


As you may or may not know,  I have 2 cats. A long haired Grey named kaguya and a short hair Calico named kohana. We recently took in a 3rd cat.  A long haired tortie named Abby (normal).

The tortie has been separated from the other 2 since she got here 2 weeks ago.  In a locked room.  Her own litter,  food and water. And we go in there every day to cuddle and pet and spend time with her. 

The other day, I brought Her out in my arms and things went okay.  Yesterday we let her out and she walked around but it got tense between her and the Calico so we locked the Calico in another room while she walked around investigating.  Kaguya just hung out on the couch watching the whole thing. Eventually Abby went willingly back into her room and we unlocked kohana and all wad Good.

Well after that,  I went in to cuddle with her and also work on some jewelry. It was a very unproductive night due to her climbing up on my shoulder every 40 minutes or so,  but whatever.  Finally I left the room so I could cool down (since the door is closed the spare room gets smoking hot) and watch some TV.

About 30 minutes pass and she starts crying pathetically from the room. I opened the door to go in and check on her and she ran out (she's never done that before) and began wandering around the house,  meowing and hissing and growling.  I finally was able to pick her up and got her back into her room and as I shut the door she freaked out and clawed the shit out of me as she jumped out of my arms.

I feel badly that she has to stay separated, but that's the rules right now.  Our resident cats securities and safety take precedence.  I'm just hoping that by following all the tricks I've found on the interwebz that we'll be able to eventually have a relatively drama free 3 cat home.


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