Here is the cap I made for my mom to match the scarf. It took me FOREVER and it was such an easy pattern at first glance. I kinda like how the cuff has more of a consistent pattern than the rest of the hat. I'm assuming because that's where I stopped increasing the pattern. I just have to wash it and I can give it to my mom yay! Next I'm working on a one skein scarf for Kevin's mom for her bday (which is saturday but the party is sunday...that's a whole other jar of worms...none of them can come to either of our parties...incl. my bday party last week...but we're EXPECTED to go to this one. I know it's Kevin's mom but Karrie Ann (Kevin's sis-in-law) acutally called us and said we are to bring the ice cream...without finding out first if we can even go. We had actually made plans to go to a friend's house on Sunday to watch football and were even gonna stay the night incase there was too much beer imbibed. I was so mad when they called I could barely see straight.