- one of my favorite movies of all time.
- what all the boys in our family are getting from us for xmas this year
- I am strangely fascinated and repulsed by this whole project and can't stop checking up on the blog every couple of days.
- speaking of blogs, I have 4 i visit each day. geekologie, The Superficial, Go Fug Yourself, and
I Watch Stuff!. And now you know my secrets. - I am the queen of predictions for American Idol. It's true. Check out my twitters. My prediction for next week? Melinda is gone. Blake and Jordin will be the last 2 standing. Yes, Melinda is amazing and I will buy her CD when it comes out, but she has no pizazz. And America likes pizazz.
- Did you check out geekologie yet?
- looks like the kitties in the back room finally have a permanent home. YAY!!! Rich is gonna be here in an hour to pick them up. I'm so happy for them.
- random crying girl from Calgary when the Wings won the series
- someone has way too much time on their hands.
- Saw this while checking my gmail. It inspires me to dust off my webpages and update them. I'll keep y'all posted when that happens.
- For the record:
CINCO DE MAYO is NOT mexican independence day!!!! - random blog i came across whilst searching for an image.
- egg salad sandwiches remind me of my childhood. This recipe looks yumdiddlyscrumtious. And completely NOT the egg salad mom used to make.
- vote AGAINST the worst. stay tuned for next year.
- according to these superstitions our marriage is DOOMED!!!!!! We were wed on a Friday in May and I wore red.
- Star Wars Manga
- I've been spending way too much time on
- I have 219 tweets and 57 mojungles as of right now. I expect this number to go up significantly later on today.
- PTK on our porch
- I think the final 2 on Dancing With the Stars will be Laila Ali and Apolo Anton Ohno. I haven't picked a clear winner yet tho.
that's it for now. I have to go clean out the kitty litter before Rich gets here and maybe straighten up a bit so he doesn't think we live like a slob. then maybe I'll grab a book and go out on the deck to do some reading. It's a gorgeous day ^_^
mucho amor mis amigos y amigas.
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