But I can't keep silent any longer!!! I love this show and I'm so glad it's back!
In case you're living under a rock or prefer CNN to trivial pop culture reality shows, The DWTS celebrities this year:
Cloris Leachman (w/ Corky Ballas)

Brooke Burke (w/ Derek Hough)

Cody Linley (w/ Julianne Hough)

Jeffrey Ross (w/ Edyta Sliwinska)

Kim Kardashian and Mark Ballas

Lance Bass (w/ Lacey Schwimmer)

Maurice Green w/ Cheryl Burke)

Misty May-Treanor (w/ Maksim Chmerkovsky)

Rocco DiSpirito (*w/ Karina Smirnoff)

Ted McGinley (w/ Inna Brayer)

Toni Braxton (w/ Alec Mazo)

Warren Sapp (w/ Kym Johnson)

And the one that totally shocked me when it was announced:
Susan Lucci (w/ Tony Dovolani)

We've already seen 3 stars booted off ... 2 in the first week and 1 last night. I'm not disappointed in the slightest with who has left so far. I totally expected Jeffrey Ross to be first. And I'm extremely thankful he was cuz I don't think I could have handled another season of Edyta. She annoys the hell outta me and her costumes are always the same looking. bandeau top, skirt cut up to her waist and some fabric draping from her shoulder to her waist. Most times it doesn't even look like a dress, just a bunch of fabric hanging from her in strategic places. Which I'm sure men love. Me - not so much. I enjoy the pretty dresses and costumes.
But I digress
After him was ted McGinley, which i felt kinda bad about. He was paired with a first time pro, so I'm sure that didn't help. And he's been out of the public eye for about 15 zillion years. And he kept saying how he was representing the "normal guy" which is all well and good, but since most people remember him from revenge of the Nerds where he TORTURED the little guy, I don't think he got cut any slack.
And lastly - last night we got rid of Kim Kardashian
I cannot stand that woman. She's frigging famous for being in a SEX VIDEO!!!! reality TV star my azz!!!! And she tried to play all demure and whatnot like she doesn't feel as sexy as her persona is. MY AZZ AGAIN!!!
So I'm glad she's gone. Plus it was getting so painful to watch Mark ballas overdancing to compensate for her under-dancing. I almost threw my shoe at the tv monday night (but then I remembered I wasn't watching in real time so I just fast forwarded to the good parts)
My opinions on the celebrities this season?
Well I think Ms. Lucci is gonna go far, even if she is kinda teh suck, cuz she has a rabid fan base. Much like Marie Osmond 2 seasons ago.
I think Cody Linley is adorable. And his Rhumba last night was AMAZING!!! which of course makes me feel like a cougar/dirty old woman. Thank goodness he's 18!
I'm not a fan of Rocco Dispirito. I used to watch his reality TV show and he's an arrogant bastard imho.
Lance Bass and his partner need to watch their arrogance too cuz this whole "we're not dancing for the judges" shtick is getting old...and it's only week 2. Show a little humility or else you're gonna be next (after Cloris Leachman hopefully ... I mean I admire her doing this, but she's pathetic!)
I love Brooke Burke. I think she's been amazing. But her lack of fan base may hinder her.
Toni Braxton is inspiring but unless she ups her game I see her out in a couple weeks as well
imho the only reason Maurice green is still around is cuz of his partner Cheryl Burke. Once the playing field gets smaller he'll be one of the first to go.
I like Misty may-treanor. But monday night she looked like a robot. her moves were correct, but her face has no soul.
And lastly, my FAVORITE!!!! (did you have any doubts?)
I love love LOVE this man!!!! I hope he goes all the way to the end!!!!