Saturday Scruples! A game of moral dilemmas at!
1.You're interviewing candidates for a job. The best qualified applicant is overweight. Do you hire this person?
Overweight is not an issue (at least i don't think it is) the issue should be whether or not they are well-groomed. If they dress weel, carry themselves well, are qualified & can handle themselves professionally, then i don't see why not!
A loved one is in a car accident and is dying. You're asked to donate his organs for a transplant. Do you? (note: you don't know the persons wishes.)
I can't neccessarily answer this fairly cuz i pretty much know that everyone i love that i would be put in this situation for i already know the answer.. . . for the most part they all want to be donators. altho kevin finds the idea "icky" and i would think that i would respect his wishes.
3>Your adolescent children ask if you ever smoked marijuana when you were young. You did. Do you admit it?
yes. and i also educate them on the dangers of smoking and the ramifications.