But since Kevin got me that picture box yesterday I've started moving the ones I've scanned (that will fit) into the box. Tomorrow will prolly be dedicated to scanning the rest of the pics I have in house and separating them (I scan them 4-6 at a time. Supposedly Adobe Photoshop Elements will separate them for me, but I've tried it and I keep getting picture pieces so I've opted instead to do it by hand in Picasa)
I have alot of pics that I know what they are but to look at them they're pretty crappy. I obviously sucked at picture taking when I was younger (not that I'm any great Ansel Adams now) One I thought was pretty funny. It took me about 10 minutes of looking at it to figure out what it was. (it was an accidental pic I took while walking on my crutches at college)

We did get almost everything done today that we had planned. The only thing we didn't get done was returning the DVD recorder. That has to wait until next Monday cuz we have to take it to Southgate Best Buy (thought we might be able to take it to the Best Buy closer to us but no such luck) I'll be so happy when that thing is fixed tho cuz I have about 60 hours of crap on the DVR that needs to be gone (like the Star Wars Robot Chicken and some specials on Bukowski and Hunter S. Thompson.)
I also went to the Sec. of State to check on getting my drivers license back and I was eligible in Dec. of 2004. I just have to set up a date with the Driver's License Appeals something or other (they gave me the number) and go from there. I'm not actually gonna do this until we get thru Kevin's sentencing (set for Feb 8th) so we can see what kind of $$ has to be spent there. I'm excited about finally being able to drive myself tho. I generally don't mind, but with the kids in the family growing up so fast and me with so much extra time, it would be nice to be able to drive down to see them during the day while Kevin is at work. We're only 30-40 minutes away from them but I'm lucky to see them once a month.
Well, it's time to get going for trivia tonight. Wish us luck. We came in 3rd last week (which won us a $10 gift certificate) but we're hoping to get back on top tonight! As long as there aren't any stupid Seinfeld questions we should be golden!