Put these shows in order of how long they were originally on from longest to shortest:
Gilmore Girls
Everybody Loves Raymond
Party of Five
Gilmore Girls
Everybody Loves Raymond
Party of Five
We weren't entirely sure, but since we were in 4th place we figured no guts no glory. If we didn't bet anything we wouldn't win anything since chances were all the other teams prolly weren't going to bet. (You have to wager on the last question from 0 - however many points you have) And wouldn't you know, we pulled out the win with 94 points ... 35 points ahead of the 2nd place team (who was in 1st going into the final question) so we won a $30 gift certificate for the bar! woo-hoo!!!
(for the answer highlight below)
1. Frasier
2. Everybody Loves Raymond
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Party of Five
I spent the biggest portion of today scanning and separating pics and listening to pandora.com. I forgot how much I enjoy their player and it introduced me to a new artist today (the song on my profile) I really like him and plan on getting his CD relatively soon.
This is my old school scanner for reference. It takes about 4 minutes for it to scan a full page (which is about 3 - 6 pics depending on how big they are)

While going thru my scanned pics I found an old one of me (from 9th grade I think) that I absolutely loved back then and love even today. It was in the girls locker room at RHS and the girl I'm with, I think her name was Tammy Lockheart. yes I have a mullet but it doesn't look that bed imho.

Also managed to find some of our pics from our honeymoon at the Myrtles. Still gotta separated most of them, but here's a cool pic of their haunted mirror in the downstairs hallway.

If you look about halfway up on the right side you can see what appears to be a face. At least it looks like one to me. Could be the lighting or the angle. who knows. It wasn't a great camera (disposable since my digital broke as soon as we got there)
Also watched the American Idol premiere tonight. Some crazy peoples on there. Seriously think some of them just act all fired up and weird for the possibility of getting screentime. I KNOW the guy in the Princess Leia getup did it for that reason alone.
Kevin just got home, so it's time to pop some corn and watch "i now pronounce you Chuck and Larry" Good times!
Also watched the American Idol premiere tonight. Some crazy peoples on there. Seriously think some of them just act all fired up and weird for the possibility of getting screentime. I KNOW the guy in the Princess Leia getup did it for that reason alone.
Kevin just got home, so it's time to pop some corn and watch "i now pronounce you Chuck and Larry" Good times!