The description of the movie intrigued me "A 10 year old girl and her sister are obsessed with Lucifer in rural New York". Plus it was on IFC.
I must confess, it was a bit odd. But I really kinda liked it. And it disturbed me.
It was kinda like "Pan's Labyrinth" but not as ambiguous imho. (altho I'm still wrapping my head around the ending truth be told)
Essentially it's about a 10 year old girl and her younger sister and their struggle to make sense of their lives and the lives around them using lots of superstition and religion. Their mom and dad are going through a rough patch and the girls are trying to figure out ways to help them all "get back on track". This includes discussions of the Virgin Mary and Lucifer (among other things).
The relationship between the girls is amazing. I could only with my sister and I were that close when we were growing up (altho my brother and I were pretty tight until girls became icky for him) And Angela's search for sense is extremely reminiscent of Ofelia in "Pan's Labyrinth" with slightly less magic.
All in all I think I liked it.
And now I'm off to watch some Cash Cab.