I didn't want to say too much about it before we actually got it cuz I didn't want to jinx it but here's the story.
So about 2 weeks ago I was working on my super secret project a (which you all know about lol) and I was telling hubby how I needed to start selling stuff so I could finance the purchase of a laptop in order to have live chats on gamedays (wouldn't that be the SHIZZNIT!?!)
fast forward to last Sunday when I hung out with him at his new workplace (Joe Dumar's Fieldhouse) and spent the day chatting with the barmaid Nicole (awesome chick) and hubby mentioned he still needed a puter for his office. Nicole piped up that she had a laptop she would sell them for $100. $100!!! so I said we'd buy it for that! she said okay and I promised as soon as we got our rebate check in that we would finalize the sale.
fast forward (again) to a couple days ago. Apparently her bf was very upset with the $100 price tag (can you blame him?) so she upped the price...to $200! Still a steal!!! so we bought it and it came home last night!
It's a Dell and it's awesome! It came with an external floppy drive (well I actualy think it should be internal but it plugs on the outside and it's pretty stable) and the power supply of course and she threw in an 802.11g wireless card!!! YAY!!!
So I'm just waiting for the wireless router I bought on ebay to arrive and I'll be able to surf OUTSIDE!!
oh! and live chat during games for my super secret project ... which is why I wanted it in the first place!