

So much to share

Sunday Kevin and I worked a charity event in Livonia @ the Laurel Park Place Mall. Specifically in Parisian. IT was for a battered woman's shelter from what I understand. Anyway...we arrived close to 6pm and it started @ 6:30pm so we were scrambling to get things set up in time. We made tea time sandwiches...3 kinds...a grilled chicken and avocado salad sandwich, a roasted veggie sandwich with eggplant, spinach, red peppers and a roasted veggie dressing, and a cucumber sandwich with roasted red peppers and a tangy cucumber dressing.( I must have said that about 50 gazillion times in 3 hours lol) We also had some pastries from Ackroyd's Bakery here in Redford....shortbread, date bars and some traditional Scottish thing made from yellow cake, strawberry jam, almonds )or maybe it was walnuts...I forget) and fondant on top. Because we got there late AND we were down a man to start (kevin's boss Paul was supposed to be there to help set up but he left before we got there) we were pretty much making sandwiches to order in the beginning lol. It was fun. We did some shmoozing, we ate a bit, listened to some good music by the DJ there, Kevin even had a caricature done of himself (not me...I'm afraid of what a caricaturist might draw for me lol) People raved about the chicken/avocado sandwiches...people were coming by saying "I was told i had to try this" which made us feel good.

About an hour into it we actually ran out of white bread and had to go get more (we brought 5 loaves!!!) so I took the car and ran across the street to Busch's grocery store. I cleaned them out of bread and when I was coming back...the car ran out of gas! Kevin's fault. He said we needed to stop for gas but didn't. I stalled in the driveway leaving the parking lot...and it was raining...i had to wave cars around me as I frantically called Kevin on his phone to tell him what happened. While waving cars around me and waiting for Kevin, this blue pick up truck pulls up in front of me and starts trying to push me back. I don't recognize the car so I'm thinking "OMG someone is taking pity on me and being a good samaritan and getting me out of the way" so i put the car in reverse and they push me back....all the way around a corner and almost into a parking spot. The truck then leaves, so i open the car door and try to start pushing the car back into a parking spot when the truck comes back and starts pushing the car back into the spot i was trying to get into. So i jump back in the car and steer it in. Once it's done I wave and say thank you and sit to wait for kevin. But the truck isn't leaving. So I figure "i'll get out and thank them" when i start walking to the truck is when I can finally see that it's Kevin in the drver's side. So i grab everything up and get in the truck. I yell at him for not telling me it was him. I thought it was some random crazy person in a blue truck being nice. Turns out it was the assistant manager from Shanahan's truck he borrowed.

After the charity event we went to the nearest gas station to buy a gas can and gas and they actually loaned us their gas can. So we got the car running, returned the gas can and the truck and made our way home....but in the process we discovered Kevin's phone was missing. Now I used it to call him when the car died, so i know I had it then. We looked in the car, we went to the parking lots, we even called the store...nothing...I even prayed to all the gods and goddesses to please help us...can't find it anywhere. So yesterday Kevin cancelled the phone and he's going tomorrow to get a new one to replace it. We might be switching phone numbers if the new phone is cooler than the one we have lol.

Monday we went downriver and took Kevin's nephews to see Ice Age 2. BIG MISTAKE! They are 6 and 4(almost 5) ... Tyler is 6 and Zach is 4...we took Zach to see Star Wars back in June and it wasn't too bad...well that's cuz we outnumbered him. With even numbered us v. them it was chaos. We picked them up and they were all over the place all excited about going to the movies with their Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jazmyn. Maybe if we had gone to a theatre further away they would have calmed down a bit, but the theatre is only 5 minutes from their we got there with 30 minutes to kill. We figured we'd take them in the games room...BIG MISTAKE! Tyler grabs EVERYTHING and neither of them have any clue on how to play a video game. We finally get them to play a driving game (which they have no clue how to play and won't listen to us trying to teach them...all they do is move the steering wheel around and end up crashing into everything) That takes us to 15 minutes before the movie. Enough time to get 2 kids popcorn things for them (popcorn, gummy bears and lemonade) and pop and popcorn for us....yea we had time to eat or drink. From the time we got in there it was "No Tyler...Zachary stop...sit still...don't go over there....sit back in your chair....Zach NO!....Tyler settle down...." get the idea. I felt bad for the people around us that had good kids. Obviously Tyler and Zach don't know how to act in a movie theatre. It makes me wonder if they've ever been. Now, one on one, (or one on two as the case may be) we prolly could have handled it. Just tyler or just Zach...piece of cake! But the 2 of them...CHAOS! So this is something we will NEVER do again1`! At least not until they're about 10 years older lol.

After the movie we took them straight home. Then we went to a nice relaxing sushi dinner @ the BLack Pine Tree (15% off sushi mennu on MoOndays!) and came home to a nice quiet house with NO KIDS! It was lovely!

Today I've been working on Jayson's wedding scarf thingy. Each row is about 2 hours and I have to make it at least16 I'm thinking...1 for each year we've been friends..hopefully it will turn out nice enough.

Nothing else to tell...CHicken comes up thursday so I have to spend all day today (wednesday) cleaning the house making sure it's presentable. I'm gonna try and move a couch into the back room for her since we still don't have a bed...that way she can have a room to go to and won't have to suffer staying up late with us lol.

And now it's 5am and I really need to get to sleep. Man my blogs are boring. Sorry!


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