so let's quickly catch up. here are some pics I forgot to post from the weekend of the World Series.
My sister and her hubby drove from Virginia to be here for game 1 of the world series. i hadn't seen her since my wedding (even tho i talk to her almost everyday) so we met up with them friday night down in wyandotte. we went first to lions, tigers and beers but it was way crowded and loud so we strolled over to somewhere for karaoke and conversation. had a great time!

the next day we all piled into my sister's car and headed downtown to be there for game 1:

and even tho he didn't go w/ us, parker got in the tiger spirit

we headed dowtown and parked near the people mover station @ fort and cass ... $5 for parking vs. $35 closer. we grabbed the people mover, headed to the spirit of detroit and then walked to comerica. while we were @ the spirit so was channel 7 news with a live broadcast. we didn't get in the front, but we were part of the noisy crowd behind the reporter all the same.

Once we got to comerica park it was crazy awesomeness! People everywhere! All down there for one cheer the Tigers (and maybe have a couple drinks while doing so)

We made our way over to the Elwood for the start of the game. we started out inside at a cherry spot right at the bar in front of the TV but eventually moved outside to the garage. My friend Rich was there with 97.1FM talk radio doing sound so I got to chat with him for a few. We spent sometime near their set up before finding a better spot at a TV over near one of the entrances. At one point in time the TV went haywire and started chaging channels by itself. I still think someone had a remote control and was messing with the drunk people. You should have seen the funny that was these guys trying to fight with the TV and get it to stay on the game. They tried turning it off and on, unplugging it from the wall, unplugging the cable, eventually they just hit it and VOILA! it stopped. Kevin, my cousin Joe and my brother Bob eventually made their way to the Elwood and met up with us right before the game was over.

After the game we walked around and eventually made our way to Cobo Joe's to catch the end of the wings game and chat some more since Velisia and Jose were leaving the next day.

Eventually we all parted ways and made it home okay. The next day Kevin and I went to my Mom's to meet with some guy from the Michigan Paranormal Society and got to say bye to Velisia and Jose before they left. I'm always sad when they leave. i wish they lived closer. it was a nice quasi bday present to see them tho.
i wanted to share more pics from other stuff but kitty woke up and is laying on my lap now and trying to blog herself.

so to finish off an awesome pic my sis took: