it wasn't even the closest one to us. There was one that almost hit me in the head. Kevin knocked over his chair to try and get to it ... and almost bowled over Paws too!!!
Speaking of Paws ... the 7th inning stretch dance was right in front of us
and here's the view from our seats I took with my cell

some chicks in front of us with awesome tigers hats (they had tails too...very cute!)

some random half-nekkie guys who were painted up and posing for the Fox sports camera that was right behind us

and in case I've never mentioned it before ... I REALLY REALLY HATE pink sports stuff

Ideally it should NEVER be acceptable ... but I will make exceptions for babies ... especially those that you can't tell if it's a boy or a girl at first glance (and there are lots of those for me)
but seriously .... PINK TIGER PAWS!!!???!!! They have colours for sports teams for a reason! GAH!!!!