Tim Curry!!!!!

Watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show on AMC (of all channels)! And it was even so much cooler because it started at midnight, so it nade me remeber all the times me & Chicken went out to Fairlane Mall in Dearborn for the midnight shows to see the show (of course) as well as Joe (Riff-Raff). *sigh* I even remember the one time we all went & i got roped into playing Janet & Chris Wojtylko played Brad. my my my! that was interesting. And it wasn't so bad until it got to the part where Brad & Janet are standing around in their underwear (luckily I wore a white bra that night) & i heard Chicken & dave "woo-hoo! alright Jaz!" (or something to that effect) It took all I had not to cover myself up & crawl underneath the stage. :D *sigh* them were the days.