went to my first online AA meeting yesterday. Unfortunately it was at an inopportune time of my day. Had to take a breathalyzer test for the tether & my sister called to check on me while the meeting was going on. When i got back the leader had asked me for comments. i asked to have a moment to catch up in the chat & he said never mind there would be another meeting next week. So i was kinda bummed, but oh well. So later on that night i got an email from him stating that HE closes his door & doesn't answer his phone when he's in a meeting. Which i understand. so i told him that i HAVE to answer the phone & i can't close myself off from the world when i go online due to the tether. So he emails back and says i've run off at the mouth & i don't take my "recovery" seriously & i had better apologize & i need to stop feeling sorry for myself. so I email HIM back and say i didn't feel i had "run off at the mouth" and i wouldn't apologize & i thought AA was a support group not a "do as i tell you" group and so i removed him from my buddy lists & also removed myself from his groups. and THEN he sends me THIS email:
They say when your starting off you should take the cotton wool out of your ears and shove it in your mouth. I've never met a person this applies to as much as it does to you. Moving you to AA Baddies so I will never trouble you again. Goodbye and good luck in your recovery. Your gonna need it with a mouth that runs off like that.
Good thing i had such a positive experience in RL at my first meeting today, or I'd be ready to have a drink. and I'm not kidding. What a jerk!!
at the meeting today they kept telling me that i was the most important person at the meeting cuz it was my first day. It was a very posotive meeting and experience. SOOOO much better then this stupid arrogant holier-than-thou idiot that just kicked me in the stomach & could have potentially impeded my recovery.
okay I'm dont venting. time to eat Chinese food & veg in front of the TV for awhile ;)