomorrow (which means just put things on shelves and in the closet lol) and the other back room (which is just getting the boxes outta there) and maybe get the bathroom organized lol. Got a week until the party.
Today was stressful. Kevin totally messed up on the finances and overspent on our cc by $50 which in turn added $30 over limit fee. It's all good tho. I'm gonna be working 2 weekends straight next month and I'm gonna call Robby 2moro to see how things are going @ Sultana and invite him to the party. I've toyed with the idea of going back every other friday but I'm really not sure it's worth it with the price of gas the way it is.
I started a Kikyo blog so I don't get bogged down here. It's at kikyokitty.blogspot.com I tried uploading pics to it today but my computer freaked out on me earlier so I didn't get anything done. As it was I've blogged this 3 times lol.
Well i think it's time to head to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow Gaia will have released the donation items. I need gold lol. Must poll.
Last night I played darts in a league @ a local bar. It was fun! I don't think I"m gonna be able to do it for the whole season tho. It's $7 a week plus travel. Just not up to it I don't think. I'm still trying to get that job @ Kevin's restaurant. And monday I'm going to a job interview for a local retail cashier position. It's nothing fancy, but hopefully I'll get hired. Gotta work on my resume this week. Gonna send it over to Bell&Sons too. Who knows. Hopefully I'll get something before Dave's wedding.
OH! He called last night to get info to send out the invitation. I'm so excited! Can't wait! Jay and I are gonna have so much fun! We have to think of something awesome to get him ;)
Nothing much exciting...went thru more boxes today. They're slowly dwindling. I should be thru with most by tomorrow. I'm gonna finish the computer room tomorrow (which means just put things on shelves and in the closet lol) and the other back room (which is just getting the boxes outta there) and maybe get the bathroom organized lol. Got a week until the party.
Today was stressful. Kevin totally messed up on the finances and overspent on our cc by $50 which in turn added $30 over limit fee. It's all good tho. I'm gonna be working 2 weekends straight next month and I'm gonna call Robby 2moro to see how things are going @ Sultana and invite him to the party. I've toyed with the idea of going back every other friday but I'm really not sure it's worth it with the price of gas the way it is.
I started a Kikyo blog so I don't get bogged down here. It's at kikyokitty.blogspot.com I tried uploading pics to it today but my computer freaked out on me earlier so I didn't get anything done. As it was I've blogged this 3 times lol.
Well i think it's time to head to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow Gaia will have released the donation items. I need gold lol. Must poll.
Wow! I haven't really blogged in awhile! Funny I blogged more when I didn't have a computer lol.
Not much to report. Kikyo is doing really really well. I'm so happy. I think I forgot to blog about her so here is the post I made in the PC on friday:
We got some really bad news today. Kevin took our cat into the vet cuz she was having trouble breathing. We didn't think it would be that serious. he came back a couple hours later crying. Originally they told us she had some kind of trauma which caused fluid to build up in her chest which was causing her trouble breathing. (like falling wrong or getting hit by a bike or something, but she's never outside) so we had them remove the fluid and test the fluid to see what was going on. They gave us antibiotics and said to bring her in tomorrow. that was bad enough, but then we got a call about an hour later (about 2 hours ago) from the vet himself. He did prelim testing before he sent it out expecting not to find much, instead he found cancer and she tested positive for feline leukemia. So Kevin just went and picked up some steroids from the vet but they don't give her much more time. weeks, maybe months. Chances are she got it cuz her mom was a carrier and has had it the whole time just never exhibited symptoms. Even recently aside from the difficulty breathing she hasn't been weird...well except for a couple days ago when she was really really affectionate with us and wouldn't let either one of us out of her sight and gave us love incessantly, which was odd for her, usually she likes about 5 minutes of love and she leaves for hours lol. The vet said that was probably her way of showing us how much she loved us vbefore she died. She would have died today by suffocation if we hadn't taken her to the vet.
Sorry for the long rambling post. I've been crying off and on for the past 3 hours over this. I know she's a cat, but she's been a part of our family and the first pet Kevin and I had together as a couple. August 23rd will be 2 years that we've had her.
Right now she's laying on the couch next to me and sleeping soundly and breathing perfectly. She's been really really good about taking her medication. Funny. It took almost losing her to realize how much I rely on her everyday.
Wow I have much more to say but I'm so tired right now I'm gonna take a nap. I'll be back later. *hugs*
Not much to report. Kikyo is doing really really well. I'm so happy. I think I forgot to blog about her so here is the post I made in the PC on friday:
We got some really bad news today. Kevin took our cat into the vet cuz she was having trouble breathing. We didn't think it would be that serious. he came back a couple hours later crying. Originally they told us she had some kind of trauma which caused fluid to build up in her chest which was causing her trouble breathing. (like falling wrong or getting hit by a bike or something, but she's never outside) so we had them remove the fluid and test the fluid to see what was going on. They gave us antibiotics and said to bring her in tomorrow. that was bad enough, but then we got a call about an hour later (about 2 hours ago) from the vet himself. He did prelim testing before he sent it out expecting not to find much, instead he found cancer and she tested positive for feline leukemia. So Kevin just went and picked up some steroids from the vet but they don't give her much more time. weeks, maybe months. Chances are she got it cuz her mom was a carrier and has had it the whole time just never exhibited symptoms. Even recently aside from the difficulty breathing she hasn't been weird...well except for a couple days ago when she was really really affectionate with us and wouldn't let either one of us out of her sight and gave us love incessantly, which was odd for her, usually she likes about 5 minutes of love and she leaves for hours lol. The vet said that was probably her way of showing us how much she loved us vbefore she died. She would have died today by suffocation if we hadn't taken her to the vet.
Sorry for the long rambling post. I've been crying off and on for the past 3 hours over this. I know she's a cat, but she's been a part of our family and the first pet Kevin and I had together as a couple. August 23rd will be 2 years that we've had her.
Right now she's laying on the couch next to me and sleeping soundly and breathing perfectly. She's been really really good about taking her medication. Funny. It took almost losing her to realize how much I rely on her everyday.
Wow I have much more to say but I'm so tired right now I'm gonna take a nap. I'll be back later. *hugs*
Epilepsy Drug Shows Promise in Treating HIV
OMG this is such great news! HIV hits way too close to home for me and the potential for a cure is overwhelming. I'm almost in tears of happiness right now.
Epilepsy Drug Shows Promise in Treating HIV:
Researchers have announced that very early studies of the seizure medication valproic acid indicate the medication may help "flush out" HIV from remote areas in the body that are difficult to reach with conventional therapies. The very small trial combined conventional HIV medications with the seizure medication valproic acid.
For years, scientists have tried without success to attack the HIV hidden deep in the DNA of human cells. This latent HIV lays in wait for an opportunity to proliferate, usually in the absence of effective HIV treatment. Scientist theorize that if they could eliminate this collection of latent HIV, the possibly then exists that HIV could be totally cleared from the body. Simply put, scientists believe if the latent HIV can be attacked, the potential for a cure is greatly increased.
While this data is extremely preliminary and years of research and trials would still be needed to confirm the early results, scientists believe this to be very important and exciting information.
McGill University researcher, Jean-Pierre Routy, MD, PhD commented;
"This is very serious data -- a very exciting piece of information," Routy tells WebMD. "For the first time, the disease may be attacked in the last cells where it is hiding. That is a sign of hope. We can expect one day to remove all these infected cells."
The leader of the study, David M. Margolis, MD warns that under no circumstances should patients add valproic acid to the medication regimen. The drug has serious side effects and many unknowns including how much of the drug to take and for how long. Margolis warns that valproic acid as part of an HIV regimen is many years away.
"We have to focus on HIV treatment today. Right now we must continue to prevent, detect, and treat HIV infection. Finding a vaccine to prevent AIDS is still very important. But that goal is no more challenging than the goal of eradicating infection. And that is a worthy goal as well."
Dr. Routy adds;
"Eradicating HIV from the body is a big hope. But the hope is not today."
I think we can all agree. As the pandemic continues around the world, any hope is welcome.
Epilepsy Drug Shows Promise in Treating HIV:
Researchers have announced that very early studies of the seizure medication valproic acid indicate the medication may help "flush out" HIV from remote areas in the body that are difficult to reach with conventional therapies. The very small trial combined conventional HIV medications with the seizure medication valproic acid.
For years, scientists have tried without success to attack the HIV hidden deep in the DNA of human cells. This latent HIV lays in wait for an opportunity to proliferate, usually in the absence of effective HIV treatment. Scientist theorize that if they could eliminate this collection of latent HIV, the possibly then exists that HIV could be totally cleared from the body. Simply put, scientists believe if the latent HIV can be attacked, the potential for a cure is greatly increased.
While this data is extremely preliminary and years of research and trials would still be needed to confirm the early results, scientists believe this to be very important and exciting information.
McGill University researcher, Jean-Pierre Routy, MD, PhD commented;
"This is very serious data -- a very exciting piece of information," Routy tells WebMD. "For the first time, the disease may be attacked in the last cells where it is hiding. That is a sign of hope. We can expect one day to remove all these infected cells."
The leader of the study, David M. Margolis, MD warns that under no circumstances should patients add valproic acid to the medication regimen. The drug has serious side effects and many unknowns including how much of the drug to take and for how long. Margolis warns that valproic acid as part of an HIV regimen is many years away.
"We have to focus on HIV treatment today. Right now we must continue to prevent, detect, and treat HIV infection. Finding a vaccine to prevent AIDS is still very important. But that goal is no more challenging than the goal of eradicating infection. And that is a worthy goal as well."
Dr. Routy adds;
"Eradicating HIV from the body is a big hope. But the hope is not today."
I think we can all agree. As the pandemic continues around the world, any hope is welcome.
My mom's party
So lemme tell you what happened. I'm so upset. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm PMSing 2day like a son of a bitch.....
We were supposed to have my mom's/sister's/brother's party here this weekend...2moro to be exact...It was gonna be great we were gonna have the pool up and running, the deck redone ...It was gonna be our present to my mom to do the party so she wouldn't have to worry about it. For months it's going to be here....Since we got the house in May we said we were going to have it here. Then for some unknown fcked up reason she decides the last minute to have it at her house. Not here where there's A/C and a pool and a big backyard and lots of parking...NOOOO...At her house where you frigging sweat to death cuz she still has no a/c and a yard the size of a peanut and neighbors who watch her like a frigging hawk and gossip every chance they get.
So last week she asks me if we're going to get the keg for her party. Fine I say. Never mind that we were going to get everything for her in the first place and she broke my heart by telling us our house basically wasn't good enough for her party. But I don't have a frigging car to go give her the money and we can't buy one out here cuz we don't have a frigging truck to transport it in. No matter, she says, cuz BOB can pick it up. Well fine, but you still need MY $$...Which she doesn't even care to worry about until tonight about 2 hours ago. WTF. I can't get to her. I don't' have a car. And Kevin is working 2moro so we aren't going to be there early unless she or someone else comes and picks me up. And I frankly right now don't give a flying fig if I go.
So I get on the phone with her and she's all "oh are you going to buy the keg" well sorry mom but kevin's working tomorrow I thought bob was gonna pick it up "oh kevin's working> I thought he got the day off?" YEA! When it was gonna be here. Now it's not so he's working. You hurt our feelings when you told us the party would be at your house "well everyone lives out here" BULL-FCKING-SHIT! (I thought that ...Didn't say it...I just told her goodbye and started crying and hung up the phone...She still hasn't called back) NO ONE lives out there. My cousin Angie lives closer to me, My brother's friend's live all over the frigging place, Velisia's friend's live near her but they have cars HELLO! All her co-workers live near INKSTER ...Which is closer to me...My other cousin's live in DETROIT...Again closer to me via the freeway....So WTF!!!!
Anyway, 'm crying and she hasn't called back and I don't' give a fck if I go over to her house 2moro for her party. I'd just a soon stay here and work on my pool.
We were supposed to have my mom's/sister's/brother's party here this weekend...2moro to be exact...It was gonna be great we were gonna have the pool up and running, the deck redone ...It was gonna be our present to my mom to do the party so she wouldn't have to worry about it. For months it's going to be here....Since we got the house in May we said we were going to have it here. Then for some unknown fcked up reason she decides the last minute to have it at her house. Not here where there's A/C and a pool and a big backyard and lots of parking...NOOOO...At her house where you frigging sweat to death cuz she still has no a/c and a yard the size of a peanut and neighbors who watch her like a frigging hawk and gossip every chance they get.
So last week she asks me if we're going to get the keg for her party. Fine I say. Never mind that we were going to get everything for her in the first place and she broke my heart by telling us our house basically wasn't good enough for her party. But I don't have a frigging car to go give her the money and we can't buy one out here cuz we don't have a frigging truck to transport it in. No matter, she says, cuz BOB can pick it up. Well fine, but you still need MY $$...Which she doesn't even care to worry about until tonight about 2 hours ago. WTF. I can't get to her. I don't' have a car. And Kevin is working 2moro so we aren't going to be there early unless she or someone else comes and picks me up. And I frankly right now don't give a flying fig if I go.
So I get on the phone with her and she's all "oh are you going to buy the keg" well sorry mom but kevin's working tomorrow I thought bob was gonna pick it up "oh kevin's working> I thought he got the day off?" YEA! When it was gonna be here. Now it's not so he's working. You hurt our feelings when you told us the party would be at your house "well everyone lives out here" BULL-FCKING-SHIT! (I thought that ...Didn't say it...I just told her goodbye and started crying and hung up the phone...She still hasn't called back) NO ONE lives out there. My cousin Angie lives closer to me, My brother's friend's live all over the frigging place, Velisia's friend's live near her but they have cars HELLO! All her co-workers live near INKSTER ...Which is closer to me...My other cousin's live in DETROIT...Again closer to me via the freeway....So WTF!!!!
Anyway, 'm crying and she hasn't called back and I don't' give a fck if I go over to her house 2moro for her party. I'd just a soon stay here and work on my pool.
OMG! Mr. Shatner!
from my t'hy'la:
t'hy'la (4:07:36 PM): guess what just happened when I went to lunch?...
t'hy'la (4:11:45 PM): are you there?
t'hy'la (4:20:17 PM): where are you? I have something to tell you.....
(when i finally got back online after my nap)...
magikjaz (7:26:37 PM): WHAT WHAT WHAT????
t'hy'la (7:27:36 PM): ok, at lunch today, guess who mistakenly hopped into our lunch line!?!?
magikjaz (7:27:48 PM): WHO ?????
t'hy'la (7:28:18 PM): "beam me up scotty"
magikjaz (7:28:25 PM): *surprised face*
magikjaz (7:28:27 PM): NO WAY!!!!!
magikjaz (7:28:37 PM): OMG!!!!
magikjaz (7:28:39 PM): *faints*
t'hy'la (7:29:37 PM): yep, yep, yep!!
t'hy'la (7:30:18 PM): Boston Legal films on our lot too on the stage next to us. He came outta his stage and thought our lunch truck was his. It was soo funny.
t'hy'la (7:30:35 PM): He was right behind me!!!
magikjaz (7:30:39 PM): OMG NO WAY!!!!
magikjaz (7:30:45 PM): OMG!!!!
magikjaz (7:30:49 PM): *faints again*
magikjaz (7:31:01 PM): i woulda had a heart attack
magikjaz (7:31:07 PM): fainted right into his arms
t'hy'la (7:31:08 PM): He is such a spaz. You seen those priceline commercials
t'hy'la (7:31:11 PM): ?
magikjaz: yea
t'hy'la: he act's just LIKE THAT!! Totally senial (?)
magikjaz: *LMAO smiley face*
magikjaz: senile
t'hy'la: it was so surreal
magikjaz: that is so unbelievably cool!
t'hy'la: i was standing in line, and I heard D. Caruso's assist Todd say, "This way Mr. Shatner." I totally thought he was joking. I t urned around and OMG therehe was
t'hy'la: I so wish I had my cam phone with me. All I thought of was you
t'hy'la: From now on, I takening my phone with me to set.
t'hy'la: i nearly died.
magikjaz: i can't evenimagine!
t'hy'la: he's kinda short, though.
t'hy'la: oh and then, Marco our 1st AD, wanted to kick him outta line, but Don the producer said, "He's Bill Shatner! He's earned his stripes. He can go any where he wants."
magikjaz: DUH!
t'hy'la: LOL
t'hy'la: I wish you were here to seee him
magikjaz: *crying face* me tooooo
t'hy'la (4:07:36 PM): guess what just happened when I went to lunch?...
t'hy'la (4:11:45 PM): are you there?
t'hy'la (4:20:17 PM): where are you? I have something to tell you.....
(when i finally got back online after my nap)...
magikjaz (7:26:37 PM): WHAT WHAT WHAT????
t'hy'la (7:27:36 PM): ok, at lunch today, guess who mistakenly hopped into our lunch line!?!?
magikjaz (7:27:48 PM): WHO ?????
t'hy'la (7:28:18 PM): "beam me up scotty"
magikjaz (7:28:25 PM): *surprised face*
magikjaz (7:28:27 PM): NO WAY!!!!!
magikjaz (7:28:37 PM): OMG!!!!
magikjaz (7:28:39 PM): *faints*
t'hy'la (7:29:37 PM): yep, yep, yep!!
t'hy'la (7:30:18 PM): Boston Legal films on our lot too on the stage next to us. He came outta his stage and thought our lunch truck was his. It was soo funny.
t'hy'la (7:30:35 PM): He was right behind me!!!
magikjaz (7:30:39 PM): OMG NO WAY!!!!
magikjaz (7:30:45 PM): OMG!!!!
magikjaz (7:30:49 PM): *faints again*
magikjaz (7:31:01 PM): i woulda had a heart attack
magikjaz (7:31:07 PM): fainted right into his arms
t'hy'la (7:31:08 PM): He is such a spaz. You seen those priceline commercials
t'hy'la (7:31:11 PM): ?
magikjaz: yea
t'hy'la: he act's just LIKE THAT!! Totally senial (?)
magikjaz: *LMAO smiley face*
magikjaz: senile
t'hy'la: it was so surreal
magikjaz: that is so unbelievably cool!
t'hy'la: i was standing in line, and I heard D. Caruso's assist Todd say, "This way Mr. Shatner." I totally thought he was joking. I t urned around and OMG therehe was
t'hy'la: I so wish I had my cam phone with me. All I thought of was you
t'hy'la: From now on, I takening my phone with me to set.
t'hy'la: i nearly died.
magikjaz: i can't evenimagine!
t'hy'la: he's kinda short, though.
t'hy'la: oh and then, Marco our 1st AD, wanted to kick him outta line, but Don the producer said, "He's Bill Shatner! He's earned his stripes. He can go any where he wants."
magikjaz: DUH!
t'hy'la: LOL
t'hy'la: I wish you were here to seee him
magikjaz: *crying face* me tooooo
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