Today Joel came over and we went to the new exhibit at the Henry Ford.
"Out of This World"Extraordinary Costumes from Film and TV" (link to The Henry Ford's info here)
I wasn't feeling all that well when I woke up originally (I honestly think I ate something that didn't agree with me) but I sucked it up and went anyway and I must say I'm so glad I did!
Thank goodness it was a nice day here, cuz when we got there we had to park a bazillion miles away from the entrance.
Once inside we made our way to the exhibit, following the signs. The entrance to the enhibit itself was pretty cool. Spiderman was way up high spinning a web. And when you walked in the first thing that you saw was the hat worn by Margaret Hamilton as the Wicked Withc of the West in the Wizard of Oz

The first thing I noticed was one of the suits from Tron - which was cool even if it wasn't glowing

But before I could even move on from there to the Ghostbusters car, Ecto 1, or the other awesome costumes, I was distracted by an artifact from one of my favorite movies of all time. It was the mask Louis Gossett Jr. wore in Enemy Mine.

I seriously love that movie! It's totally cheesy and totally off the wall but it's so near and dear to my heart.
There were some other cool things there. The shirt Shatner wore during the Original Series "Mirror Mirror"

Indiana jones leather jacket, whip, and the Holy grail from "The Last Crusade"

Some things I wasn't able to find pictars for:
Luke Skywalker's jumpsuit
Jolene Blalock's Star Trek Enterprise T'Pol costume
Jolene Blalock's Star Trek Enterprise T'Pol costume
Darth Vader's complete outfit
Stormtrooper helmet and blaster
Luke's lightsaber and hand
Robin's cheesy sotumer (from the TV series ... it was seriously a green tshirt with extras)
and my favorite
Obi Wan's robe worn by Sir Alec Guiness (*le sigh*)
the website says that there were 43 different items there ... I didn't think it was that much ... it seemed pretty small. But in retrospect it was so frigging cool!!!!
And now I want to take a trip to the Sci fi museum in Seattle.
P.S. about 90% of the things were there courtesy of Paul Allen lol