Tonight is the (hopefully) last game in the Stanley Cup Finals. Detroit Red Wings vs. Carolina Hurricanes. Game 5. D-town will be jumpin' tonight if the Wings clinch the cup tonight. In all likely-hood, that's gonna happen, i have every belief in that! The Wings wanna win it at home. I got a 6 hour tape for the game & all the stuff afterwards ;) YAY!! Velisia & jose said they might be coming into town as well. Which would be so cool!! AND Jayson would get to see them as well.
Which, BTW, my t'hy'la, Jayson, is in town now. Until June 20th. AND, i just talked to DreamSire last night online & he's gonna be in town on the 18th, so we might be able to all get together for beverages :) That would just be SUPER. Just like old times, ya know ;)
AND I just found out that Jay loves sushi too . . . Tuna sushi to be exact!! Just like me!! :) Except i like LOTS of wasabi & he eats them plain. That's okay. We might go for sushi all together on Sunday or something. How much fun would that be!!??!!