So, I have come to the conclusion that Tupac Shakur is indeed alive and well. Living in Albuquerque or something. I mean, not only is he in the remix of '03 Bonnie & Clyde by Jaz-Z & Beyonce (which has a GREAT video BTW, saw it twice), but he has a new song out called "Thugz Mansion" AND he has an acoustic remix of that song with Nas. NOW, tell me that isn't suspicious!! I'm telling you . . . he's alive!! Hanging out with Elvis somewhere!! Just remember that you heard it here first :D
Which brings me to remind you that I said this first too . . .
I haven't had one drop of alcohol since last Saturday night!!! Not a single drop!!! and we haven't gone out since last Friday night . . . or was it Thursday?? I can't remember. It's been a long time anyway. Starting to feel like I'm on a tether again. And i'm not liking it AT ALL!!! We're gonna have to start keeping liquor in the house. I don't like drinking beer & watching movies. I'd rather kick back with a long island iced tea or something of the mixed drink persuasion, ya know :p~ Especially since we don't keep my cervezas of choice in the house anyway. Just Bud & Bud Light. *sigh*
So, I purchased a new PB for my PB gallery on NeoPets. For a reasonable price from PGP. I still have about a MILLION more to get, but hey! we all gotta have goals :D
Dowloaded about a gazillion songs from the internet tonight too. I think I may burn a CD or 2 later on today while I'm home. Since I don't have anywhere really to go until later on tonight. Hopefully I'm going to Vito's tonight to hang out with Val & Melody & Cindy & do some singing. Rumor has it that there's a karaoke contest going on there on Friday Nights now too. But, truthfully, at this point in time I'm not really caring. Just as long as there's singing and drinking and friends, I'm good to go :D
Uh-oh. Kevin's awake now. So i'm gonna get off the computer for a little bit and visit with my baby before he has to go to work for the whole day (charity event at the autoshow tonight, which means Kevin's working at Giovanni's until prolly 12 midnight or so *sigh*)So, hopefully, I say goodnight and Sweet Dreams!! *hugs*