I think it's cuz I have no brain today. I had a few too many adult beverages last night and I'm seriously paying for it today. and I don't even have my trusty beef pot pie to eat as a hangover cure. (trust me ... it works) didn't help that I didn't eat much yesterday either.
so we're heading to the Tigers game in a couple hours. won tickets in a drawing at a local watering hole. section 121 row 35 (or something like that) I'm totally not up to it but I know it's gonna be a blast! I'm gonna take our camera and hopefully get some good pics.
speaking of pics, I've decided that May is picture month. So I'm gonna be taking pics or sharing pics everyday in May.
And can you believe that it's April 22nd (Happy Earth Day) and I haven't missed a day of blogging? well I have on myspace ... but not on my blogger blog (which is what I'm using as the official blog365 space)
yea some of them are only pics without commentary, but at least I haven't missed a day! yay me!!
seriously... you dont' know how good it feels to be able to type. I challenege those of you out there to try just a day with the clickntype virtual keyboard
OH! and I figured out what I wanna make for st. paddy's day next year.
guiness versions of this:
